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b l a z e

he looked hot. the tattoos, the snap back, the skinny jeans, and god those arms. there was no way in hell that he was the same boy in the bunk with the glasses that were too big for his face. she had noticed his jawline in the dorm room, but now she could have a perfect look. her eyes scanned every part of him, once, twice, three times before she caught his gaze. his eyes. as if his body was the perfect piece of cake, his eyes were the icing. the perfect shade of chocolate brown that glimmered in the night. and when michael took sefies with him, for michael was a selfie whore, his eyes sparkled as he smiled at the camera, a real genuine smile. something she hadn't seen in a very long time.

she watched him the whole night, but when he was on his umpteenth drink and was grinding on a very pretty blonde dressed as a lifeguard, she was jealous. she wasn't even his, but she felt betrayed. so she did what she thought was right. she took a few shots before walking up the the dancing couple. walking between the two, she pushed the blonde towards a stormtrooper, then planted her lips on the confused boys lips.

the kiss was slow and passionate, unlike anything she has ever experienced. she didn't know if the alcohol was talking over her body or if she was doing if herself, but she didn't care at this point. tingles and sparks erupted in her chest and exploded, moving throughout the rest of her body. she was on cloud nine-no. she was on cloud ten thousand, the kiss was so intense.

but the feeling was cut short when he pulled back, or he was pulled back. michael was yelling at him because he was 'taking advantage of her drunken state'. but she was standing there, touching her tingling lips in a daze.


the next thing she knew, she was lying down in michael's bed. she didn't know why she was in michael's bed, but she was too tired to care. she was too drunk to think about the consequences of her actions, but his lips were so tempting, plump and kissable, begging for her lips to be on his.


michael's bed was warm, unlike hers. but the bed was the last thing on her mind, for it was the tingling of her lips. the kiss last night made her head spin, she could remember it clear as day. it was the only thing she remembered that night. rolling over in the bed, she saw him in the other bed. he looked so peaceful and happy. michael was on the floor. but it was saturday now.

the red lights of the digital clock read eleven fifty two. she sat up quickly and let out a quiet groan from the dull pain behind her left eye. she wrote a note, read it over twice, before leaving to her dorm. although the sun was bright but bearable, she seemed to be surrounded by darkness. she was late, and being late made everything worse. she changed once in her dorm, but left quickly and quietly, her roommate was a very unhappy person. her red seven year old car was waiting in the students' parking. by now it was twelve twenty eight and she knew her mother would kill her.


"where have you been?"

her mother wasn't one to be strict, but her daughter being late for the ninth time was an exception, especially with such a big responsibility. "i'm sorry i was late. i over slept."

sighing her mother gave up on her tough act, for her daughter had too much responsibility with college, she didn't want to make it harder on her. "just don't do it again. she misses you."

they entered her mother's town house where the three year old girl was waiting with her dolls. "mommy!"

blaze crouched down to her level and enveloped her into a hug. "hi lil, i missed you."

"i missed you too mommy."

"how about we go to the park?"


once at the park, the young mother and daughter ran to the swings. blaze pushed her daughter on the swing as she giggled with delight. "higher, mommy! higher!" to which she obliged. but eventually she wanted to play with all the other boys and girls. blaze sat on a bench close enough to watch her, where another was sat.


the boy from the party was there, calum, sitting next to her with a sketch book in his lap. he seemed to have taken some style from his costume, for the slacks were gone and replaced with skinny jeans and a slightly over sized sweater allowed her to catch a glimpse of a feather on his collarbone, roman numerals on the opposite side. she opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off with a loud squeal.


she spun her head to direction it came and saw lily running away from the small group of children she was with moments ago. she wrapped herself around her mother's leg and giggled happily, not acknowledging the presence of the quiet boy.

"hi, baby. did you make some friends?"

she giggled yet again and tried to climb up her leg, to which blaze picked her up. lily was an exact replica of her mother, despite the tattoos and piercings. her hair dark and long, eyes a bright blue-green, green from her father, but they didn't talk about him.

"yes, but one of the boys wouldn't let me play with him, but i like you better."

a small smile formed on blaze's face at her daughter's words. but the image of the boy still seated on the bench with big shocked and curious eyes was still fresh in her mind.

"calum, this is lily. lily this is mommy's friend calum."

lily's gaze turned from her mother to the older man sitting on the bench. her smile grew showing a few missing teeth and spoke. "hi calum."

blaze noticed a sudden change in his facial features, confusion to adoration. a friendly smile was slapped on his face and an innocent voice was replaced with the husky voice of the night before. "hello lily."

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