The Invite

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For the next couple of weeks, Sehun did everything he could to show Chanyeol that he was sincere. He no longer avoided him, he would text to ask how was his day and they have even met up a couple of times at Chanyeols favorite Cafe'. Sehun always kept their conversation appropriate, never crossing the friendship line. It's not like he didn't want to be more than friends, he just knew he had to gain his trust. He also knew that they may never be more than friends and if that's the case, he would respect Chanyeol decision.

Sehun has a special street performance coming up Friday with his crew and decides to invite Chanyeol.
He texts Chanyeol to see if they could meet up. He tells him he will be at the school cafeteria at 1:00. Sehun arrives and sees Chanyeol sitting at a table with the guy in the picture. Sehun knew this would happen sooner or later, so he's somewhat prepared. He just wishes it wasn't today. Seeing him there makes him hesitant about asking Chanyeol to come to watch his performance. He walks over to the table.
"Hey, guys."
Chanyeol looks at him, "what's up Sehun? Have a seat."
Sehun sits and looks at the couple
"This is Baekhyun."
"Oh hey."
Baekhyun smile leaves his face, "Hey."
"I don't want to keep you. Chanyeol this weekend the guys and I are performing at Club Bound and I was wondering if you would be able to come?"

Before Chanyeol could respond, Baekhyun chimes in. "We have plans this weekend."
"Oh, I'm sorry. If you two have time, we perform at 9:00."
He hands Chanyeol a flyer and Baekhyun takes it.
Feeling defeated, Sehun stands to leave, "Chanyeol I'll see you around." He nods at Baekhyun.

"Bothersome" Baekhyun comments as Sehun walks away. Chanyeols watches as Sehun head fall down.

Sehun hasn't heard from Chanyeol in the past few days. He texts him after he met with him to apologize if he caused any problems, but never received a response. He decided to wait it out and concentrate on practicing for his performance.

Friday night finally arrived. Sehun was nervous. He's performed in front of crowds before, but this somehow seems different. He texts Chanyeol.

Really nervous about tonights performance.
Any words of comfort?

No response

The MC announces the group and they take the stage.

He is in awe of how many people are there. His hands start to sweat, he couldn't tell if it's from being nervous or the lights beaming down on him. He tells himself over and over to calm down, but it's not working. The music starts and a calm comes over him. He forgets about being nervous and that damn Chanyeol not responding to his texts.

When the performance was over, he looked out into a screaming, cheering, and applauding crowd. He never felt better. They left the stage and Lu ran over to congratulate him on his performance.

"Man you were great! I've never seen you perform so well."

Sehun laughs, "really, I can't remember most of it."

They talk for a few minutes more than Lu remembers something.

"Hey, I thought you said that Chanyeol wasn't coming tonight."
"Yeah, he had plans."
"But he was here. At least I think he was."
"What do you mean? Was he here or not?"
"Yes, I'm sure I saw him."
"Why the hell are you just now saying something? Where did he go?"
"He was walking toward the door."
"I gotta go. I have to see if I can catch up to him. Thanks for coming tonight."


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