Chapter 10: Hints

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"What the hell (Y/N)?! Why are you leaving?!"

"You know that I was forced into this by my family! Now that Giovanni has chickened out, I can leave!"

"But I love you! I don't know what I would do without you!"

"But I don't! I thought you were someone who would keep me safe, but I was wrong!"

"Please, don't leave me!"

"I'm sorry Archer, it's my only way to be truly safe. Not with some pervert that deserves to die with Giratina!"

~End of Flashback~

I gasped as I stood straight on the bed in the Pokémon Center that we're were staying. 'Damn it. It's the same dream again.' I thought to myself.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Asked Lance, looking concerned.

"I had that dream again..." I said, placing a hand on my forehead. He got out of his bed and sat next to my bed, on the floor. He looked at me with the sweetest eyes I've ever seen in my damn life and patted to the floor next to him. I smiled and sat down next.

"Does this have to do with Archer?" He asked. Being 3 with barely any sleep, the question shot me right awake with its accuracy. Is he a psychic type or what?

"How'd you know?" I asked, tilting my head to the right.

"You did want to talk about something when we went to go return Lorelei's, Bruno's, and Agitha's Poké Balls, and I assumed it had something to do with him." He explained.

"Smart." I said.

"So, what it is?" He asked, still looking at me with those sweet eyes.

"It was more of a flashback. It was when I broke up with him and was planning to leave Team Rocket." I said.

"Did he ever do anything to you?" He asked. That's when it hit me the hardest it's ever done in my whole life. I started tearing up, so looked down so he wouldn't see.

"Yeah..." I said softly.

"Do you mind explaining?" He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I just looked at the ground while surrounded by silence, "It's okay, you don't have to tell me. I know that it's something not a lot of people have the courage to talk about, even to the people they love the most." He ended, rubbing my arm lovingly.

"T-Thank you..." I said, looking at him, tears slowly falling on my cheeks. I immediately went for the hug. He flinched a little, but soon after hugged me back.

He had one hand on my back, rubbing it with his thumb. His other wrapped around my waist. Arceus, why is he like this? So, perfect? What the hell did I do to meet such an amazing guy? So many questions were rolling around in my head. We just stayed in our position. I could feel his heartbeat quicken by the second, just like the time we were in Johto after my freakout. 'Does he... like me?!' No-no-no. I'm just imagining things, right?

"Why...  are you so nice to me?" I asked, my head resting on his shoulder, I got my head to face him. Wanting an answer.

"Why wouldn't I be." He responded, resting his forehead on mine. I blushed madly. I looked at him, he looked back with a smile drawn on his face.

"Alright, Dragon Boy." He said, smiling as well.

"Two can play that game, Champion Girl." He said, looking at me, like if he had done the greatest comeback in history.

"Mine sounds better, Dragon Boy." He said, grinning really hard.

"You don't specialize in any type, do you?" He asked, losing a bit of hope on winning this battle.

"Nope!" I responded happily.

"There go my chances." He said, looking at the ground, knowing he got defeated.

"And that is why you think twice before challenging the Champion of Kanto, Lance. You should know that, being the Champion of Johto." I said.

"Let's see how you make it out of this one then." He said, getting up. I got up as well.

"What's all this about?" I asked.

"Did you ever play tag as a kid?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said, confused.

"Tag. You're it." He said, tagging me on the shoulder.

"God, you just made a huge mistake," I said, getting ready to run. Surprisingly, the room we were staying in wasn't so crowded. Plenty of places to run, just like I did with Red, Blue, and Green. I ran up to him and tagged him, kicking him playfully on the rear. He turned around, seeing the deepest blush I've ever seen. Surprisingly, darker than my usual. I just stood, laughing my ass off.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that if I were you." He said, cracking his hands, his blush slowly fading. I eventually regained my posture, recovering from the funniest thing in my life.

"Then better start running and quit talking!" I said, beginning to run the opposite direction. I heard his footsteps following mine. As soon as I began running, I stopped. Stopped by him hugging me from behind. We stood there laughing for a bit, him swaying me at the same time. As we stopped, I rested the back of my head on his shoulder, staring each other. Me staring at his dreamy amber eyes, and him looking at my... whatever he thinks about my (E/C) orbs.

~Lance's POV~

Arceus, don't let this end. I... let me face reality in the face for a second, I love (Y/N) with my whole being. I would do anything for them, and I mean it! I stare into their hypnotizing (E/C) eyes more, as they stare into my amber orbs. (Y/N)'s probably is thinking about why I'm being so nice. Correction, they are. The only thing I wish I had was the courage to tell them my true intentions. After what seemed like an eternity, both of our faces turned red, and we got out of our position.

"(Y-YN)! I'm sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable! I-I don't know what-"

"Calm down. It's okay." They said, pecking my right cheek, putting her hand on my left. I started blushing like crazy.

"W-Why... did you do that, (Y/N)?" I asked.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" They said teasingly, getting inches away from my face.

"N-No! I was just wondering!" I said, scratching the back of my neck while giving a nervous smile.

"Lance, I know you're lying to me. Just tell me the truth. You'll be fine." They said, getting back to their normal stance.

"It's nothing, really," I said, putting a hand on their shoulder.

"Thank you..." They whispered.

"You're welcome," I said, walking to my bed, "Well, I'm going back to bed. See you in the morning."

"Alright then. Goodnight, Lance." They said.

"Night, (Y/N)," I responded. 'I love you.' I thought.

(A/N: OMG FINALLY!!! This chapter is finally out! Sorry for the long wait! First, my internet decided to fail on me. Then, school starts, so it depletes the time that I have to write stuff. Especially since I do band and athletics. I'll try my best to update all of my books. But, hope you guys enjoy!

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