Chapter 37

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Late last night, Shawn came without telling anyone and surprised us all. He's staying in the room across from Matthew and I. We

I wake up to buzzing and after a couple seconds, I realize it's my phone. It's the group chat that's includes all of us. The one we made in California.

Cameron: Is everyone awake?

Nash: Bart's going to lose his shit if we're late. Everybody, wake the fuck up!

Mahogany: I'm up

Jacob: Same.

Carter: 😏😏😏

Cameron: LMFAO

Jacob: Carter, what room are you staying at so I can come beat your ass?

Carter: Chillllll

Shawn: I'm awake 😒

Aaron: Me too 💪

Jack G: Me, Jack and Taylor are up too.

Nash: Katherineeeee??????

Cameron: Matt???



Fucking Shit.

Carter: I wonder why they're so tired 😏😏

Shawn: ahhh 😂

Me: Jacob, tell me when you get Carter's room number 👊👊

Carter: SHE'S AWAKE!

Jacob: I gotchuuuu, Kathy 💪


Me: I'll wake Matt up ((watch your back, Carter))

I laugh and plug my phone into the charger. The time catches my eye.

It's 6:45 in the fucking morning.

I look over to see Matt shirtless with his lips parted and his hair all messy. I look down at myself and I'm in his shirt.

Fuck, I love when he does this.

Before I know it, my lips are on his and his eyes shoot open.

"Hi." I smile.

"Hey." Matthew says groggily and then smiles.

I tell him to get his ass up and head over to the bathroom to take a quick shower.


My hair is curled, my makeup actually came out really good, and I'm dressed. I'm good to go and it's only 7:30 am.

Matthew's fixing his hair but he's all dressed too.

"Damn." Matt whispers.

I wink and then take his hand. We all go down to get breakfast and sit at the biggest table. We're all engaged in a conversation after everyone takes a billion pictures of their tumblr worthy food.

"So Carter, what room you stayin' at?" I smirk while taking a bite out of my bagel.

I could've sworn I picked up two bagels.

I look over to Matt and of course, he has my damn bagel.

"Don't worry bout it." Carter says.

"Yeah, don't worry bout it because I got his room number already." Jacob laughs.

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