Chapter Three - Natsu's Choice

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Chapter Three

Natsu spent the first five days and all his savings on fixing up his house. Happy had been confused to why Natsu was doing all his work. Natsu had also insisted that Happy not go to the guild since everyone assumed that he had already left on his jobs. He also told Happy that they needed a better house even though he refused to explain why the needed the extra room.

Natsu owned most of the land surrounding his home so he knocked down a few walls and expanded the place. He added an en suite to the master bedroom and another bathroom as well as three extra rooms. He knew that he would end up needing the place in the future.

He still had to furnish the new rooms but he had a feeling that Lucy would want to do the decorating. For now what he had was good enough. The house was bigger with a nice bath and shower and a fully equipped kitchen. He cleaned up all the junk as well. It was inhabitable and he knew that Lucy wouldn't be able to complain anymore since the house was no longer a dump as she once called it.

Thinking of her scolding him for not being able to keep the clean reminded him of Lucy and of kissing her. Before he left her and he knew in that moment that Lucy was the only girl that he would ever love like that and there was no way in hell that he was going to lose her (not again.)

The last time, they had both been so afraid to try. There were so many interruptions and misunderstandings that their relationship never moved in the direction that it was supposed to go in. Even though he knew that she had feelings for him, he wasn't ready and Natsu hated change. He didn't want to change the nature of his relationship with Lucy.

This time he wasn't going to let her or anyone else guess the status of their relationship. He was playing for keeps and he was determined to have her in his life and in his home for the rest of their lives. He had fought a war and she had stood by him come hell or high water. She loved him and he loved her and he could do nothing as she lay somewhere dying. He didn't think he would ever be able to just get over the fact that he was losing her. Not even seeing future Lucy die was as traumatizing as listening to her die and being unable to do anything.

He had waited long enough and now that he knew what the future was going to bring them. He was determined to spend as much time as he possibly could loving her and showing her that he loved her. There was no more time for second guessing and missed opportunities. He wanted a life with her and he was going to fight for that future. She was the reason he was able to stand and fight and this time he was going to make sure that she understood his feelings.

Then he realized that he had no money left, expanding the house had used up all his savings. Natsu decided to finally go on those jobs that he had taken. If he did everything right he would be able to replenish his savings. It would only take a few days to complete those jobs and they weren't very dangerous.

He was sure that by the time he was done it should be time to check on Mira's mission and he should be with Lucy in a few more days. He was extra careful and Happy had been quiet shocked when Natsu didn't use magic to take out the bandits that were on the road.

Natsu had already started his training by expanding his magic empting your container of magic completely was a bad idea that could kill a mage. If they were not careful and could often lead to magic deficiency disease. A mage had to have a certain amount of magic in their body to survive and the disease caused the body not to absorb anymore magic into their system leading to organ failure. Natsu emptied his magic container leaving him with just above the minimum he needed to survive. Then he beat up the bandits using only martial arts. This meant that without his destructive magic destroying everything in its path he got the full reward.

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