Chapter 4

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"OMG SARAH!!" the voice behind me shrieks. I turn around slowly to give myself time to prepare what I'm going to say. She finally comes into my line of sight.

"Hi Lily! So nice to see you!" I say in an almost annoyed tone.

Lily Patters was the first friend I made here and we hung out all the time even after camp was over we still hung out. She was my best friend for a while and then she befriended Audrey. As her and Audrey hung out more, Lily began to change. She wore more expensive, high end clothes, she would cake her face with makeup, even the way she laughed and talked changed. She became a whole different person, and forgot the person I was best friends with. But we still hung out once in a while, and they were still the fun times I remember. But when I found out she was sleeping around with a new guy every night, a fact she told me she would never ever do, and when I confronted her about sleeping with my crush, she denied everything. I knew she was lying because her cheeks go red anytime she lies. So we slowly drifted apart.

She still thinks we are friends, so she tries to act fake and perky when she sees me as if to convince me we are actually still friends.

"How are you girly? It's been forever!" She gives me a light hug.

For a moment there I forgot Casey was standing right next to me. Until he snakes his hand around my waist. He pulls me to his side gently, but firmly as if he knows that I'm uncomfortable in this situation.

Lily looks back and forth between us with wide eyes. "Sarah?! Do you want to tell me something?" She says motioning her hand to Casey.

"Not that it's any of your business, but this is Casey my b-boyfriend." I stutter wondering why it was hard to say boyfriend. Lily looks at Casey with seductive eyes and smile. "And he's loyal so don't even think about fucking him." I say which came out harsher than intended. She scoffs and walks past us to the check in counter.

I turn to Casey, "hey thanks for that. You didn't really need to"

"Yeah I did, I saw you getting tense and as your loyal and humble boyfriend I protected you." He sticks out his chest and stands up straight like a knight. We both laugh and head to the cabins.

Once we got to the cabin I'm staying in, i realize that Audrey is staying in that same cabin. I groan as she walks through the door with her 6 suitcases and 4 duffel bags.

"It seems like your parents finally had enough of your attitude and kicked you out!" I tease. She looks up and smirks.

"OMG SARAH! Hiiiiiiiiiii!" She drops all of her things in the middle of the doorway blocking the other girls from getting in. She runs to hug me but stops in her tracks. She flips her hair back and puts on her seductive face. "And who might you be cutie pie?" She turns to Casey and gives a wink while trailing her manicured finger along his chest. I roll my eyes by the way she's acting and say, "Oh yeah. Audrey meet Casey. My...boyfriend"

At that her eyes go wide and she smirks. "Ohhh so this is the infamous 'boyfriend'" she makes quotations with her fingers at the word boyfriend. Casey smiles at her and interlocks our fingers together which makes my knees go weak and tingles shoot up and down my arm. Audrey scoffs at our hand and stomps away.

"Well that was easy enough" Casey says turning to me but not removing his hand from mine.
"I told you she's not very bright" I laugh and Casey smiles at me making my stomach do flips.
Oh god that smile is so cute.
Did I really just think that again? The thought gets put in the back of my mind as my parents enter the cabin.
"Hi sweetheart just wanted to make sure you are getting settled alright. Everything okay?" My dad asks looking between me and Casey.

"Yup dad everything is perfect. I'm all good."

"Alright honey, we are going to go. Be good and have fun. Casey? Ready to go?"

"Yeah one second let me say goodbye to Sarah." Casey said and then he did something I'd never thought he'd do, and up until now I didn't know I wanted it.

He kissed me. Not on the cheek. Not on the forehead. On my mother freaking lips. His soft lips touched mine and my stomach was doing a whole gymnastics routine with flips everywhere. He put his hand on the small of my back as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me like he would never see me again and it was our last one.

He pulled away as he smiled at me. That was when I realized the whole cabin went silent and was staring at us. As I processed the whole situation my cheeks went red and my ears were burning hot in embarrassment.

"Alright Mr. and Mrs. Bayn I'm ready to go" Casey says all nonchalantly like nothing major just happened.

He leans in close to my ear and I feel his hot breath on my neck and his cologne is so enticing, "Hows that for a fake boyfriend?" He chuckles and walks away but not before winking at me that made me go limp. He walked out and the door closed as all of the girls start screaming around me and asking many many questions about when the relationship started and how it's going.
What have I got myself into? I mentally do an eye roll.

Soon all the girls started talking about the new gossip around camp.
"Omg! Did you guys here that Jessica slept with Matt last year and it was so bad that they can't even look at each other now?"
"No way! But have you heard that Lauren got a boob job and a nose job just so Leo will notice her?"
I zoned out and my mind started wandering. My cheeks get flushed once again as I think about the kiss me and Casey shared earlier but I can't help but be upset that I let myself get so wrapped up in this that I gave up my first kiss to a fake boyfriend.

Casey was my first kiss. I hope he doesn't know that I've never been kissed before because that's just awkward. I heard around school that Casey was a playboy so I was certainly not his first kiss.

I'm in way over my head.

Hey guys!! I'm so so so so sorry for not updating for a long time. The summer has just been so hectic but I'm back? I don't know my schedule for updating but I'll try whenever I can! Love you guys!

~ Simone <3

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