Chapter 20

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"I can't."

"Yes you can, just hold on to my hands. I've got you."

"N-no! I can't! I can't!"



"Sarah, plea-"

"No Casey! Don't you get it? My mother, my own mother hates me. The mother that birthed me, raised me, laughed and cried with me hates me! I don't have any reason to get up anymore!" I take a breath. "You know, when she started drinking I kept getting up. I got up in hopes that one day she would get help and go back to normal. Now, I know. I just know that whatever hope I had is gone. Down the fucking drain. No mother would say those words to their own daughter, especially to her face! I don't think - no I know I can't go on anymore. Pretending everything is fine when it sure as hell isn't. Pretending I have a loving mother, when in reality she despises me. I just can't Casey. Not anymore." I move closer to the edge of the roof. Tears are spilling out of my eyes, I'm shaking uncontrollably.

I don't want to do this, but I have no other choice. I don't have anything - or anyone - to live for anymore.

"Sarah. Sarah. Sarah." The slow but quiet chanting of my name got louder and louder and soon I feel sweat drip down my forehead, but then something cold stops it.

My eyes shoot open. I was dreaming.

I'm shivering, but also sweating at the same time. Once my eyes fully adjust to the room I'm in, I realize I'm not on my usual air mattress next to Casey's bed. I'm on Casey's bed. I feel the bed dip as Casey sits beside me putting a cold washcloth to my forehead.

"Hey there. How you feeling?" He softly smiles at me and rubs his thumb along my cheek. This touch alone is enough to make my stomach do turns. Which may not be the best thing right now considering I'm a little nauseous.

"I-I'm okay. Um, w-what happened?" My voice comes out raspy and that's when I realize my throat hurts like a bitch. Casey hands me a glass of water and some medicine.

"Take this. It will make you feel better. As for what happened, you went to grab your things from your house and your mom came home. I'm pretty sure you got into a really nasty argument because when you came out tears were running down your face, and you fainted. Maybe not one of your best moments, but don't worry, as you very humble boyfriend I caught you and brought you back here. You've been out for about a few hours, but you just recently started sweating and I heard a few panicked either mumbles or screams so I stayed by your side to make sure you were okay."

"Wow. I mean, yeah it's starting to come back to me now, but that dream. I-I was about to..." I start tearing up again just thinking about what almost happened.

"Hey, shhhh. It's okay. It was just a dream." Casey pulls me into his arms and strokes my hair while he calms me down. With my head on his chest I tell him about my oddly realistic dream.

"So there I was on the top of the building trying to explain to you that I don't have anything to live for anymore. A-and right as I stepped off the ledge, I woke up." I wipe my tears as I pull away from him to see his reaction. He was concerned, angry maybe? Sad? His eyes kept switching from emotion to emotion, but what I could tell was that he cared. He cared not only for the story but about me.

"Sarah." He cups my face with both his hands to make sure I'm looking straight into his emotion filled eyes. "You are amazing. You are the most incredible girl I have ever met. You are sincere, kind hearted, caring, smart, maybe a little stubborn here and there, and not to mention absolutely breathtaking. You are important in this world, and I know that the world would not be the same if you weren't in it. I wouldn't be the same. Sarah, you make me a better person when I'm with you. You won't ever need to feel that alone in life ever again. Because I'm here. I let you go once. I'm not about to let you slip through my fingers again. I'm here. I'm here." He pulls me back into a comforting, tight hug while he rubs my back gently.

I'm speechless. And honestly thoughtless. My mind is blank. I heard every single word he said loud and clear, but my mind won't process them. He's really there for me. He cares. About me.

We stayed hugging for a few minutes when he pulls away, making me frown from losing all the warmth he gave me. He smiles at me and stands up. He reaches his hand out.

"Come on. Dinner's ready. Mom made your favorite! Lasagna with extra noodles and cheese!" As soon as I heard lasagna I jumped up, feeling slightly dizzy from the sudden movement, and make my way downstairs. The smell coming from the kitchen is divine. I hear Casey laugh beside me.

"What? A starving girl can't like food now? Plus, I'm happy you remembered my favorite food, it's been so long since I've had a not frozen lasagna."

"Of course I remembered. That social studies presentation you did on the history of lasagna was one I will never forget." We both laugh and I slap him on the shoulder.

"Hey! Mrs. Pane said it could be over anything as long as it had history somewhere in it! And, not to mention I did get an A on it so ha!"

We sit down across from each other at the table just as Casey's mom put the dish on the table.

"How are you feeling honey? You were out for quite some time."

"I'm doing fine, just hoping I can stay here for a little while longer? It doesn't look like I can go home anytime soon."

"Oh! Stay as long as you like dear! You are welcome here always!" His mom exclaims while pouring. Lasagna on each of our plates.

"Yeah! And I finally get to have a sister who will play barbies with me!" Polly, Casey's younger sister joins in.

"For sure Polly!" I dig in to dinner and it is heavenly. I mean delicious with a chef's kiss.

We make small talk through dinner, Casey's parents mostly talking to each other about news and whatnot, and then me and Polly chatting about her Barbie collection. Casey, though, stayed pretty quiet through the rest of dinner.

When dinner was done, and dishes were washed we all decided to watch a movie together. Or that was the plan. Trying to pick the movie, now this is where it all went downhill.

They asked me what I wanted to watch, and not really knowing what I wanted I said that I didn't know. Then Polly wanted to watch a horror movie and of course her parents wouldn't let her so she got mad and stomped to her room. Casey, being what he calls a big macho man, didn't want to watch a rom com, or chic flick, so his mom got upset and played it off as she was tired. So she went to bed, but then his dad followed her so it was left with me and Casey. I checked the time which read 11:48pm and got a little bit panicked because we have to actually show up for school tomorrow. Some assembly that has to do with graduation. God, I can't wait to finally graduate.

"Casey, I think we should head to bed too, we have to go to that assembly tomorrow remember?"

"Right. Ugh, I hate assemblies, too many people."

"Me too, but this is required for graduation so unless you want to be stuck here for another year I suggest you go."

We make our way up the stairs and I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I climb into my bed, on the air mattress, my mind starts replaying the horrible dream I had after I fainted. After I hear Casey climb into his bed, and I realize my mind is not going to stop racing I get up and slide into the bed next to him.

"Sarah, what are you doing?" He whispers.

"I can't stop thinking about that awful dream. Plus, that mattress is getting very uncomfortable." He chuckles, and scoots closer to me. He puts his arm around my waist and brings my back to his chest. At this point I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Goodnight Sarah."

"Goodnight Casey." I let myself sink into his arms and fall into a deep sleep. But that's not the only thing I'm falling for.

I think I'm falling for Casey Wacaster.


Hey everyone! So so sorry it's been a while. I started a new job about a month ago so it's been taking me a while to find time to write again! Hope y'all loved it! Remember to vote, comment, share and as always stay safe!

Much love,
~ Simone <3

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