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It been week sibce San shot. He healed prerty well and can move around now. He keep saying it was rhank to my doctor skill, but he jist steong from years of hard work. Thru whole week, i ni see Mingi. It worry me. I hope he isnt depressed and doing bad sruff to self. I remember what Wooyoung say abt Yunho helpong Mingi out. Hope it true. I walk on way to check on San. On way, i see Seonghwa on phone. I over hear talking. "For the lasr time, Seulgi, Im busy. I cant watch Seoryu for you. No, I dont care if she wants to see me, its too dangerous for hwr to come here. NO, i cant come see you! Just go mwet up with Chungha. They're half siblings. Of course theyll get along. Look, I knkw youre not happy, but yourw the one who didny want to use a condom. Oh, please. Im hanging up." He sigh and put pgone down. "Hey, Mingi. Where are you going? Havent seen you all week." I look and see Mingi walking off near door. He hurrying aling. "Sorry, Seonghwa. Im in a hurry." "Why? Did San give you a special mission or somwthibg?" "Somwthibg like that." "Well hurry ir up. I need to vent to someone, and youre the only one who lisrens." Mingi nod and dash off. Wwird. Never seen Mingi like that. I shake it off. He probably jusg busy with a mission, lije Seonghwa said. I walk to San room. I got read to knock when hear boices. "Give me a kiss, Jongho! Its a thank you gift!" San say. I hear angry and disgust voice. "Kiss me, and ill punch you where you were shot." "Please do. Rhen Lily will have to take care of me more." I knock on door. Hurry footstep come to door. It rip open and Jongho stand yjere. "Stpp him please." Before i say anything, San run up to Jongho and place big, fat kiss on cheek. Jongho ceumplw to floor and writhe around in agony. "Hey, sparkles." San step over Jongho amd pull me close to chest before give kiss on nose. "Wanna go on a date?" I greeze. Blush come up face. Where rhis come from. So sudden. I look arouns for Jongho, but he gone. Me look for nothwr life line and see Yeosang in corner playing with flowers. "Go with him, Lily. He needs some fresh air." Yeosang say, no look up from flowers. "Okay." I hope San no hurt himself. San jump up and down and ggigle happily. He grab hamd and drag out of room. We pass by other members. Yunho no look up from the bits of electronic parts on table, but Hongjoong, Wooyoung, and Seonghwa look at us. "Where are you going?" Seonghwa ask. "On a date!" San singsong. "Just because youre leader doesnt mean you can go on dates whenever you want to." Hongjoong sayd. "I dont wanna heae that from the person who betted on who would be the new leader with rock, paper, scissors." San retort. "I was drunk! I didnt think youd win!" Wooyoung look at me. He turm to San. "Be careful." San turn to him. "You nevr know when Oneus will show up again." I no expect Wooyoung to say that. Maybe i was wrong when we last talked. "Sorry." I say to him. Everyone confuse. "Dont worry about it. I was wrong as well. Just enjoy your time with San." Wooyoung say and give aoft smule. I nod and San grab me and pull me excitedly out of warehouse. "Did somerhing happen betqeen you and Wooyoung?" "Yeah, but it doesnt matter now. It was insignificant." "It better be. Dont need him stealing my girl." "Who said Im your giel?" "No one, but i know you want to be." I cross arms. "Cocky. Not a fan. Maybe ill give Wooyoung a shot instead." San stop. "Hey, girls may find him cute, but he isnt me. Me and you look better together anyway." "Ooh, egotistical. Major turnoff." I joked. "Cant help it if ita the truth." I roll eye. San stop infront me and hold out hand. "Ready for our date, baby girl?"

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