Chapter 2

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By this time I have two hours left until I leave for camp so right now I'm pacing around my room thinking of what I should say to Casey when I call him. My stomach is in knots and I'm sweating like I just ran a marathon. Ugh why did I have to lie to Audrey?! I'm in so deep and I don't know how I'm going to dig myself out.

I look out past my window and see him getting into his car again about to leave for somewhere. It's now or never.

I dial his number and I'm about to press call when something stops me. I don't know what it is but it feels like there is a force between my finger and and the button that won't let me press it. And then my mind races with thoughts. What if he says no? What if he laughs at me? I'm going to make a fool of myself.

I hear his engine turn on and then I start swearing profusely again. Last chance. Without thinking I pressed the call button. Before I know it the line was ringing and I'm putting the phone up to my ear.

One ring goes by.
And then another.
And then another.
It feels like ages until the next ring, and then finally he picks up.


"H-hi Casey. Um, H-h-how are y-you?" Why the fuck am I stuttering?! Oh my god this was a mistake.

"I'm doing well, but uh who i-" I unknowingly cut him off and start rambling about my situation.

"So this is gonna sound funny but I made a lie to my friend that I had a boyfriend, but I really don't ha ha, you see and I uh kinda I um Ikindatoldherthatyouweremyboyfriendsocouldyousendmeapictureofyoutoposeasmyfakeboyfriend?" That was a lot harder to get out than I anticipated. Whew at least the hard part is over.

"Um excuse me, but who is this?" Awkward. Shit did I forget to say my name? I wish a hole would appear in the ground to just swallow me up so I don't have to deal with this embarrassment anymore.

My cheeks instantly turn a tomato red color and I finally gather the strength to say, "Oh right, ha ha s-sorry about that. Th-this is Sarah. Sarah Bayn from across the street."

Silence. That can't be good. He should have at least said an "ok" by now. Right? I hear a knock on the front door of my house and I go down so see who it is. I open the door and the person instantly starts talking.

"Hi Sarah. So tell me more about this fake boyfriend situation." Casey says with an amused smirk on his face.

"Wh-what are you talking about? What fake boyfriend? I have no idea what you are talking about. Okay bye then." I try to be as persuasive as I can in hope that he will believe me and leave. I start to shut the door when he pushes it back open. Dang those muscles. He saw right through my lies.

"Come on Sarah. You and I both know that you are the worst lier on the earth so why don't you just tell me what's going on and we can figure it out together like back in middle school when you were quite the troublemaker." He grins as he steps past me and into my house. He goes to the kitchen and sits on one of the bar stools. I'm still at the door staring outside with my mouth open taking in what just happened.

"Close your mouth you don't want bugs flying in there do you?" Casey calls from the kitchen. I close the door and slowly make my way to the kitchen.

"Okay, first of all I wasn't the troublemaker you were, I just ended up getting blamed for the whole thing which you never cared about." I say kind of getting angry remembering all those times when I took the fall for him and he would make it up to me by buying me an ice cream cone from my favorite place.

"Never mind that. But what is the situation because it seems like it was urgent considering the speed you talked at." He's pulls me back into reality and I glance at the time and I only have one hour left until I leave. Crap. Now or never I guess.

"Okay, um so this girl at this summer camp always bullied me for not having a boyfriend. She called me today mocking me again, and I snapped and lied to her about having a boyfriend. So uh that's where you come in. I just need you to send me a picture of you, goofy, cute, whatever it is I just need one picture of you so I can show her that you are real." I gasped for air because now that I said it a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. He stared at me wide eyed and then he laughed at me. It wasn't like a mean laugh but a "are you crazy" or "what the fuck did you get yourself into" laugh.

After a few minutes of him laughing and me glaring at him, he finally said the word that I dreaded to hear. The word that made me think over and over again if this was the right decision.


Now it was my turn to laugh. It was a light giggle at first and then it turned into a stomach hurting kind of laugh.

"What? You didn't think I was going to say yes did you?" He said smirking at me.

My laughter died down as the reality hit me. Fake boyfriend. Well, not really all he needed to do is send me a picture. But boy, a picture is never just a picture.

"Um actually no I didn't. I thought you were going to laugh in my face and say no in all the possible ways you could say no. But um, I only have a half hour left until I leave so could you just send me a goofy picture of you and then you can be in your way?"

"Are you sure a picture is all you are going to need to convince this girl?"

"It should be. She's not a very bright person but I mean what else could there be to do to show her? It's not like you can drop me off at camp in person but I think a picture is going to be just fine."

"Okay." He stands up and holds his hand out to me.

"Okay what?" I tilt my head to the side to show my confusion.

"Okay, I'm going to drop you off at camp in person."

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