Part 6

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Thursday morning soon arrived and Ant had informed Dec he would be leaving at 11am after a final therapy session.

The two of them woke up beyond excited,neither of them could wait for 11 o'clock.Ant had packed everything the night before,he wanted to be ready to go the minute Dec arrived.He'd had breakfast and packed his last minute things like his toothbrush and hairbrush.He then decided to take all his luggage to reception so he was good to go once Dec was there.

His team of therapists as well as other staff members had gathered at reception.They had all grown very fond of him during his time in the facility and were keen to be there to see him off.

Doctor Bruce handed Ant a sheet of paper

"Here's your schedule" he said

"Thank you" Ant replied glancing at the list of times and dates that his various therapists would be visiting him to continue with his treatment plan.

"Please make sure you're always in during those times" Rosie said half jokingly.

"Oh I surely will be" Ant winked at her "I'll be waiting for you"

He turned around suddenly when he heard a car pulling up.A huge smile spread across his face and he actually felt his heart leap as Dec climbed out of the car,waving and smiling.

Dec ran into reception as fast as his short legs would carry him and threw his arms around Ant who clung onto him tightly,

"You're finally coming home" Dec whispered into his ear before giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek,

"Yep" Ant replied,tears threatening to spill over his long eyelashes once again.

Doctor Bruce spread his arms and rubbed both of their backs,

"Come on you two,let's get you home where you'll have plenty of time to carry on with your bonding session" he joked.

"Yes let's" Dec smiled

Some of the staff helped with Ants luggage,piling it neatly into the boot of Decs car.

"Well,good luck Ant" Rosie beamed "you should be so proud of yourself,you've worked so hard to get back on track and take your life back and that's not easy as we all know.We are all so happy we were able to help you,you're a very special person Anthony and we wish you all the health and happiness in the world"

"Thank you" Ant replied,now happy to just let the tears fall,he hugged all of the staff members one by one,thanking them individually for everything they'd done.

"I'll see you next Friday for your home session" Rosie smiled.The doctors had decided to give Ant some time and space to settle back in at home,or at Decs home as the case was,before he continued with his therapy.

"Of course" Ant cheerfully agreed.

Everyone then hugged Dec,telling him what a fantastic friend he was and how important he was to Ants recovery.

Ant and Dec then got into Decs car,waving enthusiastically at the staff as they drove away.

Once they'd left the grounds and were waiting to pull out onto the busy main road,they turned and smiled at each other.Ant placed the palm of his hand behind Decs head and pulled him closer towards him,kissing him on the forehead without saying a word.They both knew that after everything they'd been through,there was no need for words at this precise moment,a look and a gentle kiss said it all,Ant was about to start the next phase of his life with Dec by his side.They both felt more content than they had in months,years maybe.

Dec pressed a button to start the CD player,unbeknownst to Ant,Dec had compiled a mixture of songs he wanted to dedicate especially to his best friend.

As the first chords to The Rembrandts 'I'll be there for you' played out,Ant turned towards Dec grinning.They both then started to sing along at the tops of their voices,feeling every word.When their favourite part of the song came on,they turned to each other,well Dec as much as he could manage while keeping his eyes safely on the road ahead and belted out the lyrics:

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