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His eyes cot mine. I swallow down nervousnesss. “Whats a beautfiul lady such as yourself doing all alone?” His voice cot me off guard. It deep and make me stop breathing. It like sweet honey dripping from a spoon, slow and rich, and you can’t get enough of it. I wanna hear more. “Just enjoying the night. What about you? You look awfully lonely sitting at the bar.” He chuckle. Why he so sexy???? He lean slightly closer, the glass of whiskey long forgotten. “Maybe I was. But I’m not anymore.” He smirk at me. A devilish glint was in eye. Boy better back up before I POUNCE on him. “And why is that?” I elaned icloser. Something about him make me wanna get as close to him as possible. He get close to my ear. His hot breath faned he shell of my ear, and goosebumps erupt on my skin. I controled myself and no shivered. “Because you’re here to keep me company.” I will be here to keep you company forever, sir. Anything for you, sir! I am just a hole, sir. I bited lip. He making me heart go thump thump, but i kinda liked it. He intoxicating me and i barely no him. My brain screamde at me to stop but my bidy want more. The leather pants hugging my legs show off their shape, and once the man’s eyes scan over the, he licks lips. i subconcisouly sqeeze lkegs together. Chatter sounded from behind us. It was noisy. I could not hear too well. Many bodies pile into club. I pushed off stool and shovedinto man. He wrap a arm around me to keep us close. I pressed up againt mans body. “Are you all right?” I smell his cologne and relax. He smell nice. I nod. He whisper down into my ear. “Do you want to get out of here?” I know i shuld wait for angela, but i copuldnt say no to sexy man. I entranced. “Yes.” i sayd breathlessly. He push us thru crowd of people. We make it outside of club. The fresh air feel so nice. It mix with man’s colon and make me feel some type of way. Unconciously, find myself lean towar him. Arm around waist tighten an pull me flush against hard chst. I looke  upslow. Man peer down at me thru long lash. Close proximity make heart beat fast. He take oe hand an place under me chin. He lift head up and look at my eyes. A glint in eye. My lips part and pant puff past. My cheat heav an press into his. "You're looking a little short of breath there, baby girl." He hold jaw in hand and tilt me head to side. He smirk. Damn bastard know what he doing tome. "You're like this already, and I barely did anything to you. I wonder whag you'll be like when the real thing happens." I almost faint.

Falling For Mafia Boss Who Made Me Join His Gang Cuz I Saw Him Kill SomeoneWhere stories live. Discover now