Part 4

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Ant immediately scooped Dec off his feet,holding him tight

"Oh my God,I can't believe you're actually here" Ant squealed in childish delight,putting Dec down,but still holding him,with his arms wrapped firmly around Decs shoulders "I've missed you so much"

Tears were now streaming down both their faces,but this time they were tears of absolute joy,both of them completely overjoyed to finally see the other.

"I've missed you too" Dec smiled,he was glad to see Ant looked a bit better than at his court appearance,maybe because he had a broad grin on his face,rather than the look of utter desperation he'd had that awful day in court.It was too long since Ant had looked so genuinely happy,Dec thought.

They hugged affectionately for what seemed like a lifetime,neither of them wanting to be the first to let go.Eventually they pulled back slightly,looking deep into each others eyes and smiling

"Come on" Dec said "I've got something for you" and picked up the bag he'd hastily dumped on the floor in his eagerness to jump into Ants arms,handing it over.

Ant smiled as he peeked inside "all my favourite treats,thank you"

"And all the cards are from people who love and support you" Dec announced "and the big one is from me but please don't open it until after I've gone"

"Ok,thank you so much" Ant was beaming and Dec thought this was the happy Ant he wanted back so badly"

"We're allowed to have lunch in my room" Ant informed Dec "they don't usually allow that but have made an exception,you know to give us some privacy,I don't want to share you with anyone"

"Fine by me" Dec smiled warmly at Ant,just so happy to see that adorable face again.

They both ordered their lunch and it was soon brought to Ants room.
They both tucked into roast dinners,Dec making jokes about how naughty it still felt to have a roast dinner on a week day,he'd been brought up to believe that Sunday dinners were exactly that,sunday dinners,the special meal you ate on the day of rest,Gods day,that's what his mum had always taught him and his siblings anyway!

Dec smiled at Ant as he watched him eat,chatting away happily as if he didn't have a care in the world and they were just two friends out for a casual lunch together.

"Got your appetite back?" Dec observed as he watched Ant clear his plate

"So it seems" Ant laughed,wiping his mouth with his napkin

"Good,I'm glad to see it" Dec grinned "I was so worried about you not eating on top of everything else"

Ant placed his napkin on the empty plate and looked at Dec with sadness in his eyes

"I'm so sorry I've put you through so much worry and stress" he sighed "I never meant to,you're the last person in the world I'd ever want to hurt"

"I know that" Dec replied "please don't dwell on that now,I'm just so happy to see you"

"Me too" Ant nodded in agreement "we have to see the therapist at 1 o'clock,are you ready for this?"

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess" Dec frowned,he'd never been in therapy before so had no idea what to expect.

When the time arrived,Ant led Dec to the therapists office,knocked and entered.

The lady who greeted them immediately stood up from her place on the sofa and welcomed them with a cheery "Hi Ant"

Ant introduced her as Rosemary Bailey "but Rosie to us " he winked at Dec

"And this is my best friend Dec" he announced proudly

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