Chapter 8

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It hit me.

I need to stage a breakup between me and Casey. In order for everything to go back to normal I need to "break up" with Casey. And it needs to be public. Everyone needs to know that we are no longer dating and I will be out of this shitty situation. Well I mean it's not that shitty. He is super hot and can be very caring. Shut up. No one asked you.

I roll my eyes just as the bell rings. I get up and I can sense someone walking behind me. I turn around and there is Casey. Smiling. I give him a smile back and walk next to him and I say, "I know how to get out of this situation."

"What situation?"

"The" I lower my voice, "fake boyfriend situation"

He slows his walking pace and looks at me confused. Then he nods his head and puts on a smirk. Now I'm the one confused. He pulls me into an empty classroom, probably so we can figure out how we are going to break up. He leans back on a desk as I stand in front of him as he crosses his arms. He looks at me, searching my eyes, then goes to my lips, then back up to my eyes. I feel uncomfortable under his gaze, as I shift my weight from one foot to the other.

I soon break the silence as I start brainstorming ideas on how to break up. "What if our parents are mortal enemies and they are making us break up?" Casey says nothing, and keeps staring. "No no, you're right to 'Romeo and Juliet'" I think some more.

"Oh! I think I got it. Okay so it definitely has to be public, so we could do it during lunch in the cafeteria, and how about you take some of my food and I get so upset that we break up right there and then?" He continues to stare, "No you're right, too middle school"

I'm silent for a while thinking of a way to break up, as I'm looking around the room for inspiration. I then feel a presence behind me. Arms wrap around my waist and Casey's head dips down and rests on my shoulder. My heartbeat quickens and my breath hitches in my throat. We stay in that position for a little bit before Casey breaks the silence. And it's oddly comforting to be in his arms.

"Who says I wanna break up" Casey whispers into my ears.

I frown, "What did you say?" He pulls away from me, "Nothing, just had a thought."

"Which was?" I say as my eyebrows furrow into a confused expression.

"Just that why do we have to break up? You know, if you are doing this just so Audrey can get off your back, it's gonna get a hell of a lot worse when you are single, she's gonna want to go to parties with you to meet guys and go clubbing, and from what I remember you really don't like big crowds"

I stand there silently listening, taking in everything he's saying because I guess he does have a point about Audrey being up my ass when I'm single.

"And if we are together, I will protect you from big crowds and gross, horny, drunk teenage boys."

I let out a giggle. Damn, he really does something to me, I don't giggle.

I think about everything he said. I realize I've been silent for a while when he starts walking towards me, his eyes locked with mine as my heartbeat goes haywire, he tucks a piece of my loose hair behind my ear, "so what do you say? No fake breakup?"

I can't speak due to our very very very close proximity, but I slightly nod and agree with him. His lips curl into a smile and pulls me into a hug, "perfect"

As we walk out, hand in hand might I add, and says, "This can help you work on your acting skills in case your dream job doesn't work out, you always got a backup by becoming an actress." He smiles a genuine but goofy smile.

The thing is I don't know if I'm acting around you anymore.

After School
As I'm walking out of the school to my car, Audrey yells my name. Ugh here we go. I put on a smile and walk towards her.

"Hey girl! You look adorbs today btw!" She blows one of her air kisses and I laugh and say a thank you, "Not to be rude Audrey, but I kinda have to go, so is there anything you need?" Yes to be rude, I wanna go home and take a freakin nap. Today has been long.

"Oh yeah sorry honey, just wanted to say that I saw you and Casey come out of that empty classroom earlier today" she winks, "should I let my creative imagination assume what went on in there or" she laughs and winks again.

"Uh no. We just talked and that's it." Technically I'm not lying. All we did was talk, but about what she will never know.

"Mmhmm talking with your bodies?" She then makes a kissy face, laughs, winks and walks off with a "tata" and a little wave of her hand. Ugh. Kill me now.

I walk to my car and start to back out, right before I slam on my brakes as I hit a person. Oh. And guess who that person is. Audrey? No. I wish. It was Casey. He falls to the ground and I quickly get out of my car to make sure he is okay. He proceeds to get up and laugh it off like this was a normal thing. Like it's everyday that he gets hit by a car.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Casey! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Sarah, just a little scratch on my lip from when I fell. All good."

"Are you sure?" I come closer to inspect him making sure he's actually okay and not acting tough and macho. "It sounded like it hurt"

"Now that you mention it, my lips do hurt a little bit" his barely scratched lips turn into a smirk. "Why don't you kiss them to make it feel better?"

I roll my eyes, I come closer to him just a hair apart, I lean in, but quickly step away before our lips touch and walk back to my car, "if you thought you could get a kiss out of me that easily, you were wrong." I laugh and open my car door. He looks at me dumbfounded and I continue to laugh, I get in my car, close my door, but I roll down my window and say, "hop in. It's the least I can do for your very badly injured self." We both laugh as he gets in and I drive out of the school parking lot and to our houses.

"Ya know, that was very rude of you, what you pulled back at school" he says breaking the silence.

"Which part? The backing into you part, or the fake kissing part?"

"Both," he laughs and changes the radio station. The song "Dancing Queen" by ABBA comes on and we both look at each other and start belting out the lyrics. Once the song is over we break out into laughter and as soon as we know it we are home. I drive into his driveway to let him out, he grabs my hand places a kiss on the back of it, winks and gets out.

"You look adorable when you smile, goodbye Sarah." I blush at his comment and drive to my driveway, I turn off the car and sit for a minute just thinking back to the last comment, as I feel my cheeks heat up again.

Fake boyfriend? Real boyfriend? Where do you draw the line? Or is there a line?

Hey lovelies!!! I'm so so so so sorry that's it's been forever,,, writers block is no joke. Plus school I guess. Hope y'all liked it!!

~ Simone <3

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