Chapter13: scars

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Nightmare POV. (Oooooooh!)

After ink re-bandaged the many self inflicted cuts on his wrists, I gave my conciseness back to my normal body.
Dream was holding my body, hugging it, wile Error was sitting beside the door, waiting for me to return.
As soon as I shoot up gasping, startling Dream, I grabbed both my bro and Error and teleported them to my mansion,
Error obviously started asking questions, like
"Is he ok?"
"What's wrong?"
"Why was he bleeding?"
So I told them,
I told them how ink had self inflicted cuts, how he licked them to stop them from bleeding, how he sucked them to taste his blood, how he had a special knife compartment under his sink that he kept locked, how he licked a knife and how he re-wrapped his wounds without disinfecting them.
Error was in total shock, but he was also scared angry and sad at the same time,
Dream was sobbing so much it was creating a puddle on the floor.
So I told them
"Ok, so I have a plan..."
My opposite's and the glitch's attention were immediately drawn to me
"Ok so you know how ink has that locked cabinet with the knifes in it? I need Error to pick the lock with his strings and wait for a signal, after said signal I would need you to come down and ask Ink what it is."
Error looked at me straight in the eye then nodded
"I need Dream to bring Ink to the living room, and avoid anyone trying to kill me..."
"Sure but why would people want to kill y-"
"And I will grab ink with my tentacles, holding his arms up, and his stomach, the plan is to let his sleeves fall and show the blood socked bandages, causing everyone to question him,...."
"Ok,what's my signal?"
"Ummm it'll be Dream shouting 'NIGHTMARE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?'"
"Ok...? Do we do it now?"
"Yup! Be prepared, I will teleport everyone to their positions"


After going down stairs, I started to look for Error.
I was in the kitchen, when suddenly, Dream appeared behind me, causing me to scream like a teenage girl.
Then Dream started laughing so hard, he was literally dying,
"Shut up! You scared me!"
"I know I was great!"
Dream said trying to catch his breath,
After he calmed down, he grabbed my wrist, causing me to flinch, and gasp, he seemed to ignore my reaction, as he squeezed my wrist more.
I bit my tongue,trying to avoid making a sound of displeasure.
"D-Dream,..... could let go?"
"Hmm? Why? You're so slow!"
He said as he kept dragging me.
Once we arrived to the living room he let go, I saw Nightmare turn around and look at me in the sockets with a slight look of concern, he then used his tentacles to lift me up, he was holding the start of my hands, and my stomach.
I felt my sleeve falling...

I started panicking,"NIGHTMARE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?""No! Let me go!""Stay away""Get,

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I started panicking,
"No! Let me go!"
"Stay away"
"Get,... away!"
"Leave me alone!"
"Uhhhh, Ink? What's this?"
I froze when I heard Errors voice behind me, he sounded horrified and scared.
"W..... wa-what?"
I peaked behind my shoulder and saw Error holding the knife cabinet I kept locked.
I froze.
"What!? How do you know about that!?"
I was panicking even more as I heard voices behind me asking me questions
"What's wrong with ink?"
"Why is your arm bleeding?"
"Why are you just standing there? Do something!"
I started crying and closed my eyes,..
"Leave me aloooone,..."
"Let go,...."
My eyes shoot open when I felt two hands cupping my cheeks, he put his forehead on mine and whispered
I nodded, but,..... I was lying.

Words: 640
Not a long chapter but I still like it!
I'll try to add more Afterdeath!

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