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She hadn't seen sunlight in what— what had it been?
Days? Weeks? Months? It felt like an eternity and as she heard the voices of the guards making their rounds she shut her eyes pretending to be asleep, but she never really slept; how could she? Terrified for her life, Laya was always looking over her shoulder and as she took in her fellow cell mates there were no qualms about what kind of establishment this was and what she was actually doing here.

Laya has been abducted on her way back home to her shitty apartment, two months after her parents had kicked her out. No longer wanting to be troubled by the burden of taking care of their child, she was thrust into a world, an adult but one so sheltered she knew nothing of what she was getting into. Laya stood at a height of 5'3, small and fragile. Her Chinese decent making her brown eyes small but gorgeous. Her thin black hair, past her shoulders flowing like a river without a curl in sight. Her once milky skin had a tint of grey to it from malnourishment. Laya hadn't seen her reflection in weeks and sometimes couldn't even remember how she looked.

At half past eleven, the guards finished their rounds and it was then Laya could actually speak. She peaked at the boy next her, the boy holding her hand, Elliot. Laya shook his shoulder gently, "They're gone now," she whispered.
At the sound of her voice, Elliot lifted his head, his crystal blue eyes peering at her questionably. Laya gave Elliot a small smile before taking in his physique. He was at least 5'8 with curly blonde hair that hadn't been combed since he'd been here and was now unruly, his face was thin and taut and his eyes, Laya could stare at for decades; were the lightest blue, a blue she could only see at a certain time when the sun squeezed through a crack in the wall. He was as you would have it gorgeous and as she squeezed his hand, he brought it to his lips to kiss.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked quietly.
Laya smiled nodding, "They didn't take anyone so I'm grateful."
Laya gulped, thinking of the last time they took someone, she could still hear their screams as they— she didn't want to think about it. Her grip on Elliot's hand loosened a bit when she realized how much she was squeezing. She saw Elliot give her that reassuring smile, the smile that made what little light left in her ignite. She had met him three days after she was kidnapped, she had been curled into a ball in the corner of the room, refusing to eat or talk to the other people in her cell.

Elliot had approached her not long after with no intent of leaving and as the days past. They soon learnt to depend on each other, to seek comfort from each other and Laya wouldn't want it with anyone else because Elliot was her Elliot and no one could change that.
"Do you know what day it is?" Elliot's slightly deep baritone mumbled.
She shook her head, "No, maybe we'll overhear something from one of the guards."

Elliot nodded, leaning back against the wall. Laya looked around at the people she'd come to live with and as she took in her grief stricken faces, she felt her lips wobble as she willed herself not to cry for the millionth time, was she ever getting out of here? She knew if she ever did, she wasn't going anywhere if Elliot wasn't with her. Laya knew what she felt for Elliot was deeper than a friendship and that when they got out she'd like to try her hand at a relationship with him but she wouldn't know where to begin, they were both as you would call it submissive but she knew her feelings were too strong to let him go and with that simple fact, she was positive they'd work it out.

In the morning, or what she assumed was morning she felt Elliot shaking her.
"Something's wrong...." at the distress in his voice Laya shot awake.
"What? What do you mean?"
"The guards are scattered and they're each holding their rifles— you know they don't do that unless they're doing an inspection but no cell was opened."
Laya gulped, Elliot was right, something was up..... she gasped suddenly when gun shots were suddenly heard and she gripped Elliot's hand.

"What?" Elliot gasped.
"It's the police it has to be!" Laya said in a hushed whisper.
Laya felt tears well in her eyes, finally maybe just maybe they were getting out of here.

A U T H O R ' S     N O T E

hope you guys have a fantastic day or had a fantastic day from wherever in the world you are!

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