•My one last Chance•

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Chapter 17: My one last Chance
"It was like the gods came down and handed me a opportunity to see Lucy."

  "I hate you natsu!!, and never talk to me again!"

"I'm sorry.."

|Natsu POV|
I can't believe it..


She's really here..


The guild is in shock for a moment, but then rush to Lucy and cry.

"Lu-Chan wahhhh I missed you." Levy exclaimed and Erza shoves Lucy in her armor.

"Ouch Erza.." she shouts but then Erza starts to cry, Lucy smiles and just pets her head. Mira comes to Lucy to give her a hug, and the rest follow. All except me.

"Damn.." I whisper as she doesn't even look at me.

Gray then comes up to Lucy, and the worst part. She hugs him.

"Gray..I missed u.." Lucy said with tears, Gray just laughed and hugged her to. Juvia then came up to them.

"GRAY IS MINEEEEE!" Juvia screams but then gives Lucy a hug. Lucy just laughs.

"I'm sorry Lucy.." I whisper as I leave the guild.


|Wendy POV|

We're walking...

Yeah it's been hours..

"ROMEO!" I screamed

"WHAT!" Romeo said

"WHERE ARE WE GOING!? JUST ADMIT IT WE ARE LOST!!!!!" I shout, and Romeo suddenly is still.

"WHAT-" I am cut of when Romeo puts his hand over my mouth, and says "Did you hear that.."

I hear footsteps and lots of loud shouting, then out of nowhere figures come out. We hid on top of a tree.

"BABY GIRL~~~" A girl sings as she's walking.

"DON'T MESS UP MY TEMPO~" A younger guy says and I hear a shout.

"Rose! Quin! Shut up, we are lost and all you wanna do is sing that stupid song." A older girl says and I realize her.

"Romeo!! That's who kidnaped me and happy!" I whisper as his eyes widened.

"Shit..this is bad.." Romeo said

"We're looking for the girl and the cat! And fairy tail, focus!" The girl says.

"Yes Y/N.." Quin says and one of the other girls sighs.

"Y/N is right you know." A girl says

"Shut uP Diana we know, stop copying." Rose says.

"AND YOU WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE US JADE!" Y/N screams as he puts his hands up defensively.

"Don't KnoW Y/N!!" Jade shouts

Suddenly I hear the branch I'm sitting on crack

"Shit Romeo-" but before I finish, I fall down the tree. Lucky not hurt.

"What's that!!" Rose turns and sees me.

Romeo and happy follow and the gang is looking at us.

"Well thaT saVed a ToN Of trouble didn't it Jade!" Quin exclaimed, "If these brats didn't show up, well Of went your head."

"Dearest Y/N what shall we do to them?"Rose exclaimed and I shivered

"Romeo..Plan..." I whisper and he shakes his head.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!" Happy shouts, and Y/N pauses.

"Happy-San..." I whisper

"Me..Well I want my happy ending.." Y/N shouts and then pauses.

Song: Queen Of Mean
Descendants 3
This will be formatted as so,
XXX: ...
🌹 RIP Cameron🌹 Ever since I heard what happened, I wanted to involve descendents in this book. I chose Y/N (you) as having this back story. Thanks!

Also Before you read, let us give a moment to this man, because I'm dedicating this chapter to him ☺️☺️😊

Y/N: I'm so tired of pretending...WHERES MY HAPPY ENDING!!!! *Attacks Wendy*

Wendy: Sky Dragon Crushing Fang!!

Y/N: I followed all rules..I DREW INSIDE ALL THE LINES!! *Black magic hits wendy*

Y/N: *walks around* I never asked for anything that wasn't mine...

Rose: Y/N waited patiently for her/his time but when it finally came.. *goes to Y/N*

Diana: He called her name..

Y/N: Now I feel this overwhelming pain!!!

Y/N: I mean it's in my brain!!

Romeo: *whisper* count of 3 we run..

Wendy & Happy: Aye sir! *whispers*

Y/N: I mean it's in my veins!!!

Romeo: 1...

Y/N: my thoughts are running in a circle like a toy train...

Y/N: I'm kind of like a perfect picture with a broken frame..

Romeo: 2.........3!!!!

|Group runs|
Y/N: *screams and chases them* I KNOW EXACTLY WHO TO BLAME!

Quin: Y/N never thought of herself/himself as mean..

Jade: She always thought she'd/he'd be queen!

•Wendy Trips•

Romeo: Shit!!! *helps her up*


|Wendy bows|

Y/N: (yeah I skipped some parts 😂) I WANT WHAT I DESERVE!


Me: Well....

Wendy: 😞

Happy: did we die?

Romeo: uh maybe?

Wendy: NOO

Me: Well I'm out


Me: Thx for reading 😂

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