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Carlos POV-

My hands started to shake as I took out the books I needed out of my locker. Was I really gonna do this today? Yes. I can't keep avoiding him. Ever since I came to Auradon I've had a huge crush on him. Even when I on the Isle.
I remember my mother making me sit and watch his 12th birthday that was being broadcasted on TV. And while she shouted slurs and insults at his parents, I stared in awe at the young prince. Of course, I was 12 at the time and I didn't know why I was so amazed by him. But as the years went on I started to realise my sexuality.
I closed my locker and started to turn the corner. And that's when I saw him. Ben Beast.
There he stood, looking as handsome as ever, listening to whatever Chad was talking about.
I took a deep breath and began to walk towards him. That's it, Carlos, you can do it.
I tapped him on the shoulder. And spoke
"Uh, Ben can I speak to you? Please?"
He turned around to look at me and I was caught in his eyes. His perfect, emerald eyes. The kind that you could get lost in.
"Of course Carlos. What's up?" He smiled.
Deep breath. Here it goes.
"Ben, when I was 12 I saw you on TV. And ever since then I've..." I say, but my nerves start to kick in. Ben looks at me, I can't tell he's confused. Now is not the time to be nervous.
"Since then I've had a huge crush on you" I say, trying to sound calm. I pull my gaze away from his hypnotic eyes and fix on the ground. I can't bare to see his reaction. There's silence between us. Is he horrified? Disgusted? Absolutely enraged that this villain kid would have the audacity to confess his feelings to him, the next king of Auradon?
The silence is broken by a... a laugh? I cant take it anymore. I look up to see him. He's smiling. I knew this was a stupid idea. I have to get out of here.
"I-I should go. I have to go to, umm, meet up with Jay" I start to move away, trying to hold back tears, but I'm stopped by Bens hand grabbing my arm.
"Carlos- wait!" He turns me around, "I like you too"
I'm in shock. Did he really say that?
After another moment of silence, I finally opened my mouth to speak.
"What?" Was all I could manage to say. Ben takes my hands in his.
"Carlos," he begins, "I really, really like you," he takes a step forward. "Your sweet," he moves closer. "Your smart," he lets go of my hands and grabs my waist to pull me closer to him. "Your incredibly handsome," he leans in close to my face. I can feel his breath on my lips. "I love you, Carlos DeVil." He looks down at my mouth. I, on the other hand, am still mesmerised by Bens gorgeous eyes. Ben still moves in closer. I'm tempted to close the gap between us, but can't move. Ben closes his eyes, I do the same. And then, something magical happens Our lips finally mee-

I'm pulled out of my daydream by Fairy God Mother calling my name.
Where am I? I look around and see Mal and Evie sitting at the desk next to mine. They look worried.
"You ok, man?" I hear Jay beside me. Fairy God Mother stares at me, she stands in front of a black board. I'm in Redeemable Goodness.
"Yeah, yeah I'm ok. Um, can you repeat the question?" I ask.
Fairy God Mother sighs, but quickly smiles, "Of course Carlos. You find a baby crying in the woods. Do you: A. Curse it? B. Lock it in a tower? Or C. Give it a bottle?"
I think for a moment. This is so boring. I wish I was back in my daydream.
"Uh, B?" I answer.
"No, Carlos. Any one else? Mal?" Fairy God Mother points her stick at Mal. Mal looks up from her notebook. I look over and see she's drawing dragons.
"C. Give it a bottle" she says confidently.
Fairy God Mother Smiles. "Correct" she says happily.
"How are you so good at this?" Jay questions Mal. She smirks at him.
"Just pick the one that sounds like the least fun."
Cue a bunch of 'Ohs' coming from Evie and Jay. Then the bell rings.
We all put away our books and pens into our bags and quickly rush to the door.
"Carlos? May I speak with with you?" Fairy God Mother calls after me. I nod and make my way over to her desk.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Carlos, I know you've only been here for 1 week, but I'm worried about your grades. And not just in Redeemable Goodness. Your teachers have told me that you haven't been paying attention in class, your homework hasn't been up to code," She goes on and on about how she knows I have 'potential' and how she 'just wants me to succeed'.
"So, I think you'd benefit from at Tutor."
What? A tutor. I don't need a tutor.
"With all due respect, Fairy God Mother, I really don't think I need a tutor." I laugh. She frowns.
"I beg to differ, Mr. DeVil and your teachers will agree. So I already set you up with one. A student here at Auradon. You'll meet on Thursday at the library." She gets up out of her chair and walks over to her bookshelf. Clearly that's the end of the conversation. I sigh and walk out of the classroom.
Great, now I have a Tutor. I decide to push that to the back of my mind, find my friends and go to lunch.
I wish I could go back to my daydream.


Well? Good first chapter? I hope so. I know nothing really dramatic or interesting happened but we're just getting started ;)
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