Chapter Twenty Four

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AN: So I may have overlooked something….. who should I pair Mystogan with? We have Jerza, Nalu Gale, Gruvia, Miraxus (eventually I have a plan), Bixanna (when she comes back) Elfgreen (or whatever their ship name is) but I don't know who to pair Mystogan with. Cana? Someone else? Drop me some reviews on that.

Also I wanted to add in some fluff and humor before I started the next arc and I realized that its hard to do so when you're feeling depressed. I'm sorry this is late. I just haven't been feeling very happy and its hard to write fluff when you're depressed.

Its also shorter than the rest but for the life of me I just can't write this chapter anymore. I ran out of ideas.

Chapter twenty four

Natsu and Gray were trying to get the horrible news out of their mind. Erza was dating. She was like their big sister/mother. The thought of her being actively involved in a relationship was traumatizing. Natsu had a sneaking suspicion on who might have asked her out but that didn't mean that he wanted to see any part of it. Just thinking about it gave him a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Gray was about to leave since he had spent the entire day with Natsu without killing him. He had alot information dumped on him and he processed everything that he learned. At least he thought that he processed everything. Gray was pretty sure that at some point he would have to talk to Lucy because he would have questions that Natsu wouldn't be able to answer.

Lucy was more logical of the two of them. Natsu gave him some vague details of what he remembered but Gray was sure that if he wanted a more in depth understanding of what happened he would need to talk to Lucy. It was nice to have his immediate questions answered.

Lucy and Erza had been gone for about fifteen minutes when Gray decided to go home. He walked Natsu back home and shared the horror of Erza going out on her first date. He had enough life changing information dumped on him for one day. This day had been a roller coaster of emotions and he was done with emotions for a while. He wondered if it was finally time to take that holiday.

He walked up to the door and just before he could open it someone knocked. Gray closed his eyes and tried to stay strong. He had that feeling in the pit of his stomach that said that if he opened this door crazy was going to hit him. He was probably going to get swept up in some crazy scheme that would make him wish that he just ignored the damned door.

It would probably be something humiliating or he would end up seeing something that would scar him for the rest of his life. That knock sounded a lot like the devil knocking on the door, coming to collect his dues.

Then Natsu just had to call out, "Its open."

Gray closed his eyes as the door opened and resisted the urge to whimper at the people in front of him. It was never a good thing when these three people gathered in the same place at the same time. Dark guilds that heard they were coming ran for their lives or turned themselves in. Apparently prison was the better option between fighting them and being stuck in a cell forever.

Gray was pretty sure a few beasts went back into hibernation just so they wouldn't have to fight against them. Nothing good came from this trio. Now they were looking for Natsu Dragneel. He wondered if it would be too obvious if he took off running as fast as his legs could go in the opposite direction to them.

There was a blur of blue and Gray was once again looking back on his life and wondering how the hell his life choices had led him to this moment. He liked to think that he was a good person. He wasn't overly destructive and he even donated to charity a couple of times.

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