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To pass time, i counted how many times i get hit. Reached 200, and i no longer feel nay pain. My eyes lifeless, body limp and 201 hit is given. Hope slowly slipping form grasp with each hit, and i start think San no coming. Mingi been gone the whole time. Even if he betrayed me, just his presence would hvae made everything more bearable. "Hey, he's still not showing up. This is getting boring." Tear spill from my eye. San forgot about me. Just as tear drop hit floor and disperse into millons of droplets, door to warehouse bust open and gunshot erupt. "Where the hell is she, you sick bastards!?" San! I try to call name through gag, but it too thick. "Ooh, look who's here." Whipping stop. Body hang limp as they walk away. "Nice to see you, too, San." deep voice say. "Shut up and tell me where the hell she is or i will bust a cap in your ass!" San growl. "Where's the rest of your little gang? Where's our buddy Mingi?" Oneus guy say. "Stop trying to buy time! Where. The hell. Is she?!" "Oh, I don't know. Seoho." Gag taken off me mouth, cracked lips oozing blood. Before i do naything, hair yanked back and kife put to throat. It slowly slide across, and scream rip from throt. "You fuckers! Now, Yunho!" Big explosion rip through air, and everyone tumble. Chair i tied to go flying, and i hit ground and lay there. Too hard to move. Gunshots erupt as I lay there, smiling to myself as i feel blodd begin to pool around my body. More bombs go off, and my ears ring. Blood loss start taking toll on body. I feel heavy, eye lids hard to keep open. Eye start closing as i feel hands around ropes tying me loosening them. Rope slip off but i no have energy to feel relieved. Body hurt. Gunshots continue. "You're okay, Lily. I got you." I hear familiar voice say. "Min... gi?" i croak out. Voice dry from screams. "I'm so sorry, Lily! I didn't mean for this to happen. They told me they wouldn't do this to you." The whole reason i in mess what cuz i walked in on Mingi talking. He kidnapped me, and this happened becuz of it. I shuld hate him, and a small aprt of me do, but i feel happy noing someone is here with me, tokeep me from going under. "Spread out and search for her! Kill anyone who gets in your way. I'm not leaving until I find her!" Mingi hug me and let me go. "I'm sorry." Before i say anything he get up and run out. "San! She's over here! Hurry. She's bleeding a lot!" Hurried footsteps. Someone crouch down next to me. "Oh my god! Lily..." Jacket wrapped around me and rub sore skin. I want to hiss,b ut I can't. I get pulled into lap and rocked back and forth. "Everything will be all right, twinkle. I'm here for you now. I won't let any more harm come to you." Sirens start wailing and red and blue lites flash thru windows. "San, we need to get out of here before the police find us." San pick me up and carry me to car, the others following behind. He climb in and set me on lap. Jongho take off jacket and shirt to take care of wounds. I make no noise tho it hurt. Mingi climb in and look guilty. "I'm sorry." He apologize. "I know," San said. "What?" Mingi look at San. "You were a mole the whole time." Seonghwa say. "H-How?" "We caught on months ago. We overheard your speaking with Oneus." Yeosang add. "We wanted to see if you'd change your way once you saw how they really were." Yunho add. "I can't believe you endangered Lily's life like that just for your own gain." Wooyoung said. "You joined forces with them because youw anted to leave the gang, didn't you?" Hongjoong axed. Mingi look away. "You could have told us you didn't want to be in the gang." Yunho said. "And would you have let me leave? No! Ever since San became leader, things have been harder. Oneus offered me a way out, a way out for all of us. I-I had to take it, not matter how messed up it was. I'm sick of being in a gang and throwing my life away for nothing!" "Then I'll abolish the gang." San say. Everyone stop moving. Jongho look up from my back but continue disinfecting it. "What?" Mingi axe. "I am a terrible elader, and all of this happened because I became leader. If I abolish the gang, no one has to worry about this happening again." "Do-do you really want to do that?" Seonghwa kwestchion. "Lily got hurt because of me. I don't want this happening to any one else. For the sake of her and everyone else, I am abolishing the gang."

Falling For Mafia Boss Who Made Me Join His Gang Cuz I Saw Him Kill SomeoneWhere stories live. Discover now