New Arrivals

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Carlos POV-

Harry Hook.
Of course, of all the VKs on the Isle, they had to chose Harry Hook.
"Carlos, you ok?" Evie puts her hand on my shoulder.
No. No I'm not. She's knows I'm not
"Yeah. I'm good. Just a little shaken, ya know." She looks at me with disbelief in her eyes, but she doesn't question further. She understands that I don't want to talk about it.
I've told Mal and Jay briefly what happened, but Evie is the only one who knows the truth about it.
Harry and I have a...rough history. Yeah that's one way to put it.
Short version: We dated, it didn't work out, I broke up with him.
And now he's transferring here.
Mal and Evie turn the corner to head back to their dorm, but not before Evie gives me one more 'are you sure your ok?' I nod again and they leave.
Jay and I walk the rest of the way to our dorm in silence. Once we reach the door I say that I'm gonna go for a walk. Jay looks like he wants to say something but doesn't. He just nods. I start to walk.
Harry and I got together 2 years ago. And it wasn't a bad relationship, at least it wasn't at the start. We met when Uma and her pirate gang tried to crash Mal's 15th birthday. I say tried because Mal and Evie ended up dunking gutter water on her.
I was pushing threw the crowd when I pumped into someone. When I looked up, it was Harry.
We spent the whole night together. Laughing, dancing, getting to know each other. He took me up to the roof to get away from the noise. We sat in comfortable silence, staring up at the stars, my head on his shoulder.
It was strange. I had only known him for only a few hours but it felt like years. As a dumb 15 year old I thought it was true love.
We met up more after that. We would go on these long walks around the Isle. One day we found a lake hidden amongst the trees. That became our spot.
That's were we had our first kiss.
I had no idea who he was until I saw him on the streets with Uma and fake hook for a hand.
I tried to stay away from him, thinking Mal would be furious, but I guess I couldn't. And it appeared, neither could he.
I still remember it:
"We can't see each other anymore, Harry." I said, turning away from him. He wouldn't let me.
"Yes we can!" He said his his mesmerising accent.
We were in my house. Harry had snuck in through the window.
"Keep your voice down." I shushed him. My mother was downstairs, who knows what she would've done if she saw us together.
"Carlos, we can still be together." He said, quieter yes, but still loud.
I cross my arms. "Do you know what Mal would do if she found out. And besides that, she's my friend and this would upset her."
"I don't care about Mal or Uma or whoever!" Harry moved forward and took my hands in his.
"I love you Carlos DeVil! And I will never stop!"
He cuffed my face and kissed me. I kissed back.
So we kept seeing each other. And it just went downhill from there.
Bens POV-

"Prince Ben! Prince Ben! I heard that your bringing more Villain Kids over from the Isle of the Lost. Can you tell us more about that?" A reporter shouts at me from the crowd.
I blink at the flashes from the cameras.
"Of course. Well as our first semester with the VKs has gone so well, I've decided that it's only fair to move forward with the program and invite more over."
Another reporter perks up "What will you do if the new VKs don't do as well as the current ones?"
I think, searching for an answer. "Well, I suppose, I would have to-" I look past the crowd. Someone's walking towards the forest. I squint my eyes trying to see who it is.
"Prince Ben?" The reporter pipes up again.
"Oh yes sorry. Um could you excuse me for a second?" I push past the swarm of reporters, cameras still flashing away.
I start to jog trying to get closer to Carlos before he gets to deep into the woods.
"Carlos!" I call but he doesn't hear me.
Once I'm closer I lift my hand to tap his shoulder. Actually, maybe I shouldn't, seeing how he reacting last time.
"Hey, Carlos?"
He shakes his head, snapping out of whatever thought he was in. He turns around.
"Oh hey Ben" he plasters a smile on his freckled face.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
"Yeah I was just-" Carlos hesitates, "going for a stroll through the forest."
I smile. "You don't want to go through these woods. If you were scared of Dude then trust me, you won't like what's in there."
I can't tell that wasn't the truth. From the way he was walking it seemed like he didn't know where he was going. Like he was lost in his own mind. Something's up.
There's a bit of silence between us. I hear my stomach rumbling.
"I'm starving, have you eaten yet?"
Carlos shakes his head.
"Want to get lunch?"
"Sure" he smiles, a real smile not a fake one like before. I smile back.
---Monday--Outside Auradon Prep---
Carlos POV-
Everyone's here. It's just like when we first came to Auradon. It feels weird to be on the opposite side.
I see the limo crossing the magic bridge. As it comes closer Evie squeezes my hand.
"You'll be ok. If he does anything, I'll beat him up myself." She whispers in my ear, earning a small laugh from me.
That's why I love Evie. She's always there for me. She's my best friend. When I told her what happened it took all my power to stop her from trying to kill Harry. Evie was the one who convinced me to tell Mal and Jay. When I did, I thought they'd kick me out of the group, but they didn't. Mal actually hugged me.
She may look like it, but Mal isn't actually as evil as she likes to portray. She's actually a bit of a softie. Jay is the same. He's rough but he's loyal. They're the best friends I could've asked for during that time.
The limo pulls up and the doors open. I hold my breath and look down to the ground.
"Oh my God!" A charismatic voice screams. Sounds like a little girl. Evie let's go of my hand and screams "DIZZY!"
I look up and see them hug. It's quite wholesome.
Next out of the Limo is Gil, then Uma and last but certainly least. Harry.
I stand closer to Jay. He gives me a reassuring look 'it's gonna be ok'
"Welcome to Auradon!" Ben hold out his hand to Uma. It's just like what he did for us.
Audrey links arms with Ben and starts talking to the new VKs but I don't listen. For some reason I can't stop staring at Harry.
He looks exactly like I remember him. Eyeliner and all. He's a bit taller and he's still fit. The memories of him flood back to me. Even the good ones.
It's true. I did love him and I like to think he actually loved me. But love doesn't excuse the way he treated me.
I look at Ben and Audrey. They're happy together. They're in love. Ben would never do what Harry did.
"Well well well~" I hear an all too familiar voice. "Long time no see, eh Carlos?"
I snap out of my thought and realise Jay and Mal are no longer beside me.
Its ok, Carlos, just be polite.
"Hello Harry." I say with no emotion. I avoid eye contact with him.
"Aw, come on. No need to be like that," he grabs my chin and makes me look at him, "We're all friends here." He leans in.
"Hey! Carlos!" Evie pushes past Harry, "Dizzy has never tried Chocolate so I was gonna take her to get some. Wanna come?"
"Yes, please" I say thankfully while she pulls me away from the pirate and towards Dizzy.
I look back and see Harry glaring at us both. This is just great. I left the Isle partially to get away from him and now he's here forever.


So that's Harry. By the way, in this book Harry is the 'villain' and I'm sorry if some of you don't like that.
Also from here on the story will contain details about toxic relationships. So just a little heads up if you are sensitive to that but don't worry I will be adding trigger warnings for them.
But in other news, I start school again in a few days and this is a big year for me so I've decided to focus on school and push back updates from every week to every 2 weeks.
Thank you for understanding!
None the less I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did please remember to Vote and Comment!
I'll see you next chapter!


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