Chapter 3

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Casey pulled me up from the chair and guided me to the door where my parents were waiting with my suitcase.

"Oh my god! Casey honey! It's been so long since you've been over! How are you? Are your parents still together? You know me and Frank never thought that they would last, isn't that right hubby?" My dad nods slightly as my mom pulls Casey into a tight hug and starts rambling trying to catch up with him. "Oh and hey, what are you doing over here?" She looks between me and Casey and the biggest grin comes onto her face. "Oh! I know!" she claps her hand together. "You guys are dating!! Hallelujah! Sarah has finally found someone other than the tv remote!!"

I groan and roll my eyes, "Mom! No! We are n-"
"Now dating" Casey interrupts me and puts his hand on the small of my back.

"Wha-" I start saying and then I turn towards Casey, "Can I steal a moment with you in the kitchen, baby," I make sure to stress the word "baby." I start pulling him into the kitchen and as soon as I'm out of ear shot from my parents I whisper yell at him.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"What? I'm just doing what you said and being your boyfriend." He shrugs and smirks knowing that he is annoying the hell out of me.

"Fake Boyfriend but that's not the point. I only needed you to be my boyfriend around Audrey, not my parents."

"Okay I understand that, but don't you think it would be a little weird if I voluntarily say I'm going with you to drop you off when we didn't talk for 3 fucking years! They would know somethings up so I was just beating them to the punch. I'm sorry if I crossed a line."

I sigh knowing he is right, "yeah I guess so." I chuckle, "Just be ready for my mom to subtly hint at safe sex, and her "it's okay to be intimate" talk in the car."

"Oh god it's gonna be a long ride isn't it." He laughed and held out his hand for me to take it in which shook my head no and reminded him that it's only fake and we don't have to actually act like a couple. To that he said that my parents think it's real so we have to be a little close to each other. We walked out hand in hand. His hand much bigger than mine, but he made sure he didn't squeeze the life out of my hand when he gave me reassuring squeezes. I blushed at the contact, but hid my face quickly. My parents smiled at this act of hand holding, my mom enjoying it the most.

This is going to be one hell of a ride.

We are half way to camp and so far only small talk has been made. You know the news talk between my parents, and the "where are you thinking of going to college" talk between me and Casey. He seemed really excited when he started talking about what he wanted to study at college. His eyes lit up and sparkles as he explained what an environmental scientist does. He looked happy, like he had his life all figured out. He then asked me what I wanted to do.

"Do you want the full answer or a "long story short" answer?" I ask giggling.

"How much time do we have?" He laughed and I took that as a sign for the full answer.

"Honestly I don't know what I want to do, but I know I want to work with kids with disabilities. The number of kids with disabilities is growing and there is not enough people to help them and guide them and make them feel worth it. My freshman year of high school this group of kids were bullying this one girl who had Down syndrome. They backed her into a corner and were calling her a retard and a waste of space in this world. That's when I knew I needed to help those kids. Those kids who feel like they are backed into a corner with no where to go, no one to help them." Casey stares at me for a good minute or two and then he responds.

"Wow. I think that we need more people like you in the world. People who don't care what the other person looks like, sounds like, but what they are like on the inside. I didn't know you were so passionate about it either."

"Well, a lot can change in three years" I say looking down and fiddling with my bracelet.
"Yeah." He sighs and looks out the window just a second later my moms voice rings through the car.

"Casey, have you ever heard of the safe and unsafe burritos?"

"Umm no?" Casey says confused as he turns to me and raises an eyebrow. I mouth "I warned you" and roll my eyes.

"Okay, well it's a pretty short story. The safe burrito is always wrapped nice and tight, the unsafe burrito is not wrapped at all, so the unsafe burrito's contents spilled everywhere and can cause dangerous diseases to come upon the other burritos, like BPV (Burrito Papilloma Virus). But the safe burrito was wrapped so none of his contents fell out so no one could contract and diseases from him. All in all a wrapped burrito is better than an unwrapped burrito. You get what I'm saying?"

After my moms whole speech was done I bursted out into laughter. "Mom, is that what you call a safe sex speech?" I say in between laughs. Soon Casey joins me in laughter.
God his laugh is so attractive.
Wait what? Did I just think that?!
Nope I didn't. Block it out. The thought was never there.

"Safe sex? Honey! I was just making conversation. Or convo as the cool kids call it." She winks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Oh look at that sweetie we are here!" My dad perks up as he look through the rear view mirror and mouths a "your welcome" I nod at him and smile as the car parks. I instantly jump out of the car to be away from that mess of a conversation.

I go to the trunk and take out my suitcases. Casey is right next to me and helps me carry my luggage to the check in desk.

As we walk I wave hello to a couple of familiar faces, but realize they aren't saying hi to me they are saying hi to Casey. Giving him flirty looks and giggles. He's mine bitches back off. Whoah. Did I just? Am I jealous? No I can't be. Fake jealousy. Yeah. Okay.

Casey looks over at me knowing I'm getting annoyed and gives me a smile saying all will be good. It's okay. I smile back.

I'm just about done getting checked in when I hear the most horrifying voice I've ever heard in my life.


Hey lovelies! Can you guess who it is? This is gonna be fun! Anyway hope you are enjoying the story! Don't hesitate to comment with anything you want to see more of or anything you want me to scrap!

~ Simone <3

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