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Bright lights flash. Music echoes in my ears. The scent of alcohol, smoke, and sweaty bodies infiltrate my nostrils. I regrets coming to club. I never been before. Always thot it was for people with two muhc time. Now i here being a hypocrite. How the world lves to fuck with me. I dont wana go to club but something urged me to go. I neede to got iut of hpuse onec in while to live a let loose. If i no left house today, i felt i willl had miss something life changning. Silly thing to think from someone who hates leaving hosue. I much rather be home watching meme videos with my bestie, Angela, but I need to do some stuff, live a little. So i slappe myself and made me go out to club. I putted on tight black leather pants with a royal blue bustier top. Angela wore black leggings and a one shoulder purple top> We looke hot. Now in club i feel hot. But not good one. I swaety from amount of people crowding around. I uncomfy. This why i no wanna come. Once me and angela enteredc lub i lsot ehr. I all alone and tired nad thirsyt. Maybe i shuld go get water. Or alchol. Might help with ringing in head. I pushed way thru mass of bodies to get to bar. My eye lit up when i see wood countertop of bar. I make way over and sit down in stool next to random man. I normally don't like satting next to people when there more space but i needed to sti down and drink. I cot bartender attention and order drink. I felt eyes train on me. I shake head to rid thot. I get water from tender and dinrk it. I order nother one. I till geel eyes on me. I turn to side. I see man next to me look at me. His black hair with crimson streaks is parted down center and styled to expose his forehead. Bits of hair fall into his sharp eyes that are staring at me. He look like a predator watching their prey. I shiver from look in his eyes. He scaned me from hed to toe. Tongue come out to swip along bottom lip. Teeth grab the flesh of bottom lip. My throat dries. I need mroe water. I ask for another glass and chug it trying to ignore sexy man next to me. When i look back at man he holding glass of whiskey with his finger tips. The amber liquid swirled around in the cup. It was hypnotizing but not as much as the man next to me. I look at side of face. He havae a smirk on face. He knew i checking him out. I don't care if he kno tho. My mouth dry when i see his sharp haw line. I wanted to run finger along his jaw. He take a sip from his glass. I watch his adam's apple bob up and down. I don't know this man but something about him was so captivating. He set down the cup delicately and turn to look at me. He tilt head to side and smirk at me. He going to talked to me. Oh god save me now.

Falling For Mafia Boss Who Made Me Join His Gang Cuz I Saw Him Kill SomeoneWhere stories live. Discover now