Love Spells

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(The book will continue in 3rd person POV)

It was true. Ben was in love with Carlos DeVil.
The Prince of Auradon, son of Belle and the Beast, was in love with a Villain Kid from the Isle of the Lost, son of Cruella DeVil, Carlos.
The Prince had to admit, he absolutely loved the way the name sounded.
Carlos. Carlos. Carlos.
He loved the way Carlos smiled. He loved the way Carlos laughed. He loved the way Carlos' eyes lit up when he saw something he loved, like chocolate.
He hated the way he sounded like a 12 year old girl right now.
Ben didn't know what to do. He was in love with another person, but he had a girlfriend.
He had to tell Audrey. He had to. But he couldn't. It would hurt her. She would hate him. Oh god what was he gonna d-
"Ben? Sweetie, are you ok?" He turned towards the doorway of his room and saw his mother standing there in her signature yellow dress and her brown hair pulled back into a bun.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah I'm good mom."
She gave him a look of concern as she walked towards him on the bed. His mother sat down next to him and took his hands in her own.
She spoke softly, "Do you really think I can't tell something's bothering you?"
Ben laughed a bit. That was one of the things he loved about his mother, she always knew when he was upset.
"Um, can I ask you something?" He asked gingerly.
Belle cupped her sons cheek and squeezed his hand a little, something she's done since Ben was a child when he needed comfort. "You can tell me anything, dear."
Ben took a deep breath, slightly nervous as he spoke.
"Mom, I think I'm in love."
His mother smile sweetly, "with Audrey, Ben it's perfectly okay to feel like th-"
"Not Audrey, Mom."
Her expression shifted into one of confusion. Ben went on.
"What do I do if I'm in love with someone who's not my girlfriend? Does that make me and awful person?"
Belle squeezed his hand again. "No. No it doesn't, Ben. You can't control love."
"So what do I do?"
The queen thought for a moment, "well, you have to tell Audrey, first of all, you can't lead her on.  Then, I say you go after this girl."
Ben flinched. Girl. Was he going to do this? Was he going to tell his mother? Yes. Yes he had to be honest.
Ben couldn't look at his mother, too scared of her reaction, but he could imagine she was confused. He continued.
"I'm in love with a boy, mom."
The next thing the Prince knew, he was pulled into a tight hug and his mother was crying.
"I love you, no matter what."
And he cried too, wrapping his own arms around his mother.
They stayed this way for a while until Belle moved away and got up. Ben did as well
"Go get this boy, Benny." She said happily, wiping away a tear.
And Ben felt a wave of confidence and happiness come over him.
Go get this boy.
And he would.
Audrey was standing in the school garden with Lonnie and Jane when Ben found her. The 3 girls were sitting on 1 of the benches looking through magazines filled with dresses.
Bens newfound confidence was soon replaced with nervousness as he approached them.
Lonnie was the first the first to spot him and when she did, she nudged Audrey, who looked up and smiled at him.
"Hey, Audrey. Can I speak with you alone for a moment?" He asked.
She smiled, "Of course!" She got up and followed Ben towards the stone gazebo in the middle of the garden.
"What's up?" Audrey asked.
Ben took a deep breath and looked his girlfriend- soon to be ex- in the eyes.
"Audrey.." he began, " I think we need to break up."
Audrey's mouth formed an 'o' shape, "W-What?"
"I'm sorry Audrey, i just- I'm in love with someone else."
Ben could see tears forming in her eyes.
"Oh," she whispered.
Ben sighed, "Audrey, I'm really sorry. I know I'm hurting you but, I couldn't hurt you more by lying to you. I hope we can still be friends."
There was silence among them for a while, the only sounds being background chatter from other people in the park and Audrey sniffling.
Ben was shocked. He was expecting fire and brimstone from the girl. Screaming and crying and anger. But this? This was a shock.
"What?" He asked.
Audrey sniffed again, looking up to the Prince with a sad smile on her face, a tear rolling down her cheek.
"It's ok, Ben. I understand. Yes, we can still be friends." She said.
Ben smiled too, "really?"
"Of course," she wiped away a tear and stood up straight, "but, at least promise me you'll save me a dance at your coronation?"
The soon to be king laughed, glad that he still had 1 of his closest friends, "Of course! I promise."
Audrey smiled again, happier this time, as she pulled Ben into a hug.
Audrey spoke, "Whoever you're in love with, they're a lucky person!"
If there was one thing Harry hated, it was the lockers at Auradon High. They were extremely hard to open when you wear a fake hook everyday, and he was too stubborn to take it off.
In his locker, was the key to his plan- the cookies.
The pirate had worked everything out perfectly.
Everyday Carlos walks by Harry's locker to get to his next class, alone. Which was key. It meant none of the DeVil boys friends could stop him.
From there he would stop the boy, offering the cookies as a 'peace offering'. Harry had heard from the other students that Carlos couldn't resist chocolate.
Then all he had to do was watch him eat it.
It was foolproof. Not even Gil could mess it up.
Harry was careful not to drop the cookies as he took them out of his locker as he waited for his target to appear.
The villain kid waited as the bell rang and watched as the students of Auradon High wander and rush to their next class. And then, after a while, he saw that familiar poof of white hair walk past him.
"Carlos!" He called, "Carlos, wait!"
Carlos didn't listen.
Harry walked after the boy and put a hand on his shoulder.
Carlos looked annoyed, clearly he didn't want to see him. "What, Harry?" He said in an aggravated tone.
Harry was taking aback. He never heard Carlos use that tone before. Nevertheless, he shook it off and held up the bag of cookies.
"I uh, I brought a peace offering." Harry put on a sweet tone of voice as he held out the bag of cookies, "I know you hate me, and you have every right too. But, now that we go to the same school again, I thought we should at least be comfortable around each other."
Carlos didn't say anything. He just stood there with his eyes squinted. Harry went on.
"So I made you these cookies. Chocolate chip. I heard you liked chocolate?"
Carlos' head perked up. Perfect.
"You don't have to like me Carlos, but, can you at least accept these?"
Carlos still didn't speak but he looked at the bag in front of him and took it. Then he started to walk away.
Harry panicked, he needed to be the first person Carlos saw when he ate it otherwise he might fall for someone else.
"Wait!" He spoke up, and Carlos stoped and turned around again cautiously, "Could y- could you actually, um, eat them here?"
The DeVil boy raised an eyebrow, "Why?"
Harry racked his brain for some sort of reason he could want Carlos to eat the cookies right here in front of him.
"'s my first time baking...and I wanted to know if I did good?" It was more of a question than a statement, but it seemed to work. Carlos took a cookie out of the bag. He hesitated, looking at his Ex boyfriend before putting it in his mouth and taking a bite.
Everything seemed normal at first. Carlos actually thought the cookie tasted good. But then he took another bite and he felt his head grow foggy almost as if soft cotton was plugging his senses. The noise of other students seemed to fade out and his vision became blurry.
"Carlos, everything ok?"
That voice seemed to boom in Carlos head, the only loud thing in this void of muffled noise. He looked up and he was met with the most beautiful pair of eyes he's ever seen. Through his blurry vision the eyes seemed to shine.
"..'m fine." He slurred, still staring at those eyes.
Harry was enjoying this. At the start, he almost thought the spell didn't work but then he saw the way Carlos' eyes glazed over and his mouth parted slightly. A smirked formed over the pirates face when Carlos looked at him. It was like his eyes had lit up.
It had worked.
Carlos felt dizzy and he began to lose his balance. Harry saw this and caught the boy in his arms before he fell.
He chuckled, "Wow, you alright there, pup? You seem a little love struck."
Carlos giggled. Giggled. "I am now, because you're here."
Harry smirked more as he looked down to the boy in his arms. Carlos was staring at him like he was waiting for something.
Harry began to lean in and Carlos did the same.
From afar, Ben Beasts heart was breaking. He was watching as Carlos DeVil, the boy he was in love with, kissed Harry Hook, the boy that Carlos was terrified of the other night.
Kissing. They were kissing.
Ben didn't even know he was crying until he felt a tear drip off his face and land in the bouquet of flowers he was holding.


Me? Updating? It's more likely than you think.
And look! Actual plot!
But yeah. My schools closed for a few weeks and I took the time to binge watch all the Descendants movies and I got inspired.
I hope you liked this chapter and I hope I'll be back to uploading.
If you did like this chapter please Vote and Comment!

-gemz (username change :))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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