Part 5

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"To my dear Ant,

I know I've probably said all of this before,but I wanted to write it down so you'll always have something there to read anytime you're having a bad day or feeling down!Or maybe just because you are missing me as much as I'm miss you.

Dear Ant,I promise you this comes from the heart.You are truly the bravest person I know,you've been through so much and are still fighting.

I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and how much i love you.You're working so hard to get your life back on track and I know how incredibly difficult that must be!Yes you've had a relapse since your first stint in rehab but you are dealing with it admirably and I know how dedicated you are to your recovery!"

By now tears were pouring down Ants cheeks at Decs kind words,he carried on reading...

"I hope you understand just how much you mean to me?"

"I do" Ant whispered tearfully himself

"It's just practically impossible to put it into words,but I am at least going to try" Dec continued "You are a very special person and I thank God every day that you came into my life.Auditioning for Byker Grove was no doubt the best thing I've ever done as it brought us together,I can't begin to imagine what my life would have been like without you in it,it would have been so empty.No one could could ever fill your shoes!

I am so sorry for what you are having to go through,I'd do anything to help you get better.You have so much love and support out here.Everyone knows you made a mistake,but also accept that you are ill so are not yourself.None of the fans want you replaced or for me to go it alone without you,they are all desperate for you to be back by my side where you belong as am I!

So until we're together again,please stay strong and concentrate on your recovery,that is all that matters at the moment.I know you can do this my friend and remember,even when we're not together,I'll be thinking of you,I've got your back always!"

Dec signed off his name and Ant counted the 29 little kisses,he knew there was one kiss for every year they'd known each other.

"Soppy little git" Ant mumbled to himself as he held the card close to his chest,overwhelmed by Decs loving words.He stayed in that moment with tears flowing freely down his face for a couple of minutes before peering down at the picture on the front of the card and smiled.He hadn't even noticed it before,having been so keen to open it and read what was written on the inside.He laughed at the picture,it was of a small dog alongside a much larger one and Ant knew it represented their dogs Rocky and Hurley.

That night they both went to bed alot happier than they'd been in a long time,Decs visit lifting both of their spirits immensely.

When Ant awoke the next morning,he smiled at Decs card that he'd placed on the bedside table.He picked it up and read the wonderful message again,filling his heart with warmth.He then decided he'd like to do the same for Dec,to tell him how he felt so he could also read it when things got too much!

He managed to persuade one of the staff members to go out later that day to buy a few cards that he said were for a special friend,then he would choose from the ones they brought back.

Once the staff member returned,he laid the assortment of cards out on the bed.Rummaging through them,one stated in big gold letters on the front 'To an amazing friend' with a picture of two teddy bears hugging

"That's the one" he smiled to himself

He immediately started writing,keen to be as honest and heartfelt as Dec was in his card.

"Dear Decky,

Thank you so much for your beautiful card and kind,loving words.You gave me so much hope and encouragement and are keeping me positive.I am just so grateful,knowing I have you on my side to fight my corner!

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