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Carlos POV-

A summery of my Tutor sessions with Ben:
He try's to teach me about whatever lesson I'm struggling in and I try not to stare at his gorgeous face.
Keywords- try.
It's been 3 weeks since Ben and I first met at the library and apart from talking Mals advice in Redeemable Goodness by picking the most boring option, I haven't been making much progress in my other classes.
So Ben asked me if it would be ok to meet up twice a week. I was more than happy to agree.
I open my locker and take out the books I need for this afternoon when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump. Quickly reacting, I grab the hand and pin it behind the owners back.
"Carlos! It's me!" The owner of the hand the hand speaks. Oh.
"Ben? Jesus Christ you scared me!" I let go of this hand, I'm now only realising that I was still holding.
Ben turns around, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snuck up on you"
"I-its ok. I just uh, don't like people sneaking up on me. Just don't do it again. Please." it's true I don't like people sneaking up on me.
Back on the Isle, you always have to watch your back. You never know when someone could just attack.
My mom would make her minions randomly attack me. She said it would test my reflexes. Make me tough. That was her excuse when she told me that my room was her fur coat closet, which was filled with bear traps might I add. Sometimes, when I would disobey her, she would lock me in a room with a dog chained up in the corner. It traumatise me.
I mean, would you lock your child in a room with wild, deadly beast?
"Oh ok, well I was wondering if you would like to meet up after class? I have something I want to show you." Ben asks
Show me something? What?
"Uh, Ok" I say,
He smiles, "Great! Meet me on the Tourney Pitch, ok?"
I nod. My eyes follow him as he walks away, then my gaze lands on Audrey. She waves at him and they kiss. I turn and walk away
-After Class-Tourney Pitch-
I stand in the middle of the pitch like I have been for the past 30 minuets. He's not coming, is he? Was this just some prank?
Why am I disappointed? He just wanted to show me something. It wasn't a big deal.
I sigh and start to walk back across the pitch. But then I hear a voice. It's Ben.
"Dude! Stop! Heel, boy!"
He's shouting at someone. I turn and see Ben running towards me. Is he shouting at me? I squint my eyes. There's something else. It looks like a little blob from far away. But the closer it gets.
My breath catches in my throat. It's a dog!
Without hesitation I quickly move my feet and scream for my dear life. Once I start moving I don't stop. Not even when Ben calls my name. Not even when I run off the school grounds and into the woods.
I can hear the beast behind me. I bet it wants to eat me. I spot a tree and swiftly start to climb up it. The dog still barking at me from down below. Thank god dogs can't climb.
After a minuet of the dog barking and me screaming, Ben rushes to the scene.
"Carlos? Carlos!"
I stop screaming my lungs out for a second and plead.
"Ben! Ben! Ben help me!"
I point to the dog, "This thing is a killer!"
Ben looks at me, confused, he walks towards the thing.
"He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat!" I continue "this is vicious, rabid pack animal!"
"Hey who told you that?" Ben picks up the dog. He picks up the dog.
"My mother." I say in a 'duh' tone. Does he not know she's an expert on these things?
He laughs, "Cruella?"
"She's a dog expert. A dog yellerer" I repeat the things my mother told me all my life. Ben chuckles. He's still holding it.
"W-why are you holding it? It's gonna attack you!"
"Carlos, you've never actually met a dog have you?" He says still laughing. How can he laugh in this situation. He's holding a freaking dog!
"Of course I haven't!"
The dog barks. I scream.
"Dude" he looks at the dog, "meet Carlos."
Bens POV-

"Carlos," I hold the dog up to him, "meet Dude, he's the campus mutt. This is what I wanted to show you." Carlos doesn't look as terrified. He actually starts to climb down from the tree.
"He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal." Carlos' feet land on the ground. He takes a few steps closer. His eyes fixed on Dude.
"Geez," he finally says, "your a good boy, aren't ya?" He lightly chuckles and reaches his hand out to pet the dog in my arms.
I move Dude closer, as in to say 'take him' and surprisingly Carlos does. Didn't think he would to be honest.
With Dude now in his arms, Carlos continues to mumble compliments to the dog. He looks happy.
A memory of the moment before flashes in my mind. He looked so scared. Screaming out for help.
"I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the Isle." I say.  For the first time since handing him Dude, I see his eyes. They're a bit red and filled with pain. First the incident by his locker and now this.
What happened to you?
"Yeah...let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs" he laughs but I can tell he's hurting. He looks back at Dude. A smile creeps up of my face, along with a bit of blush.
I lift my hand to his shoulder, "Good boy." He looks up slightly confused. I realised what I just said.
"I-I mean your a good runner. Yo-you're fast, ya know."
He laughs awkwardly. A little "thank you" comes out of his lips. We stare at each other for awhile.
"So, uh, I'm gonna give you guys some space, yeah?" I say backing up. Carlos looks at me. He's got these big brown puppy dog eyes.
"Get to know each other and-" I stumble over a rock but don't fall.
"And just, come-come find me when your done ok? See you later" I turn around and start to walk out of the forest.
"See you out there." Carlos calls quietly behind me.
Before I turn the corner, I take one last look. Carlos is now sitting on a log petting Dude.
And I'm not gonna lie. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

-Saturday-Fairy God Mothers classroom-
Carlos POV-

"Ugh! Why are we even here on a Saturday?" Jay groans.
After my event with Ben and Dude yesterday, I left the forest, excited to tell the others what had happened, when I bumped into Fairy God Mother.
She told me that her and Ben wanted to speak with me and the other VKs. So here we are.
"For the millionth time, Jay, we don't know!" Mal says, she's mean in the mornings.
Jay and Mal continue to bicker back and forth about how they don't want to be here. I'm sitting quietly, trying to keep myself from falling asleep and Evie is just knocked out cold. Although she is awoken by Fairy God Mother and Ben walking into the room.
"So, thank you for meeting us this early in the morning." Fairy God Mother starts. She looks at Ben.
Ben begins to speak"The reason we've gathered you here today is because... I've come to a decision, since your first month at Auradon Prep has gone really well... I've decided to transfer more VKs to the school."
There's silence in the room. I look around me. Jay doesn't look fazed, Mal looks annoyed (again mean in the morning) and Evie looks really happy.
"Really?" Evie says "when do they get here?"
"Monday. They start on Monday. And I was actually wondering if you'd show them around." Ben asks. Evie nods
"We'd be happy to, right guys?"
Jay nods and Mal gives a 'mmhmm' noise.
"Yeah sure" I begin "Who are they?"
Ben smiles and looks down at a piece of paper.
"Ursula's Daughter"
Mal speaks up, "Oh, shrimpy."
"Drizella's Daughter"
"Omg! Dizzy! I love her!" Evie smiles.
"Gaston's son."
"Which one?" Jay puts his feet up on the desk.
"Uh Gil"
Jay breathes a disappointed sigh. Ben goes on.
"And finally, Captian Hooks son."
My eyes widen. I can feel the others eyes on me and I swear my heart stop beating. He couldn't mean-


Woo! We're getting into the plot.
Also this book is already over 100 reads! That's incredible! Thank you so much!!
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