Meeting at the Library

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Bens POV-

"So, since my dress is going to be pink, you should totally wear a pink tie! Then we could match!" Audrey points through a magazine of dresses. She's so excited about my Coronation. I smile and nod.
"Great! Now which shoes should I wear?" She pulls 2 more magazines out of her handbag. 
My Coronation is in 2 months and she's already planning what to wear. Meanwhile, I am trying not to think about it.
Honestly, I just don't think I'm ready to be king. Not yet at least. I mean, I'm 17, I have other things to worry about. Like my grades, Tourney, my social life-
"Hey! Carlos! Over here!"
And then there's Carlos.
I turn my head and see Evie waving frantically waving her arm and calling out to Carlos. Carlos then enters my line of vision. And I feel butterflies in my stomach. Carlos has his way of doing that to me. Ever since he first stepped out of that limo with chocolate smeared all over his face. Ever since I held out my hand for him to shake and he looked at me with those big brown eyes. I felt something I've never felt before.
Only problem is, I don't know what that feeling is.
"Ooo! What about these? Ben? Ben!" I turn to face Audrey. The butterflies go away. I sigh
Carlos POV-

I can't believe I have to go see a Tutor. I'm not even doing that bad in class. Ok sure, I didn't know the names of the fairies that raised Aurora for 16 years, but who does? My whole class apparently.
And so what if I got a few questions wrong in Redeemable Goodness. Can you blame me? I'm the son of Cruella DeVil! It's not my fault I wasn't taught how to be kind. And I'm doing really good in Science and Math. I guess it's just classes that go against everything I was taught by my Mother.
"Ok. What's wrong?" Evie speaks up, disrupting my thought.
"What do you mean?" I ask. She rolls her eyes
"You've barely said a word all lunch, which is very unlike you."
Jay nods and Mal stares at me. I sigh.
"Fairy God Mother is making me see a Tutor and I don't want to because... it makes me feel stupid." I mumble. Mal laughs. "Wait really?"
"Yeah," I nod "we're meeting on Thursday." I look down at my food.
"Don't worry, Bud. A tutor won't make you stupid," Jay smiles at me and I smile back, "Your stupid enough on your own." Everyone laughs, I punch Jay in the arm, he grabs me in a headlock and messes up my hair and I swear I see Ben looking at me.


I'm dreading this meeting at the library. I don't even know who this Tutor is. I bet it's Doc the Dwarfs daughter, she's the smartest person in my Chemistry and Potions class.
I lift my head off the pillow to look at the alarm clock beside my bed: 4:25 pm
5 minutes until I have to meet with the Tutor. I should probably get going, I say, not moving from the bed.
I hear the door open and close again. Jay?
"Shouldn't you be at the library?" Yep. Jay.
"Yeah." I answer, still staring at the ceiling
"And?" Jay sits down on his bed. "Why are you here and not there?"
"Don't wanna" I mumble. I can practically hear Jay roll his eyes.
"Your being a baby!" He says.
"Am not!" I finally sit up. Jay grabs my bag and puts my pencil case and my notebook in it.
"You are! I know you feel like everyone thinks your stupid but isn't that a reason to go to this stupid meeting? To prove you don't need a tutor?" He stares at me, clearly waiting for an answer.
"I-I guess so." I say. I hate when people yell at me. It reminds me of my mom-
Jay throws the bag at me.
"Exactly! Now get up, put on your shoes, and go meet this Tutor!"
"Ugh! Fine!" I groan and put on my boots. "But I'm not gonna like it"
"Just go!" Jay yells at me. I slam the door behind me.
I walk extremely slow to the library. I'm secretly hoping if I'm late enough the Tutor will leave and I'll never have to go this meeting.
I check the time on my phone: 4:36. I'm 6 minuets late. Is that enough? I hope so because I'm right outside the library. 
Guess there's no escaping this. I accept my fate and push open the door.
The library is significantly more crowded than I thought it would be. The people of Auradon take school a lot more than the people on the Isle.
As I walk to the front desk I see Lonnie, Jane and Doug. Lonnie waves at me. Jane squeaks when I walk by, earning a 'shush' from the librarian. I think she's scared of me.
"Uh hi, I'm supposed to meet a tutor here-" before I can finish I'm cut off by the librarian telling me "in the corner, by the history section" I silently whisper 'Ok'
After navigating the labyrinth of bookshelves I finally find the history section. Why is this library so big? We didn't even have a library on the Isle.
I find a table in a corner with a boy sitting alone. This must be the guy. I groan one last time before I sit down, not looking at the boy.
"Sorry I'm late" I mumble, trying to make it clear that I do not want to be here.
"Oh, hey Carlos" Wait a second. I know that voice. I look up.
"H-hey" I immediately feel my face go red, "Your my Tutor?"
Ben smiles that perfect smile of his. "Yep"
Great. Just perfect. I'm here because I can't focus in class and now I won't be able to focus in my Tutor lessons. How could I with Ben. He's so beautiful. And he's kind and smart and-
"Carlos?" Damn it. Spaced out again. I gotta stop doing that.
"Uh yeah. Yes. Yep" I quickly spit out.
"So Fairy God Mother tells me that your don't doing so well in some of your classes."

Bens POV-

Carlos looks down and fuddles with his hands.
"Yeah.." he says softly. He's upset about this. I can't tell
"Hey, hey." I reach over and put my hand on his shoulder and be tenses, "it's alright. No ones good at everything. No ones perfect."
He mumbles something under his breath but I can't quite make it out. I brush it off and continue. "And I'm here to help!" I say enthusiastically,hoping to make him laugh, he doesn't. "So what are you struggling in?"
"Redeemable Goodness, surprise, surprise" he chuckles. I feel my face go red.
Why? I couldn't tell you. The only way I can describe it is like something you'd read about in a fairytale, or a cheesy fan fiction. I feel like I'm attracted to him.
N-not like romantic attraction. At least, I don't think so.
I've felt romantic attraction. With Audrey. And this isn't that feeling. This is almost better in a way. So no, I do not think it's romantic attraction, more... magnetic?
I find myself wanting to know about him. I want to hear about his time on the Isle. I want to know about his day. And spend time with him, comfort him when he's sad nd hold his ha- ok yeah maybe this romantic attraction.
But it can't be! I have a girlfriend! And he's a guy!
Ugh. Why do emotions have to be so complicated?
For now I need to focus on helping Carlos.


Ah! I can't write dialogue!
But none the less I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)
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- ibreathespacedust

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