•Element of suprise pt 1•

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"I'm tired of wondering who did it, let's find out."
"I think I have an idea.."
|Lucy POV|
"Lu-Chan, take a look at this." Levy replied and I shook from my trance.

After we made up, we went back to the guild to figure out how to rescue our guild mates. Me and levy are trying to find a clue as to why this mysterious person kidnapped those 3. Natsu and the rest of our physically strong mates are training.

"Levy we've been searching this library for 5hrs! And all we've found was dumb books on the history of soup! Like did you know soup was created by some drunk dude wanting a new flavor of wine!?, How do you know this isn't another trick book!!" I shout from behind the book shelf's.

"It isn't! I found a secret door! Just come here!" Levy shouted. I sighed then got up.

"What is it Levy-" I stared in silence as it was just a bunch of books..but one stuck out to me.

Levy only smiles, "You thinking what I'm thinking."

"It's that book..isn't it." I say and she nods.

Here's the book there talking about..

She pulls the lever and a secret door opens, to revel a long dark hallway filled with spider webs

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She pulls the lever and a secret door opens, to revel a long dark hallway filled with spider webs.

" EW! Levy-Chan you know how much I hate bugs!!" I scream. Levy only sighs.

"Well I'm going lucy bye." Levy says and I pause, then run after her.

And we enter the tunnel..

|Natsu POV|
Though I've made up with Lucy.. it's hard for the others to accept me back.

Gray hasn't fought me really, but no ones treated me coldly. We are all practicing with each other but really..It's not the same.

"Harder Natsu." Erza says, and with my fist engulfed in flames I punch her.

She blocks me easily.


I try again.






"TRY HARDER FLAME BRAIN." Gray laughs and I turn mad.


The whole guild comes out and to my surprise Erza dose not stop us.



And in the corner

Fairytail smiles...

Me: :)

Me: Thanks for reading! 😘 hope you enjoyed!

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