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Harry's POV-

I glare at the back of Evie's head as she drags Carlos away. She was always protective of him. I bet she was the reason he broke up with me.
What Carlos and I had was special. We loved each other. It was those friends of his who poisoned him against me.
I still love him. I never stopped. From the first moment I saw him at Mal's birthday, to the moment he left me on the docks, broken hearted. I love him. Because we are meant to be.
"Hey. Harry, right?" A voice comes from behind me. I turn around and see that's it's the prince.
"What's it to ya?" I squint my eyes at him.
"I, uh, I'm here to show you and Gil to your room. "
He starts to walk away, but stops and turns around.
"Uh, follow me" he says awkwardly.
I walk behind the Prince while he goes to find Gil.
I spot Mal and Jay whispering and giving me dirty looks. I smile at them and wave my Hook.
I can't make out what they're saying but I can read the word Carlos from their lips.
I was there the day he left the Isle. People hid in alleyways, watching them get into the limo. I had respected his wishes that he told me at the docks and I kept my distance. But in that moment, every part of my body wanted to run up to him and beg him to stay.
I didn't.
Carlos POV-

"Oh. My. God! This is incredible!" Dizzy yells excitedly, her face covered in chocolate.
Evie giggles and she starts telling Dizzy about Auradon.
I sit at the other end of the table, anxiously breaking apart a bar of chocolate that Evie bought me.
Evie looks at me,"Hey Dizzy, you should probably get back to orientation. Don't want to miss the tour do you?"
"You're right! I should go." Dizzy quickly gets up from her chair, "I'll see you later. Bye Evie, bye Carlos!"
Evie waves goodbye, but as soon as Dizzy is out of sight she turns to me.
"Did that pirate do anything to you? I swear if he did I'll kill him!" She puts her hand on my shoulder.
"No, he didn't do anything. Im ok." I reassure her.
She sighs a sigh of relief, "Ok, but, promise me you'll tell me if he does."
"Yeah, yeah I will."
We're sitting outside, so I can still see the welcoming party. I search for Ben. Surprisingly Audrey isn't clinging to him. Instead he's talking to Gil. I look behind him and see Harry staring at the ground.
It's weird seeing Ben and Harry beside each other. Never thought I would see them together. I hoped I wouldn't. Because that would mean Harry would be in Auradon. Oh wait. Now he is.
Ben looks my way. He smiles and waves.
Bright red blush creeps onto my face as I wave back.
"Oh my gosh." Evie switches her gaze between me and Ben.
"What? What's wrong?" I say, worried.
She grins at me, "What's wrong is that you totally have the hots for Ben!"
I choke on my breath.
"What? No I don't." I scoff.
Evie doesn't buy it. "Oh your are so crushing on him!"
"Pshh, no way. Oh you hear that. I have to uh, walk Dude. Yeah so. Bye!" I try to get up but fall in the process. After quickly getting back on my feet, I rush away from the table.
I can feel her smirking at me.
--8:30 PM--
Bens POV-

After everything has calmed down, the paparazzi has gone and the new VKs have settled in, I decided to take a walk around the grounds.
I just needed to get away for awhile. Audrey has been cloning to me non stop, and usually I wouldn't have noticed, but these past few weeks I haven't felt the same about her. I just can't put my finger on what it is I am feeling.
The sun has began to go down and the sky is a mix of beautiful oranges and yellows with stars starting to poke out.
As i walk across the school fields, I hear a faint sound. When I get a bit closer I see a silhouette and figure out that the sound is muffled sobs.
Someone is crying.
I squint my eyes and see a mop of curly hair. By that I know instantly who it is.
His head shoots up and he brings his sleeve up to his face. Presumably to wipe away a tear.
"Oh, hey Ben. What's up?" he chokes out. I sit down beside him. He quickly turns his head the other way, not looking at me.
"Carlos, what's wrong?" I say softly.
He laughs, "Nothings wrong." He's still not looking at me. 
"Carlos..." I gently grab his check and turn his head to face me.
It's a little bit dark but I can still she his face. His checks are tear stained and his eyes are red and puffy. Just the sight of him breaks my heart.
"What's wrong?"
Still no answer. I sigh.
"Ok, how about this," I let go of his face, blushing a bit once I realise that i was very close to him, "I'll tell you what's on my mind and then, if you want to, you can't tell me what's on yours, ok?"
He nods slightly, hugging his legs.
I sigh, getting ready to spill what I've been keeping in for the last year.
"I just don't think I'm ready to be King." I begin, "I mean, I'm 17. 17. I have enough to worry about with school and my social life. I can't carry the kingdom on my shoulders. And I'm trying to act confident and like I know what I'm doing, but i don't think I'm really fooling anyone."
I hear a mix of chuckles and sobs coming from beside me. "Your kidding right?"
I give a confused hum in response to his question.
"Your the most confident person I know! You're so strong and if anyone could carry this kingdom, it's you! I could only be to be like that." He goes a bit quiet at the end.
"Carlos your strong all on your own" I blurt out.
We look at each other. I can see his eyes sparkle. But that might still be the tears. Without realising it, We begin to lean in to each other. And I don't pull away.
"I dated Harry Hook."
Wait. What. Carlos stares at me, waiting for me to say something. I don't. This is his moment. I nod, wanting him to continue.

(Hello! This next paragraph talks about toxic/ abusive relationships! Even though I don't go into much detail, If your sensitive to that please be safe and I will put *** for you to skip to so you don't have to read it)

"We dated and it was toxic. He was possessive and commanding. He scared me. Seeing him here again, it reminded me of...everything! Of how he would make me feel guilty when I wanted to hang out with my friends instead of him! Of how he would force kisses out of me! How he w-would hit me when I argued with him! How he would beg for forgiveness after and told me he'd never do it again! How he told me we were like Romeo and Juliet and convinced me this was what love was! How, for 2 years, I-I couldn't tell anyone because Uma and Mal hated each other and I was scared that my friends would hate me!"


I'm at a lost for words. How could this boy have put up with that for 2 years and still but on a smile everyday?
Without hesitation, I pull Carlos into a tight hug.
"You are so brave" I whisper into his ear.
I can feel him breakdown. Letting out loud cries as he wraps his arms around me.
We stay in that position for a while. Carlos has calmed down but he doesn't let go, neither do I.
The sun is completely gone now. The moon has taken his place.
Carlos breaks away from the hug, "Thanks."
I smile at him, "Anytime."
"Listen," I continue, "If Harry does anything that makes you...uncomfortable, please, please tell me. I want to make you feel safe here at Auradon."
He nods. "Yeah, I will. Promise."
"Carlos? Carlos!" A voice calls behind us. It's Jay.
"Oh thank god, I've been looking for you."
Carlos gets up, "that's my cue to get going." He rushed over to Jay.
"I know you can handle yourself, but when you didn't come back to the room I got worried and with Harry here I just-"
"Aw do you care about me?" Carlos cuts Jay off.
Jay punches his arm. "Shut up"
Before they start to walk off, Carlos turns around to me, "Thanks again Ben."
"My pleasure."
And then they're gone.
I sigh. Ok I think I figured it out. Why I don't feel the same about Audrey. Why I get butterflies whenever I look at Carlos.
I think I'm in love with him.
--The next day--
Carlos POV-

As I take out the books from my locker I can hear heals clicking on the ground, walking towards me.
"Hey C!" Evie greets me.
"Uh hey"
She looks at me. "Something on your mind?"
Am I really gonna tell her? She's basically figured it out by now but I want her to hear it from me.
"Can I tell you something, but you can't freak out"
"Yeah sure, what is it?" She nods.
"You were right" I say,
she looks confused, "about yesterday, I have a crush on Ben."
She looks like she's about to squeal her lungs out, but holds it in, "that is very interesting."
I burst out laughing and she giggles too.
Harry's POV-

"You were right about yesterday, I have a crush on Ben."
I clench my nails into the palms of my hands.
So you're in love with the prince, eh Pup?
Well just have to see about that.


Ooo what is Harry gonna do? ;)
Guess you'll have to wait and see.
This chapter isn't really my best but I love the part with Ben and Carlos comforting each other.
Also Holy Crap! Almost 400 reads! That's Incredible! Thank you all so so much :)
If you liked this chapter remember to Vote and Comment. Bye!


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