Life after high school has its ups and downs, especially when someone gets hurt beyond repair. Being a pro hero is amazing, yes, but it's also highly dangerous. People could get severely hurt, if not careful. Not only do you need to save others' liv...
Midoriya ran home and went to his room closing the door. He opened his phone and texted Bakugo.
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Bakugo read the message and immediately called Midoriya, praying he would pick up. Bakugo knew how much Midoriya liked Todorokia. Midoriya showed that he was obviously into him even back at UA.
Todoroki got home and walked over to Midoriya's door. He was planning on apologizing but then he heard Midoriya talking .
Midoriya answered putting his phone down and putting it on speaker phone.
"Midoriya!" Bakugo said relieved he answered.
"K-Kachan...." Midoriya said, close to crying.
Bakugou heard the sadness in Midoriya's voice. "Deku? Are you okay? I swear I kill Icy Hot for this!"
Midoriya bit his lip, trying hard not to cry. "I-it's my fault I'm s-sad right now, K-kachan.... I'm the one t-that said we s-should taking a b-break.."
Bakugo sighed. "Deku... it's not fully your fault. You both had part in this. Did you guys talk about him dating whoever else it was? And how did you even find out?"
Midoriya gave up on trying not to cry and burst into tears. "W-we were holding h-hands and w-walking then a bunch of p-press came up a-and t-they asked a bunch of q-questions. O-one of them was a-asking about him and Y-yaoyorozu a-and dates t-they went o-on..." He paused for a moment and just continued to cry.
Todoroki looked at the door with saddened eyes, wishing he could just give Midoriya a hug right now... but he was the one that made him cry so he knew he couldn't do that.
Midoriya took deep breaths, calming down enough to talk. "T-then I asked h-him about i-it and he s-said it was t-true....I k-know I'm b-being o-over dramatic b-but it h-hurts." He started to sob again.
Bakugo sighed. "Deku you should come stay with me..."
Midoriya kept crying but managed to to say, "N-no I-I'll be f-fine..."
"It's not up for debate. I'll come get you tomorrow night okay?" Bakugo said firmly.
Midoriya laughed slightly, appreciating Bakugo's kindness, although it was a tad aggressive. "Okay Kachan.."
Bakugo smiled at hearing him laughing, even if it was a only a slight laugh. "Now get some sleep."
Midoriya smiled. "I will.. bye."
"Bye." Bakugo hung up and put his phone down, sighing to himself.
Midoriya just laid down on his bed, trying to stop crying and get some sleep. He eventually cried himself to sleep.
Todoroki went back to his room, closing the door. He leaned against the door and slowly slid down the door. 'I made him feel like that... this is my fault... and now he's leaving... I should be the one to go...' Todoroki had those recurring thoughts about the happy times he had with Midoriya then what he did to Midoriya would ruin it.
Midoriya eventually woke up and left his room. He looked in the kitchen then the living room, wondering where Todoroki was. Midoriya put together a small plate of food and went over to Todoroki's door and knocked softly and quietly. "Todoroki...?"
Todoroki said nothing but started to tear up from hearing Midoriya's voice.
Midoriya knocked again. "Todoroki, you haven't left you room have you? You need to eat so I'll put this plate of food outside your door. Eat it when your ready, okay?" Midoriya put the plate down in front of Todoroki's door.
Todoroki was still in the position from earlier, not moving at all since he heard Midoriya crying on the phone with Bakugo.
Midoriya walked away from the door and walked to the kitchen cleaning up slightly, not knowing what else to do. He pulled out his phone and texted Bakugo.
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Midoriya set his phone down and sighed. 'I was overreacting right...? Maybe I should talk to him...' Midoriya thought to himself. 'It hasn't even been one day and I already miss him so much... I think giving his some space would help. I mean he probably hates me right now...' Midoriya sighed. He went to his room and started packing his bags.
Todoroki wrote on a piece of paper and went out of his room and over to Midoriya's. He slid the note half way under keeping his hand on it, debating if he should give it to Midoriya.
Midoriya noticed the note being slid under but didn't say anything.
Todoroki pulled the not back to him, thinking Midoriya didn't see it. He crumbled the note and walked over to the bathroom and threw it away.
Midoriya cracked his door open slightly and saw Todoroki crumbling it and walking towards the bathroom.
Todoroki went back to his room and closed the door.
Midoriya waited a few seconds then opened his door and went over to the bathroom, grabbing the note. He uncrumbled it and saw that the note said, 'I'm really sorry and I miss being close to you and talking. I hope we can work this out.' Midoriya looked at the bottom of the note it said 'Love Todoroki' But Todoroki scribbled out the 'love,' but you could still see it enough to know what it said. Midoriya smiled and folded the note and walked to his room. He put it in one of the bags he was taking to Bakugo's apartment.
A few hours later, Midoriya heard a knock at the door so he walked over and opened the door. "Hey Kachan." Midoriya smiled at him and moved out of the way so Bakugo could walk in.
Bakugo walked in. "Where's Icy Hot?" Bakugo narrowed his eyes. He searched the room for Todoroki.
Midoriya shrugged. "I don't know... anyway let's just get my stuff and go." Midoriya walked into his room where he had two bags packed.
Bakugo followed him and picked up both the bags.
Midoriya smiled. "Kachan I can take my own bags." He giggled and grabbed his phone, then he walked out of the his room and noticed that the plate of food he left for Todoroki was still outside his door, untouched. Midoriya sighed and walked out the door, Bakugo following behind him.