Chapter 18

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I'm woken up by a loud clap of thunder. Startled, I sit up on the mattress. God damn it. I was in the middle of a good dream. Once I collected my breath, and my heart rate goes down, I turn my head towards the clock. Wait, didn't I used to have a clock there? Right on my nightstand. Where did it go?

It took me a good five minutes to remember that this is Casey's room, not mine. I look around for his clock and it reads 3:49am. Ugh.

Well, I'm up now so why not go get something to drink. Suddenly feeling really thirsty, I quietly get up so I don't wake Casey. Before leaving the room, I grab my glasses so I could at least see where the stairs are to go down.

I get to the kitchen with no problem, but I don't know where the light switch is. Instead of feeling around the walls, I decide it's better to keep the lights off, so it wouldn't wake up Casey's parents. I open the blinds to the window just above the sink to let in the moonlight, so I could at least see a little bit.

Being as quiet as possible, I warm some milk up on the stove because the microwave makes way too much noise. I pour the milk into my mug, and I'm so lucky to find that they have hot cocoa powder in their cupboard. I mix it in and start sipping on my delicious hot chocolate.

Not wanting to go back to bed yet, I stare out the window at the rain coming down. Listening to the calming sounds of the rain hitting the ground, and sipping my hot chocolate.

All of a sudden I hear a noise. Shit. Someone is breaking into the house. That's it, I'm going to die.

I look around for something to defend myself with, but all I see is the fruit bowl that is sitting near by on the counter. I grab an apple, thinking that if I threw it hard enough it could hurt the person, distracting them as a chance for me to make a run for it.

As the steps get closer to the kitchen door, I duck behind the kitchen island. I hear the door open, my heart rate is beating incredibly fast at this point.

The next thing I know, the door opens and I'm jumping up from my position ready to throw the apple.

I chuck the apple across the room, and to my surprise hear a groan on the opposite side of the room, which tells me my aim is not as bad as I thought. Squinting my eyes at the person I realize it's none other than Casey.

"Dang girl! You got one heck of an arm. That's going to leave a bruise." Casey's walks into the moonlit light, rubbing his shoulder.

"Oh my god Casey! Are you okay? I'm sorry. I thought you were a burglar."

"A burglar? Really?" He laughs it off and soon a silence takes over, until he speaks up again."So, what are doing up at 4:00 anyway?"

"The thunder woke me up and I couldn't fall back asleep so I came down and made myself some hot cocoa." I pick my mug back up and continue sipping as Casey takes a seat at the table.

"Aww is wittle Sawah afwaid of some thunder?" He makes fun of me, I scoff and turn back toward the window.

"Ugh no." Shaking my head I continue, "Anyways, what are you doing up?"

"I was worried about you." He gets up and starts to walk toward me.

"R-really?" Casey's now standing in front of me, my back against the counter. He puts his hands on either side of the counter, trapping me in. My breath gets heavier as I look into his eyes, which are staring back at me with intensity. His face breaks out into a smile.

"No. I just wanted to see how you would react." He walks away swiftly, and leans back on the counter opposite me. "And by the looks of it, you reacted exactly like I predicted. Oh, and by the way, you look good in glasses." He laughs, but mostly to himself.

I look at him with annoyance as I scoff. That little- ugh. He thinks he can get me all flustered and then walk away like nothing happened. Well, nothing did happen. And nothing is going to happen. Ever. It can't. This is all fake fake fake. But nobody's around, so...was he faking it?

That boy can really get on my nerves sometimes. But, despite his ways I decide to brush it off my shoulders and be nice to him.

I motion to my mug, "Do you want some hot chocolate for that ego?"

He laughs, "Sure, I'd love some. Thank you." He smirks at me as I reach to grab another mug from the cabinet.

"Could you grab the milk?"

He goes to the fridge to grab the milk as I get out another packet of hot chocolate mix. I warm the milk on the stove again and stir in the mix.

"What, no marshmallows?"

"It's your house pretty boy, if anyone's going to know where the marshmallows are, it's you."

"You think I'm pretty?" He pretends to flip his hair back like a girl. I scoff and hand him his mug.

He takes a sip, "Ow, that's hot."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock, it's called "hot" chocolate for a reason." He sticks his tongue out at me like a 5 year old and soon the quietness takes over once again. At this moment I realize that the rain had stopped. I also notice that the sun is making its way up ever so slowly.

"Oh! Look at that! The sunrise!" I break the silence as I point out the window.

Casey nods his head and a small smile breaks on his face. "I have the perfect place to watch it." He grabs a blanket and my arm as we head up the stairs back to his room.

I'm trying not to make lots of noise, while also trying not to spill my hot chocolate as Casey drags me alongside him. He heads over to his window opens it and climbs out. Realizing he's going to the roof, I become excited and follow quickly after. He sets down the blanket on the roof and sits down. Casey pats the spot next to him waiting for me to sit, which I do.

Once I'm all settled, I take in the scene in front of me. The sky has an orange, pink, and yellow color to it, which illuminated the trees that climb high into the sky. I sip on my drink and take in the gorgeous view. I turn my head and I see a rainbow that arches over all those trees.

I gasp, "Look! A rainbow!" Casey chuckles and makes a comment about how I sound like a child. I roll my eyes and look ahead of me again. I start thinking about how this view is so pretty, but I notice how I've never been up here before. "Why haven't I ever known about this view?" I ask Casey.

"I don't know, maybe it was because you never stayed over. You were too scared to stay at a boy's house." Again, he makes fun of me.

"Okay, whatever laugh at me all you want. But just admit that you had the biggest crush on me in middle school. I didn't know what would happen if I stayed over."

"Not had, have."

What? No. Did he just? No he didn't. I'm just gonna ignore it. Yeah. Good plan. Ignore it. Phew.

A shiver runs down my spine as a gust of wind rushes past us. Casey's quick to pull me in to a side hug to keep me warm. Being in his arms feels nice. Like I'm safe. Without thinking I tilt my head down on his shoulder and lean into his hug.

"This view is beyond beautiful." I say smiling, trying to keep my mind off his comment.

"It really is Sarah." Casey says back, but I get a feeling that he's not just talking about the sunrise.

Hope you enjoyed! As always, continue to vote, share comment, keep reading and stay safe!

~ Simone <3

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