Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter 22

Gray could feel the sun baking his bare back and he groaned. He was an ice mage. Heat, sun and fire were the enemy even if it was just a sunny day Gray would be a little grumpy. His body temperature was lower than normal which meant that he always felt a little uncomfortable in the sun.

Gray forced his eyes opened and cursed the fact that he somehow managed to fall asleep outside. He couldn't understand what possessed him to fall asleep in the sun. He could hear the sound of the ocean and someone very close to him groaning in pain. Then there was a roaring sound which made the ground tremble.

'What the hell was happening?' he thought to himself as he blinked the bright spots out of his eyes.

The first thing that he noticed was the glowing gold sphere that he was inside. He turned his head to the side and noticed Lucy with sweat pouring down her forehead and blood on her lips. Gray pulled his protesting body upwards and noticed that he was on the docks. That explained the ocean sounds.

There were six beams of light and it took Gray a moment to realize that they were Lucy's spirits. Then he felt his jaw drop because she had open six gates and it was obviously straining her. She had covered half the town of Hargeon in a golden shield because of Deliora.

His eyes widened as he turned to a passed out Juvia on the floor next to him. They were supposed to be holding him in the ocean but they ran out of magic. Deliora had been freed and he fired a beam at the town. The only reason the town was still standing was because of Lucy. Gray wondered for a fleeting moment how the hell Natsu managed to convince a girl that awesome to marry him.

He nearly wanted to ask for some advice and then Juvia's hands tightened on his and he could see wedding bells ringing in the distance. Gray wanted to run the fuck away because he could see Juvia standing there in a wedding dress and muttering something about thirty three babies. Maybe he could pretend that none of these things passed his mind.

He was still rattled due to everything that happened. He couldn't control the direction his thoughts were going in. He might be having a nervous breakdown. It was possible right? He had just found out that his sort of older brother had been drinking the crazy juice for a couple years.

Lyon also managed to melt iced shell essentially killing their mentor/mother figure and then released the demon that plagued his nightmares for years. Gray was facing everything that he had been running from for years all at the same time. He was due a mental breakdown due to emotional stress.

For some reason all Gray could mentally picture happening in his brain was a chibi version of himself with his hair on fire running around a burning room. The chibi Gray was also trying in to put out said fires and failing miserably. That mental picture summed up this mission quiet well.

'Is that another beam heading towards Lucy?' he thought to himself.

'Yes, yes it is another beam you moron. Do something your sister needs help.' His subconscious mind which sounded a hell of a lot like Ur responded.

Gray ran, ignoring the insane thoughts running through his mind. He made a mental note to ask Wendy to check for a concussion or if he had any screws loose when he got back to the guild. Maybe he would just take a damn vacation. Somewhere cold and snowing where the sun doesn't shine – ever.

He ignored his protesting body and the lack of magic power in his body. He had to make sure she was alright because she screamed when the beam hit the shield. Her knees were trembling and suddenly Gray was there, grabbing her arms so that her knees wouldn't buckle from the force of the beam.

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