Ink is depressed and try's his best to hide it from Blueberry and Dream by dancing and singing and acting like he normally did, like nothing ever happened. It works fine until.....
!!! Warning!!!
This book contains self harm and depression, if you h...
Play song after video! Ink POV We were sitting in a circle with a bottle in the middle Horror turned it and it landed on Cross "Truth or dare..." "Pshhhh dare of course!" "Ok I dare you Blueberry, Fresh and Lust to do something cool together with ink singing a tune!" "WE NEVER AGREED TO THIS!" Shouted blue looking wearily at Lust "A dare's a Dare!" "I'm fine with it!" "Ok!" Cross exclaimed cheerfully Le time skiiiiiiiiip Ok we organized everything! This is gonna be so cool!
Ok so minus Lust's part it was so cool! Thank god Cross covered poor innocent blue's eyes! "Ok next!" Cross went this time it landed on Nightmare. "Truth or-" "Dare" "Oh..... ok... hmmm..... OH! I dare you to stay in your passive form for the rest of the game!" "HOW DO YOU KNOW I CAN DO THAT!?" "Oh I saw you once" "You can do that bro!?" "Oh yeah." Nightmare said casually as he was turning "Don't it hurt?" "Nah..." "Hey..." Blueberry interrupted "If you're covered in the goop then doesn't that mean every time you take a bath it comes of?" Nightmare and Dream looked at blue weirdly, Then at etch other then at blue again, Then they both looked away without answering. Nightmare spun the bottle and it landed on Dream. "Dare! Truth is booooooring" Dream commented "Oh brother~ I almost feel sorry for you,.... ALMOST! Remember that spell you told me about? The first one you learned?" "Nightmare noooooooo...." " oh Nightmare yes my brother! I Dare you to turn all the star sanses + you Geno and Fresh to human girls!" "Dream why the heck to you know a spell like that!?" "I dunno I!.... uh Geno and Fresh to!?" "Yup!" "Ok,..." Dream grabbed his wand and said weird chants. The wand started glowing a pinkish color before the light surrounded all the victims and literally blinded me and the others to I think... Then it stopped "Oh my gaud! THIS IS HILARIOUS!" He was laughing like a psycho! "Hey calm the heck down octo-bro!.... wha.... why is my voice so high and squeaky!?" "Oh god! Ink...? That was you!?" "Yes!" "I'm pretty!" Said blue "I-,..... I don't know how to feel about this,...." Geno exclaimed covering his mouth with his scarf. Fresh didn't say anything it was on his glasses instead,...
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I was so pissed! But embarrassed too so I was blushing like crazy! "Dammmmmmmm gurls you so hot you're burning my eyes!" Error joked "Shut it. Error. I have already been a cat today! I don't need this!" "NEXT! The quicker we finish the faster we get out fo these bodies!" Dream had already spun the bottle and it landed on dust "T or D?" "D! Oh wait,...... that sounds very wrong...." "Anyway I dare you to gift a severed goat head to the person you hate the most that isn't here!" "Oh joy!" Dust teleported of then came back moments later "Ok I put a camera outside the door so we can watch!" "Nice who is it?" "Bird..." (Bird as in Birdtale sans) "Why bird?" "He's always trying to distract me when killing..." "We do that to you know!" "You're in the room" "Shush we wanna watch!" "Correction YOU wanna watch" "Yeah Yeah watevs"
*In video*
Bird comes out of the house. "Helloooooo anyone there?" He quickly scouts the area to see if there's someone there He seems to have already seen the box since wile scouting he picked it up. After he was done he looked down at the box suspiciously. "Ok so I have a creepy box in my doorway, no one is around and everything in my body is telling me to throw the box away,.... but f**k it!" He said in a determined voice. He threw the top off and reached in the box, pulling out the head "What is iiiiiiiiiiiiiit~...!!! What the shiiiiiiiiiute!" He yelled throwing the head a couple of meters away "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh- a note?" He got closer and read it out loud "You're next Bird-boy! Happy early Halloween~~~ bu bye..." He looked so triggered "Oh you Goat to be kidding me,....Damm you Old-Dust!" He lighted a match and burned the goat's head "That's what you'll be next time I see you." He said with pure hate in his voice
*End vid* "Oooooooooh someone f****d up BIIIIIIIIG tiiiiiiime~" "S**t,.... Dream why...?" "Neeeeeeeeeext~" Dream said in a sing-a-song tone He, oh.... i mean she then proceeded to grab dust wrist and force him to spin the bottle that landed on Cross. "Me again!? Eh dare still" "This is becoming dare or dare" I commented "Well for revenge against Dream,.... I dare you to touch her boobs!" "WHAT!?" Cross and Dream said in sync " I'm so glad I did this,..." Nightmare giggled I protected mine and Blue's with my arms "Don'" I said menacingly "Capishe!" Cross dragged himself to Dream and sat in front of her. He then looked away and lifted his hand above them, when dust interrupted... "Squeeze them too!" Cross then summoned his knife and shot it to Dust's direction. he brushed touched them with his fingers, then he grabbed a pillow and screamed in it wile squeezing the life out of it all at the same time. "CROSS SPIN THE BOTTLE!" Dream yelled flustered Said bottle landed on Error "After seeing all the dumb s**t that just went down I'm gonna be smart and choose truth! C'mon I'm ready for anything!" He said in a confident tone "Oh sure! Is your crush in this room?" "ANYTHING BUT THAT!..... yes! Actually..." He said looking down as to avoid making eye contact with his crush I guess I didn't even realize but he had already spun the bottle and it had landed on Lust "Dare sweetheart" "Dontcallmesweetheart. Anyway I dare you to wear normal sans uniform but purple with teal details" "Nuuuuu...." Lust wined "It's a dare 'sweetheart'!" He teleported away then came back wearing exactly what Error had instructed him to wear He sat down and spun the bottle which landed on me. "Truth" "Ok who did you kiss?" Me:
"Because~ now tell us!" " ok~!" Ha! You wish I'm not that dumb! "I kissed 👈🔲🔲▪️🔲" "Wha...?" "✋&♓️🔹🔹♏️♎️♏️🔲🔲▪️🔲" This is so funny! "Well I told you! Now let's stop this dumb game and I can finally go back to my body!" "Yeah!" So Dream turned us back to normal "Ah good riddenz!"