Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

Jellal woke up confused and with no idea where he was. He searched the room only to find it pretty bare. He seemed to be in a hut of some sort and he was lying on a bed but there was nothing inside the room. Almost like no one lived here or never decorated it. There was a set of clothes on the dresser next to him so he put them on and tried to remember what he was doing here.

It took him a few minutes to really wake up but once he did he remembered everything that Lucy had told him. He walked out of the room that they had him in and saw both Lucy sparring with what he guessed were her spirits. One was wearing a suit but he looked like a goat and then he noticed someone who looked like his twin brother sparring with a pink haired guy and there was a little girl with long blue hair who seemed to be meditating.

His eyes narrowed as he looked at the girl. Her magic reserves would grow as she grew but her magic power was extremely powerful for one so young. She would likely be a prodigy child or a user of lost magic. The guy who looked like his twin was technically an alternate version of himself. Jellal remembered Lucy telling him about Edolas but saying that they didn't talk about that world anymore. They didn't want someone to try and reach that dimension.

He knew that his counterpart would be saying that they were twin brothers and he couldn't really find it in himself to care. He never had a family. It would be nice to have a brother. Then again, this was the first time in years that he was in full control of his thoughts and actions. He owed the other man for kidnapping and getting him the help he needed. He didn't mind that they would be considered twins.

The pink haired guy was Natsu, a dragon slayer and Lucy's husband. He could feel his magic power and it was immense. That guy would probably give him a really good fight. Then again he was the guy who kicked his ass when he went totally nuclear in an alternate version of the future. He seemed to be on a much higher level than anyone he could remember encountering.

Jellal sat down under a tree and enjoyed the breeze. He knew that they were all watching him but he could bring himself to care. He supposed that if he knew someone that had been possessed and insane, he would keep a close eye on them as well.

The truth was for a really long time he felt like he was living underwater and seeing things through a dirty window glass. It was like being surrounded by noise and not even being able to hear yourself think or speak. It was like he was in a room filled with screaming people and he couldn't hear his own voice even when he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Then everything just went silent and with the silence came peace. He wanted to feel the sun on his skin and the breeze on his face and feel himself breathe. He wanted to know that every move he made was of his own free will. He wanted to watch the world with his own eyes. He just wanted a moment to come to terms with everything that he found out and his own freedom.

There were no whispers in his head, no voices telling him things that only he could hear and for so long he had fought against the chains that held him prisoner inside his own mind. He had thrown himself against the bars of a cage in his mind.

He had pulled at the chains until his wrists were raw and bleeding. He shouted until his throat was hoarse and then he just stopped. He couldn't make it out so he huddled into a corner, shut his eyes and covered his ears and just remembered Erza. She was the happiest memory that he held so held onto her with everything that he had.

Now that he was free, it was like he was discovering what it meant to be able to walk on his own two feet again. There had been moments of clarity. He knew that but as the years passed he had lost the strength to fight and those moments had become few and far in between episodes.

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