Chapter Two - Jude Heartifila

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Chapter Two

AN: I got the idea for Lucy's new weapon from shadowhunters, it works like Izzy's bracelet but it doesn't look like a snake.

Jude Heartfilia was not a nice man, not like his late wife. Layla had compassion in spades. She was fierce in her protection of those she cared for but at the same time she was a bleeding heart. She never wanted anyone to suffer. Layla didn't hold grudges she always told him that life was too short to waste time hating people.

She said that hate took so much energy she never could hold onto it for long. She claimed that it would only poison her heart and she was too busy loving the people who loved her to bring herself to hold peoples actions against them.

His daughter was so much like her mother and it wasn't just the fact that they shared so many facial features. It was her heart as well. Lucy yearned for adventure all her life but she had such a gentle heart that he feared that she would be taken advantage of and be left heartbroken. The world could be a cold cruel place and that was something that he had inadvertently shown his daughter in his desperate attempt to protect her from the world.

He knew that he was nothing like the two women that he was blessed to know and call his family. He was ruthless, cold, stubborn and strong. He set his sights on what he wanted and he didn't let anything or anyone get in his way. When they did, he completely and utterly destroyed that threat. That was probably the reason why he had managed to build one of the largest businesses in the world but without his wife there was no one left to soothe his rough edges.

His wife was the best part of himself and he had wronged his daughter. He didn't mean to do it. He had honestly believed that she would be happy in the life that he was providing for her.

Lucy didn't smile or laugh instead she walked around like a lifeless doll. Jude had the feeling that if his wife had known what he was going to do to his daughter she would have killed him. As gentle and caring Layla had been, she had fire in her soul. She had a strength in her that made him a better man and losing her had been like losing a piece his sanity and soul.

He wondered for a moment when he began to think that wealth would Lucy happy. Both he and Layla had next to nothing when they first started out. She had been in a guild earning money and trying to save up for a house and he was an up and coming business man. He hadn't actually had much back then.

Layla had believed in him and his vision. She knew that he would one day make the business world kneel before him. He was a stubborn man she would say with a smile and then with joy in her eyes she would tell her friends, 'he'll make the world bow to him before he bows to it'.

She would say that he had a spine of steel, strong and unyielding when it came to what he wanted but he wondered when those things had become bad parts of his character. When his heart had turned to ice and he supposed that it happened as his beloveds body turned cold so did his heart. As much as it hurt him to see his daughter and remember what he had lost, Lucy was a part of Layla. The best parts of her and the best parts of himself. She deserved better from him.

Layla would never have let him choose his daughter's future for her but then again Layla had once been a mage. She firmly believed that every person should have the chance to choose their own path in life. As a parent the only thing that he should want for her was to be happy.

He obviously wished that she would have just been happy to live as an heiress. To become the wife of another business man and help to grow his business. However, Lucy was more like than Layla than he believed and it wasn't just in her looks. She had fire in her soul and she wanted to go on an adventure.

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