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Leon couldn't forget that moment in China even if he tried. The very moment when he and fellow agent Helena Harper chased after the fake Ada Wong just to bring her in as a witness, only to draw guns with Chris Redfield and his protege Piers. But what happened after was ingrained into his mind, burning not only his very thoughts, but warming his body from the very moment.

"Chris?" He asked the captain who stood across from him, winded from a rough wrestle, but aimed right for the DSO agent.

"Leon?" Chris inquired, just as confused. "What are you doing here?"

Leon heard Helena sprinting behind the captain, and behind him Piers fixated his rifle at the woman he called Ada.

"Put your gun down, Chris," Leon tried to explain, "She's a key witness; we need her."

"A witness?!" Chris snarled. He was not convinced at all. "She was the one who did all this!"

Leon shook his head. "No, it was Simmons, the National Security Advisor." He tried to explain to the enraged Captain, but it was no good. Chris was not backing down from this.

"I lost all my men because of her!" Chris howled. Leon could hear his anger and pain, but it was the cry of a man blinded by emotions, by revenge. He had to stand strong.

He responded: "And I lost over 70,000 people! Including the President, because of Simmons!"

Chris' expression changed. From anger, he became shocked. Shocked at the sheer number, and the realization of Leon's circumstances. Shocked that he lost thousands of innocent people, and the very man who carried the weight of the nation on his shoulders.

He scowled. He asked Leon, "She works for Neo-Umbrella - you know what that means?"

Leon nodded. "Yeah...I do..."

Chris still seemed unconvinced. He asked again, "And you're still going to protect this woman?"

Leon considered his answer. Should he? He wasn't sure. Ada was full of questions, he knew that, but even he was unsure whether the woman he was hunting after was the real Ada or not. He replied, "...I am."

A flicker of light passed outside, forcing both Chris and Leon to squint. Both stayed drawn and armed, both dared not to move. Neither of them were keen to back down. Not at this moment...

But Ada took it; to her belt, she drew a flash grenade, alarming Piers to his captain. Once Leon turned, it detonated.

He remembered searing, blinding light, and a hot throbbing pain around his eyes and through his head. His stomach churned, but even as the light dimmed, he was still blind. He heard the familiar whistle of Ada's hook gun, the clatter of her heels and the ricochet of Piers' gun.

Then, all he knew was heat. He melted to the floor, grasping his stomach while the Plagas within writhed in searing pain. It was like waking a primal beast that, for a long time, was tied down and suppressed until that moment. Every residual hormonal suppressant he had left in his body was burned through the fever. He needed his suppressants, herbs, something. But he didn't have anything.

"Leon?" He felt Chris' hand to his shoulder. The captain knelt to his back, but his hand warmed to Leon's body heat. He asked Helena, "What's going on with Leon?"

Helena hurried over as well. She felt Leon's hot skin and frowned. "I...I don't know...I don't know what's going on!"

Leon tried to open his eyes, but all he could see was red. It felt like his eyes were on fire, his head throbbing in unbearable pain. He shook his head at the two. "D-don't...don't come near me..."

"Leon, we have to help you," Chris told the DSO agent. His voice was calm and level, trying to help the befallen agent. "Tell us what you need."

"Hunnigan," Helena reached to her earpiece. "Hunnigan, Leon's down, and I don't know what to do here."

"Down?" Hunnigan asked. "Down how?"

"He's running a fever," Chris answered, "And it looks like his eyes are bleeding."

For a moment neither of the two said a word. Reluctantly, Hunnigan piped up, "This is bad. Simmons has Leon's suppressants. Without them, Leon can't clear his name nor can he clear Helena's."

"For what? What does he need suppressants for?" Helena asked. Chris watched the woman, and Hunnigan answered them both, "Listen to me, and listen to me carefully. The fever is coming from the Plagas womb inside his body. It must have reacted to something, perhaps a bright light source."

Chris paused; Plagas womb? He shook his head rapidly and replied, "We were going after Ada Wong...she tossed a flash grenade before she escaped."

Hunnigan gave a long sigh. She told Chris, "Listen to me, Leon is experiencing rut. The suppressants Simmons took away helped keep them in check, but now that he's been without them, he'll need a reprieve."

"Reprieve?" Chris asked Hunnigan. "Reprieve how?"

Hunnigan fell quiet. She inhaled slowly, then answered, "A reprieve we women can't give him, Chris. Unfortunately, it'd have to be you."

Chris blinked for a moment. His brawn-driven mind grasped what Hunnigan was asking him. His face easily showed his discomfort with the idea. However, as he watched Leon, the Captain asked hesitantly, " there no other way?"

"I'm afraid not."

Chris watched Leon. He considered the agent's circumstances. At the same time, his pride as a man held him back. It wasn't something he had considered in his career, let alone in a situation like this. He swallowed a hard lump. 

"Piers," He finally ordered, "Stay with Helena. I gotta take care of Leon."

Leon was lifted up, much to the agent's dismay. He protested to Chris, " don't have to do this..." Despite his effort, he slumped weakly against Chris' arms and chest. He couldn't fight back even if he was back at full strength. Without another word, he simply let Chris carry him away. He couldn't see for the life of him, but his ears told him where Chris was taking him.

And as far as he knew, it was away from the warehouse.

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