Part 3

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The next couple of weeks went by in a bit of a blur for Dec,he had been pretty consumed with plans for the last two episodes of Saturday night takeaway.He breathed a huge sigh of relief once the florida finale was done and dusted and he could maybe get back to some kind of normality,although he realised it would probably be quite a while before anything in his life could be considered 'normal' again,whatever that is!

As promised,he spoke to Ant every day,both of them happy to hear each others voices,the calls had soon become the highlight of both of their days.

Ant was having good and bad days which was to be expected.Dec,forever keen to keep his spirits up,regaled Ant with silly stories and rubbish jokes but was also serious when wanting to reassure him how well he was doing.

"I watched you on the takeaway final" Ant announced one day during their phone conversation.

"Really?" Dec was surprised "I'm not sure that was such a good idea" he knew Ant hadn't watched the previous weeks episode where Dec had to present by himself for the first time ever,but was now extremely worried that the fact he'd watched the finale would have just been too much for Ant and was a bit taken aback that it was even allowed in the rehab facility.

"I just wanted to see you do well,I knew you'd smash it,I just wish I could have been there with you" Ant replied

"Next year you will be" Dec was absolutely sure of this "did you like the acts and their songs?I chose them especially for you"

Of course he was referring to the blues brothers 'everybody needs somebody' and the Rembrandts 'I'll be there for you' which had been a part of the show,

"I thought you had" Dec knew Ant was smiling as he spoke,even if he couldn't see it "it meant so much to me and so do you,you're getting me through this and keeping me strong"

"I will do my best to keep you strong every day for the rest of our lives" Dec promised "I owe you that"

"Thank you" Ant whispered "I'll talk to you tomorrow"

They both looked forward to their daily phone calls as it was their only means of communication at the moment,but it was so hard for them as they were so used to seeing each other every day,even when they weren't working.They both missed each others physical presence so much,that they could almost feel their arms ache for one another.

During one phone call,Ant announced that his court date had been postponed until the 16th April so he could complete his intense phase of therapy.

"Do you want me to be there?" Dec asked "you know I will be if you want me to"

"It's ok" Ant replied "it's already going to be a media circus as it is,I don't want to put any of my loved ones through that,especially not you,I've put you through enough already,I'll be ok"

"I really don't care about the media,I'm pretty used to it anyway,please don't try and be brave alone if you want me there" Dec said concerned

"Honestly Dec,I just want to get it over and done with,you being there would only feed the vultures,I really don't want that for you"

"Ok" Dec agreed feeling slightly deflated,wanting desperately to support Ant but knew it ultimately was his decision "I understand but I'll talk to you before and after court that day ok?"

"Of course" Ant assured him "I'll want to talk to you that day of all days"

The day of the court case soon arrived and Dec and Ali sat down to watch the news.Dec had just spoken to Ant before he left rehab,wished him luck and told him he loved him and was thinking of him.
He was also keen to see how his best friend looked,hoping he'd look healthier than when they last met and with visible signs that he was on the road to recovery.

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