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Me and jongho take out bullet and let San rwst. I existed room. I worried. I hpe he oksy. Jongho goes off to talk to Wooyoung while i take fewp breths. Mingi walk ef up to mi. "Are you doing okay?" He placed hand on shoulder and squeezed softly. I melts into hold. I was tense during whole thing. Scared of hurtin San. "Doing better now. I just hope we weren't too late." Mingi nodd. "Do you wanna go for a walk to take your midn off it?" "Please." If i thot too much more abt San, i'd feint. I too worried. Mingi wrap arm around me shoulder and lead me out off warehouse. He nod to Wooyoung and Jongho as he leaded out. Moonlite shines down from sky and alluminated sidewalk. Mingo step up onto sidewalk after releasing me shoulder. I miss warm hand on shoulder. Felt comforting and warm. Moonglite alluminate his dark brown hair and turn it silver. He look like an angel sent down from heaven. It what he feel like to me as well. Ghreouhgout the whole time i've been here, he been one to consistantly be nice to me. I would have crumbled had he not been here. He start walking but stopped when i no follow. He turn around to look at me. He raise eyebrow. "Is something wrong?" Tears prick edge of me eyes. I shake head and wipe tear away. "Thank you." He looked cofnfuse. "For everything. If you hadn't been here, i probably would have given up by now." I turn away from him as tear spill down face. "I'm s-sorry that I've give nothing in return." Mingi smile and walk up. He turn me to him and hold me face. He wipe my tears while smulling at me. "I never expected anything in return. If i did, then id be doing eve th th i ng for myself instead od uou." Tear atop. I sniffled. "I know ehat its like to feel alone. I didnt wabr yo to feel the same." He sifh and drop hand from my facr. "I would get you out od this gang if i could, but i can't." Hee loooed regretful. "Ehy can't you?" He purse lipped. "Because I can't get out myself." I no understand. "Cabt you just run away?" Mingi chuckled and put hanfs in pockets. "Its mever that easy. Id be hunted down to jeep the secrecy of the gang." He kick rock. "It wasnt always this way, but since San became leader, he changed ecerything." "Who was leafer before?" I always thot he was leader. "Ask San. He seems to have taken interest in you. Hell probablu tell you." Not answer i wanted. Mingi auddenyl fell silent. He no wanna talk anymore. His figure hunch and he look alone, cold--afraid. The weather was warm, stikcy almost. No breeze. My heart hurt watching him. I knew he needed someone right now. I walk up to hin and wrap my arms around his midriff in backhug. He tense up but melted into my hold after few moments. I held him tight but make sure he felt cherished in hold. To tell him he wsn't alone. I was here. I'll always be here. 

Falling For Mafia Boss Who Made Me Join His Gang Cuz I Saw Him Kill SomeoneWhere stories live. Discover now