Part 2

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As Dec walked through his front door,he could hear that Ali was now up,clattering around in the kitchen.He walked in,taking his sunglasses off and laying them on the kitchen counter with a hearty sigh.

"Oh baby,come here" Ali could see how much he'd been crying and it hurt her to the core.

"How is he doing?" She asked while holding her beloved husband in her arms.

"Not good" Dec informed her "he's in a dreadful state,I wish I could take his pain away,he's suffering so much,I just don't know if I'll be able to help him.I'm going to get in touch with lawyers,rehab and work but I want to be there for him emotionally,that's more important than anything.I can't bear to see him like this,he's a good person with a beautiful heart and he doesn't deserve any of this"

"Hey" Ali said softly "I know he doesn't,I love him too remember?and between us and all the people who love him,we'll get him through this"

"I know we will" Dec smiled,kissing her gently "I need to make some phone calls"

"Love you" Ali called out as she made her way out of the kitchen to give Dec some peace to make the calls "Ant is lucky to have you"

Dec smiled again "I love you too,I'm lucky to have him,he's always been there for me since we were kids,now it's my turn,I'm going to take care of him"

Ali didn't doubt that for a minute.She'd never known such a beautiful,loving,touching friendship between two men and she adored them both all the more for it!

Dec spent the next few hours on the phone,determined to make Ants road to recovery go as smoothly as possible.

Once he'd spoken to everyone concerned,he called Ant.

"We've got a meeting with ITV tomorrow at 10am" Dec announced "they're happy to come to your place but please don't worry,I'll do the talking and afterwards you'll be driven straight to rehab,make sure you're packed and ready to go,I love you mate,I know you can get through this"

"I'll be ready" Ant promised "and thank you,thank you so much for looking after me,love you too"

"That's what best friends are for" Dec said "I know you'd do the same for me in a heartbeat if necessary"

"I would,absolutely" Ant assured him "I'm going to get better for you"

"And for you" Dec corrected "for both of us,together forever,partners in crime,always by each others side"

"Definitely,see you in the morning" Ant smiled.

They hung up and Dec was so happy that Ant was thinking and sounding more positive.He had a long,hard battle ahead of him but Dec knew that with the unconditional love and support he would give to Ant,he would come out the other side!

The next morning Dec arrived at Ants house at 9.50,ignoring the paparazzi and their cameras the best he could,although he knew he had to take the bad with the good in their line of work so he resisted the urge to tell them all where to shove their cameras and their intrusive questions!

"How are you feeling?" He asked as Ant opened the door just wide enough for Dec to squeeze through.

"Ok" Ant replied "better than yesterday anyway"

"Good" Dec smiled

They chatted briefly before three executives from ITV also arrived,quickly making their way through the swarms of press.

Ant led them to the large kitchen table,as they all sat down he scanned their faces,trying to read what was going through their minds.Were they angry with him?how could they not be?were they sympathetic to his plight?did they think he was a complete moron?probably all of the above Ant thought to himself.

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