Chapter 22

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I see them.

I look over to Matthew who's eyes are fixed on them and his lips curved into the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.

He really wants this.

I smile at him and then look forward.

Mahogany is the first to see us.

"Guys guys! They're here." Mahogany yells.

Matt looks over to me and laughs.

I smile at him once again.

I didn't notice how good he looked today. His hair was down and his eyes seemed brighter today. His smile was that same smile that I fell in love with.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by someone attacking me with a hug.

I catch myself and the notice who's hugging me.

It's Shawn.

"Oh my God." I laugh.

"Dude I've been waiting forever to meet you." Shawn says looking at me and then hugging again.

"That's so funny because I-" I start but then realize Matt probably told him about my obsession.

I stop my sentence then look at Matt who can't control his laughter.

"I hate you all." I laugh.

"Even me?" Nash asks going in for a hug.

"Even you." I say going back to Shawn and dodging his hug.

Everyone laughs.

I smile and then hug the rest of them.

I meet them all and Matt literally cannot stop smiling. He's so happy to be here and it fills me with joy.

We take an Uber to Cash's house.



In the car, everyone's engaged in their own conversation and Shawn starts talking to me.

"So Matt told me that you like my music." He laughs.

"More like love." I laugh.

"Aww but forreal, I've actually been waiting forever to meet you. You seem like a really fun person." Shawn smiles.

"Really?" I say looking up at him.

"Hell yeah." Shawn says.

I smile.

He's so sweet.

We talk until we finally get to Cameron and Nash's apartment.

Holy crap. It's pretty nice.

Matt takes our bags to our room and then comes and sits with me and the rest of them.

We literally sit there and talk until 6 pm.

"Bruh, I'm hungry." Mahogany says.

"Same." The Jacks, Nash, and Matt say.

They all nod and look over at me.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I say smiling and getting up.

We go to some fancy restaurant that Cam made a reservation at literally 10 minutes ago.

"Perks of being semi-famous" Cameron winks.

I laugh and walk with Mahogany. We talked on the car ride here and she's actually really chill.

The table we get is huuuuge. I sit down with Mahogany across from me and Shawn and Matt next to me. Shawn's on my left and Matt's on my right. I look over to Matt and he looks at me.

"Having fun?" I smile.

"I love you so much." He says kissing my nose.

I see a flash coming from across the table. We both look over and see Mahogany taking a picture of us.

"That's so getting posted." She laughs.

I smile and look over to Matt again.

The waiter comes and takes our order.

We all order and I guess the waiter recognizes the boys because we got a free bottle of champagne.

Mahogany cheers and I laugh.

My phone chimes.

I look down onto my lap and its Andrea.

Is this a good time?

I immediately text back.

you can text me whenever and it'll be fine. what's up?

I put my phone on the table and start talking to Shawn.

Our food comes along with our champagne and some fancy glasses.

Matt pours champagne for himself, Shawn, and me.

"Here's to a long friendship." Shawn toasts and clinks his glass with mine and Matt's.

"Well damn. I feel excluded." Nash says.

"Same." Cameron, Jacks, and Mahogany say.

"GOOD." I yell.

Cameron gasps dramatically.

"We're just kiddddinggggg goddddd." Matthew says.

We all laugh and eat our dinner.

Since Nash is a fatass, he decides to take us out for frozen yogurt.

We head over to the nearest frozen yogurt shop and he buys for all of us.

"Awwwww, thanks Nash." Mahago says.

Yes. I've decided to call her Mahago.

Nash smiles.

Matt pulls me to the side.

"The real question is, are you having fun?" He asks seriously.

I look over to the group.

They're all laughing at Jack J getting his fro-yo on his nose.

I smile.

"As long as your happy." I say pecking his cheek.

"Babe, I'm serious. I want to know if you're happy." Matt asks again.

"Yes. I'm happy. But I'm happy because you're happy. Okay? I'm always going to be happy if you're happy." I smile.

"I love you so much." Matt says pulling me into a hug.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww." Jack G and Mahogany say.

I laugh and let go of Matt.

"Okay, let's get out of here before they kick us out." I say laughing.

It's 9 pm and we're literally the only ones in here.

"For real." Cameron laughs.

I look back to Matthew.

He's staring at me, smiling.

"I ship us." He says smiling.

This was supposed to be one of my long chapters lmao.

It didn't really turn out how long I wanted it to be but I think it's cute.

How'd you like it ? ;)

There's going to be some Katt action coming up so stay tuned betches.

ok that was corny.

Comment for update :

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