Chocolate Chip Cookie

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Ben's POV-

Ok so, I might have small crush on Carlos.
And that wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that I have a girlfriend.
I have no idea what to do. Like, should I tell Audrey? I can't. It would break her heart. But I can't lead her on if I don't love her.
Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions. I only just developed a crush on him.
Or did I?
If I'm being honest, I knew I liked both girls and guys for a while. It was kinda obvious when i wrote in my diary that I wanted to marry Chad Charming at age 7. But then my dad started talks about how 'one day I'll make a fine king and rule the kingdom with a beautiful queen by my side' and I didn't want to disappoint him. So pushed the part of me that wanted to kiss a guy deep, deep down and started to date Audrey.
I do love her, but in a 'you're my best friend and I would do anything for you' kinda way, not a 'romantic' way. I didn't want to hurt her, so I played along. I guess I pretended for so long that I convinced myself it was true.
Then I met Carlos, it always comes back to Carlos.
When he stepped out of that limo, all those feelings I pushed down made their way back up. And boy did they hit me like a truck.
Oh god, what am I gonna tell Audrey. I can't stay in a relationship with her if I don't feel the same way. Can I? No. She doesn't deserve that.
And if I do tell her, what then? I tell Carlos. What if he doesn't feel the same? I would have hurt Audrey and completely embarrass myself in front of the boy I have a crush on.
And if I don't, I would still hurt Audrey and myself in the process.
I shouldn't jump into this. That would make things worse.
Ok, I have a tutor session with Carlos on Thursday. That gives me 3 days to work out my feelings before seeing him again.
3 days. 72 hours.
That's enough time.
Carlos POV- Next day.

Once my favourite subject. Now ruined by 2 simple sentences.
"This is Harry Hook, he'll be joining us this semester. There's a seat on that table over there."
The teacher points to my table. Of course he does.
Harry drags his feet over to my table and sits down. Surprisingly, he doesn't say anything.
I look down at the table and see that Harry's signature hook isn't on his hand. Instead it's resting on his side of the desk.
The class goes by smoothly. No comments from Harry. No outbursts. Nothing. He's not acting like himself. And I don't think that he's suddenly changed over night.
When the bell rings, I am the first out of class. Even when I rush to the cafeteria, I can't feel his gaze burning into the back of my head.
I feel like I've been running a lot lately. It hasn't even been 3 days since the New VKs and I'm already paranoid. I run to each class, I don't go out alone anymore, I jump whenever anyone calls my name. It's just a nightmare.
At Lunch, Jay is talking about how he wants to join the Tourney team, Evie is sketching designs for her coronation dress and Mal is  picking at her food.
"You should join the team too, Carlos," Jay nudges my arm.
I let out a chuckle. Me! Doing sports! Now that's a laugh. I never was the athletic one in the group, that role went to Jay.
"I should not."
Jay starts to whine, "Oh come on, you'd be great at it! You're a fast runner. That'd be helpful."
He goes on, trying to convince me to try out. It goes on all Lunch until I eventually give in and agree to try out.
"Yes!" Jay shouts in triumph.
"Hey! Only a tryout, there's still a chance of me not getting in."
"Yeah, yeah. Sure." Jay lifts his hand to my head and messes up my hair. I complain and Jay laughs.
Things almost feel as if the new VKs haven't arrived.
Harry's POV-

"What'd you mean you're not to the coronation?!"
"I mean I'm not going, E, there's no point."
"Uh, there's every point!"
"Why would I wanna go watch some guy get a crown out on his head?"
"Some guy? He's a prince, Mal."
I over hear two girls bickering. But the name catches my attention.
I sneak a glance from behind my locker door and spot Mal and Evie. Evie is standing with her hands on her hips and Mal is shoving books into her locker.
"Who cares? Not me that's for sure" Mal says as the bell rings.
Evie rolls her eyes, "Let's just go, we're gonna be late for class."
With a slam of her locker door, Mal walks off and Evie follows alongside her.
Nothing really interesting, at least, not until I hear something drop on the floor.
I look across the hall and see... a book? Yep. Just a boring book. Ugh, Auradon seems to be filled with these things. I go to pick it up.
Yeah, still just a boring old book. It has some weird gold dragon on it. What kind of book is this? It seems familiar but..
The spell book.
Maleficent's Spell Book.
"Ben, Hey wait up!" I hear a familiar voice call from behind me. I turn and see Jay walking up to The Prince. Carlos following behind them.
'I have a crush on Ben.' I can hear Carlos' voice ringing in my head. Seeing them together, it makes my blood boil.
I love him. He loves me. We're meant to be together. We are. He just...doesn't realise it yet.
Ben says something. I can't hear them over the ringing in my ears. Carlos smiles.
He just has to realise that we are meant to be.
I clench my fist, remembering that I'm holding a book. The book. Hold on..
He just needs to realise it.
I've waited for him. I've waited for him to realise his feelings. A devilish smirk forms across my face. I tare my glare away from the three boys across the hallway and look down at The Book.
I'm tired of waiting. If he won't realise it,
I'll just have to make him.

-Later that Day-

If found it. After reading that blasted book over and over, I've finally found it:
A love spell.
This is my ticket back to Carlos. This will make him realise that he still loves me. Now what do I need?
1 cup of Butter, 3/4 cup of sugar, 3/4 cup of brown sugar...
What the hell is this? A love spell or a recipe for cookies? Ugh, Maleficent was always confusing.
I read the rest of the ingredients. It's pretty simple stuff. Eggs, vanilla extract, a tear of human sadness. Wait what?
I do a quick double take. Yep, I read that right. A tear of human sadness. Where the hell am I gonna get that?!
I groan in annoyance, slamming the book shut. Gil rolls around in the bed beside mine. Screw it. I'm doing this, it's my last hope. I get up and walk out the door.
Now where's the kitchen in this awful place? After many, many wrong turns and accidentally walking into some guys dorm room, I finally make it to the kitchen.
Ok, butter, sugar, brown sugar. What is did the page say. I look down at the book and read the page that I've read a thousand times before.
"..a bowl of iron...2 eggs...the tear-"
"Hello?" A voice calls from the door way, "who's there?"
The owner of the voice comes into the light. It's some boy. I think I've seen him in my science class.
"Oh, Harry. Sorry I didn't mean too scare you." I stare at him, my facial expression a mixture of confusion and annoyance.
"It's me, Doug? I sit beside you in science? I helped give you a tour of the school?"
Oh. Yeah I remember him. We sit in a moment of awkward and uncomfortable silence until Doug looks at the ingredients spread out on the table, "Are you making cookies?" I nod.
He perks his head up and smiles a sickeningly sweet smile, "I can help with that!"
I roll my eyes- actually, this could be useful. I mean, I've never made cookie before. Now even sure I've tasted one. It's not like we have time on the Isle. Too busy having turf wars and pulling pranks on out enemies.
"Actually, that would be great." I fake smile.
Doug starts to take over and puts ingredients into the bowl I dug out of one of the cupboards. He's surprisingly good at this.
"Alright! Now for the last touch," He turns around and goes to look in various drawers and, one he finds what he's looking for, pulls out a bag of...brown things?
"What the hell are those?" I ask and he looks at me like I have three heads.
"They're Chocolate Chips... don't you have these on the Isle?"
I shake my head. Doug adjusts his glasses, "Wow, life must really suck over there, huh?"
Well, he's not wrong. Life really does suck.
"We uh...yeah, yeah it does." Doug moves closer to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. I flinch at the action. After another moment of silence, I hear sniffling. Is Doug crying. I look at him. And a tear runs down his cheek.
I quickly catch it in my hand before it can reach the bottom of his face and throw it into the cookie batter.
"I'm sorry," he says, "it's- it's just, I feel so bad. You guys don't deserve the stuff you ge-" I cut him off by pushing him towards the door.
"Yeah, yeah. I know my life's sad. But- oh would you look at the time! You should get going and, uh, sleep! Yeah go to sleep! I'll see you tomorrow, bye!" I push him out the door and slam it behind him.
It's just me in the kitchen now. The cookie batter sitting on the table. It's done. I've done it.
Carlos DeVil. You will soon realise that you love me. Me. And not that scum of a prince. We'll be perfect again. We'll be us again. And there's nothing those toxic friends of yours can do anything to stop us.

God, I hope he likes chocolate.


Woo! Another chapter! With plot!
I hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to Vote and Comment, I would very much appreciate it!
See you next chapter!


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