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Where does Mary receive such power? from her Son Jesus Christ of course!
At Cana, the hour has not yet come and thus Jesus has no desire to change water into wine (amazing miracle). So who interceded for the bride and groom? It was Mary!
Whom do u think the newlyweds owe a debt of gratitude to? to Jesus AND Mary - both of them. Who was the first to notice that there's no wine? It's Mary! Who was the mediator between the Son of God and the newlyweds? Mary! Who was the mediator between the head servant and Jesus? It's Mary again!
Without Mary, Jesus would never perform the miracle. Without Jesus, there's no miracle.
Did Mary go around and tell everybody to honor and remember her great deed? NEVER! She didn't have to because her spouse (the Holy Spirit who dwells in her womb for 9 months) has spoken, "from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed" (Luke 1:48).
Mary never directs attention to herself but always points it to her Son.
Think about it, on the wedding day of a couple, they run out of wine. What a disaster! It's humiliating to have no wine for ur family, friends, and guests.
But wait, the Virgin Mary comes through and nudges her divine Son to do a miracle. "No way!" Jesus says. But Mary is still adamant, telling the head servant, "Do whatever he tells u!"
Now the miracle does happen! Will the bride and groom be inconsiderate and forgetful of Mary's kind gesture? No way! They'd honor and love Mary all the days of their life because without her nudging the elbow of Jesus, the disaster of having no wine would not have averted.
The take home message is: intercessory prayer DOES work in the kingdom of God!
By the way, where does it say in Scripture that God's miracles communicated through the saints must come from the Old and New Testament?

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