Ink is depressed and try's his best to hide it from Blueberry and Dream by dancing and singing and acting like he normally did, like nothing ever happened. It works fine until.....
!!! Warning!!!
This book contains self harm and depression, if you h...
I've been staring at them for quite a while, and I hate it! I HATE their relationship! I Have to break it up, I have to make them hate each other!
Error will be MINE. (I was seriously contemplating if I should finish it here and have 90% of you guys hate me :) )
Ink POV: I just finished two drawings I made of some fusions! One is me mixed with Dream and the other is me mixed with Blue! I had already colored them, so I left them on the ground as a reminder to show it to my friends. When suddenly, while bringing a bucket of new paint across the room, I tripped, causing all the paint to completely cover the new drawings I was so proud of. I groaned in annoyance and got up dusting my clothes, when suddenly I heard the door slam open causing me to jump and fall again, backwards this time tho. The culprit of this mess, a stressed dark boned skeleton that I knew all to well. Error. "What happened? I heard a crash!" He asked, picking me up from the ground and plopping me on the bed. "That was me..." "I know that! What happened was the question!" "I tripped and paint dropped all over my precious drawings!" I whined pointing at the paint on the ground, which seemed to be bubbling "What's up with the paint?" "Oh s**t,..... I'm the god of Creation, remember? So the paint, that was previously in my grasp, gained my power and is currently creating the drawings,..." I explained, then, a sudden realization hit me straight it the face. "We need Blue and Dream here, NO-" "Gotcha" Error interrupted, casually making two portals and grabbing two figures, yeeting them out of the portal. I identified the figures as Blueberry and Dream. The two, startled, got into a fight stance, but noticing me and Error looking intensely at a bubbling puddle of ink, there curiously grew, causing them to sit beside us. "What's up with the in-" "I'm not explaining that again, so Shush!" The ink started rising, forming two figures, a short one and a tall one
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I recognized them as Blueprint and Pallet, the fusions. The others though, were extremely confused, I sighed and waited for them to completely form. "These, are Blueprint....." I gestured to the smol one with a blue theme and dark blue paint splats on his face. "And Pallet!" I gestured to the tall one, with a white and yellow theme, also with paint splats on his face. "And why exactly are we here?" Dream asked "Well these two guys just so happen to be our fusions! It's quite obvious who's who, but, to avoid confusion, I'm gonna say them. Pallet is me + Dream, and Blueprint is me + Blueberry! So here ya go! Toodles!" I said, Error making a portal behind the two, to their respective AU, while I pushed our fusions to their respective other making the guardian and blue Boiiiiiii fall into the portal with them. "Heh, that worked.... you know their gonna be hella mad when they see you again?" "Correction, Dream might be mad, I think Blue will be quite happy!" "Correction noted" I giggled. "Hey Error?" "Hmm?" "Mind if we go shopping?" "Nah, I need something anyway" "Yay! But first, we need to go to the anti-void..." "Don't you hate that place?" "Yeah, but it's the only place my vials fill up, plus I can close my eyes, all I have to do is stand still." "How does that even work?" "It's cuz it's like a blank canvas, it's what the creators use to make new AU's so it fills my vials! CREATIVITY! *jazz hands*" Error laughed at my statement them nodded and opened a portal to the white hell he calls home. I grabbed his sleeve and told him to lead me inside and sit In front of me till my vials were full, after that, to teleport us to the Original Undertale, the Pacifist route. He did as I instructed him and when I opened my eyes, I found myself in front of a big a** mall. "Holy skittles...." "Ahhhhhh yes! The beauty of malls!" "Lets,....... GOOOOOOOOO!" I rushed into the mall and headed straight to the arts and crafts place, Error close behind. I went in and came out after what seamed like an hour with 3 bags full of s**t, 50% of which I probably won't ever need, but do I care? Nope! "Do you really need all of-" "HOLD THIS FOR A SEC!" I yelled, dumping all three bags on him "IiIiIiIiIiIiIiNnNnNnNnNnNkKkKkKkKkKk!" Error yelled after me. I kicked (you don't know how tempted I was to writing fussrataed XD) the door of the mall open and ran outside running on the surprisingly empty side walk. I could see the blue strings chasing me, so I jumped on the wall of a random building and backfliped to the other side of the road. I saw the confused strings stop for a moment before retreating, meaning I had won. I did a little victory dance before starting to head back to Error, until I felt fingers on my back. I went to turn around, but I felt something on my chest loosen, then coming off completely...
I helplessly watched as my vials were thrown on the road, where a car hit them, completely SHATTERING all of them.Black inky tears started to build up in the corner of my eyes and I screamed feeling all of my emotions drain out of my body. I let myself fall to the ground and curl up in a little ball, becoming a sobbing mess. I soon fell into a deep sleep, but it wasn't completely my doing.
That's all for now folks! Here's your little gift from yours truly! Also look at this craziness!
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Thanks guys! Who do you think mystery guy is? I will draw art for them! Bye chillens! <3