Chapter 16: Decisions

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A/N: who would visit a Starbucks with Koffing and Ekans as baristas? I know damn well I would, lol :p

(Y/N): Your Name
(E/C): Eye Color

My vision got weird once more. This meant that we were getting teleported back to the Team Rainbow Rocket Castle. When we settled in, I saw Lillie, Colress, and the rest of our Pokémon waiting for us.

"Champions! Thank goodness you're all safe!" Lillie said happily as we got our bearings down.

"I'm glad to see all of you return safely. I also see that Dragonite made it safely to the hands of its trainer. Seems the Colress Machine No. 1103 did its intended job!" Said Colress in a high pitched voice because of his newfound success.

"That's great and all, but where's Ghetsis now?" Asked the Johto Champion.

"Oh, don't worry. I teleported him back to his world, thanks to the Colress Machine No. 1102!" Exclaimed the scientist. 'How many machines does this guy have?' I thought to myself.

"The last thing we need to do is turn Aether Paradise back to how it was and save Lillie's mom. But, how are we gonna do that, Dr.Colress?" Asked Elio.

"I can tell you now that it won't be easy with multiple worlds mixed together, even for someone like me. But I think that if we remove the twisted desires from the last man here, the Colress Machine should be able to do its job effortlessly," Explained the blonde man.

"You mean the Team Rocket boss?" Asked Lillie. Even the smallest mention of that man was able to send my anxiety sky high. Though I knew that he's only human like the rest of us in this room, I still had a lingering fear dormant inside of me.

"Correct! You have a sharp eye! I'd like to study the castle a bit more, so I shall leave the rest to the five of you!" Said Colress. I felt childish being afraid of one person when I'm surrounded by four. I took a deep, shaky breath at the end of the scientist's sentence.

"Champion (Y/N), are you okay?" Asked Selene.

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just... shocked from what happened with Ghetsis, that's all," I responded with a small smile. She nodded and smiled back, looking forward.

"P-Please! Allow me to heal your Pokémon before you go and battle the Team Rocket boss," Spoke up Lillie. We all went to her, the children in front of Lance and me.

"(Y/N), you seem nervous. Are you alright?" Asked the Dragon Trainer, putting his warm hand on my right shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I looked into his amber eyes.

"You're Kanto's Champion, I know you'll be just fine," He spoke, giving me a smile as he let go of my shoulder. At this point, all of our Pokémon were fully healed. With all the courage I could muster, I was the first one to get teleported in the room Giovanni was located in.

The other four, including Lillie, came in shortly afterward. Elio and Selene were at my left, Lance and Lillie on my right.

"I had been informed that intruders were here, but I'd never Imagine a certain someone would be here along with these children... The other's were useless then..."

"P-Please! Let my mother go!"

"Shut up!" Growled Team Rocket's boss, then giving Lillie deadly stare. He then looked at my (E/C) eyes a cold stare, "It's been a while, (Y/N). I'm glad we get to see each other again..." He said with a devilish smile, walking closer to me.

"Get away, and release the President," I said in a harsh tone to match his.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that won't be possible," He responded, backing off a bit, "As you already know, Team Rocket's goal was to use every single Pokémon in existence and control the world. But now, we have a much bigger organization, Team Rainbow Rocket! With its leader, I, Giovanni!" He released a sinister laugh, the President of Aether Paradise falling on the ground.

"Lillie! Your mom!" Pointed out Elio, pointing to where her mother was located. She quickly rushed to her mom's side.

"Mother, are you okay?! Please, answer me! Mother!"

"I'm afraid the president won't be waking up anytime soon. I used the energy of the Ultra Beast to make her sleep. The moment she wakes up, she'll be a loyal servant for me to use at my will!" He exclaimed.

"H-How... how could you do that to my mother?!"

"So that Team Rainbow Rocket is able to build an army of UBs and conquer the world! It's simple, really," He paused, looking at me, "We'll need the technology from the Aether Foundation, as well as from other worlds!" He let out a small laugh, then proceeded to look at the two children besides me, "Though I just have to admit, I appreciate the skill it took all of you to get here. Say, would anyone be willing to put their strength to good use, in my Team Rainbow Rocket?"

"Of course not! Who do you think we are?" Answered Elio.

"Me neither!" Followed Selene.

"I also refuse," Said Lance.

"Aw, what a shame. Well, (Y/N), you're my final hope. Say, let's go back to the good old days," He offered, stretching his hand out to me.

"Under one condition."


"If you defeat me in a Pokémon battle, I'll resign from my position as Champion and join the ranks. If I emerge victorious, you free Lillie's mother from her trance and stop this madness immediately," I answer.

"Champion (Y/N)! That's too risky!" Commented Selene.

"She's right, we can't afford to make such a big gamble, not now," Followed Lance. Elio nodded, agreeing with the two.

"It's the only way to save the Foundation and its president. I'll be just fine, you three. I promise," I said, smiling to the three.

"At least let me help you." Said Lance.

"This is a battle I have to fight alone. No matter how much my body wants to turn around, this is what my heart's telling me to do this," I said, giving him a warm smile. He in return put his hand in between my shoulder blades. The other two being shorter, Elio and Selene put their hands a bit lower on my hand.

"Sounds fair. I accept," Answered Giovanni, a smile creeping on to his face.

"Alright. Good luck, (Y/N). We all believe in you," Said the Dragon Master with a confident stare.

"Yeah, so do we!" Said Elio and Selene in sync.

"Thank you, you three," I said. I put my left hand in between Elio's left shoulder and Selene's right. To my right, I placed my hand on Lance's left shoulder. After a bit, I released them, walking to Giovanni, staring deep into his eyes.

"Champion (Y/N), p-please be safe. And..." Lillie said, her knees on the floor. She looked down to her mother, and back at me, "Please safe my mother!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah. Mark my word," I answered, putting my hand on her head, patting it a bit. I smiled at her, walking a little closer to Giovanni.

"If I'm being completely honest, you'd be the last person I'd think would dare stand againts me. But, no matter. Shall we commence?" He said, getting a Poké Ball out of his pocket.

I reached for my waist band to get a Poké Ball. My heart beat quickening, my hands becoming a little shaky. I brought the red part of the device to my forehead, holding it firmly in my hand. I took a large, deep breath, releasing it shortly afterwards. I brought my hand down, all the while looking at Giovanni's dark eyes as a confident smirk arose from my face.

"Bring it on, old man."

A/N: OMG I AM BACK MT DUDES! I am DEEPLY SORRY for anyone waiting for a new chapter! I'm glad I was finally able to get rid of my writer's block and write something for y'all! Though I can't promise anything, HOPEFULLY I'll be able to write a new chapter by next week. Thank you so much for the ongoing support that you, Reader-Chan, have given the story while it has been on hold. You all have no idea how much your votes mean to me. Anywho, God bless you all, stay safe if you're going outside for essential activities and/or protesting. Wash you friken hands, practice social distancing. DON'T GO OUT IF YOU CARRY COVID-19 OR HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS! VISIT YOUR DOCTOR IF SO! I love you all! Weebachu out!

1289 Words

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