Chapter 15: something's wrong,...

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Reaper POV

It was a day after the party, more specifically 1pm.
I was flying around really fast with Geno in my arms, who was laughing hysterically.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my chest, causing me to scream in pain, and fall.
Geno screeched, hiding his face in my cloak
I suddenly realized that, and stopped right before we landed on the ground.
"Reaper,.... What's wrong"
"A god is dying"
"What!? Who?"
"WHAT? Why didn't I feel it?"
"Probably because you're a new god! Now we have to go!"

Dream POV

I was talking to Nightmare under our tree, something we rarely do anymore
When I felt a pain in my head, and fell to the ground
"Dream!? There's something wrong with ink!"
"I know! I can feel it to!"
"We have to go! NOW!"
He grabbed me with his tentacles and closed his eyes
"Uhh Night?"
"Huh? Why didn't I teleport? We have to go to a closer AU!"

Error POV

I was chilling in the anti-void when suddenly I was bombarded by voices, to be more specific, the nice voices.
"Error Ink is in trouble!"
"Save the smol!"
"Error get your butt off the ground and save the ink blot!"
one of them said
The voices started to panic
"Nuuuuuu inky"
"Do something!"
I quickly teleported to his home.
Nice fact about the anti-void, you can teleport wherever, whenever, so it's convenient,...
I couldn't hear anything, which was worrying, since Ink was quite loud
I walked up the stairs silently, and headed towards his room, within it, there were sounds of wheezing, gasping and sobbing.

Then it stopped.

I burst through the door and dropped to my knees.
There he was, hanging from the wall, slightly swaying from side to side, he was crying and his hands were bleeding.
But something caught my eye.
His sockets were closed, signifying that he was still alive, just fainted.
I waisted no time in cutting down the noose and hugging ink close to me.

About a minute later Ink wasn't struggling to breathe anymore, so i sat down on his bed and tucked him in

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About a minute later Ink wasn't struggling to breathe anymore, so i sat down on his bed and tucked him in.
The sickening mark of the noose on his neck was making me gag, so I bandaged it to avoid looking at it. I also bandaged his bleeding fingers.
He definitely regretted doing this, as they were probably the result of him clawing at the noose.
Suddenly, I felt drowsy and laid my head on the bed, slowly falling asleep...

Geno POV

Reaper and I arrived at Ink home and almost broke his door down.
The Skele-god then dragged me up the stairs and slammed Ink's door open
"INK ARE YOU-...ok?"
I said with a concerned voice.
Reaper entered the room and I followed close behind, looking in horror at the rope hanging down from the ceiling.
My companion, then crouched in front of Ink's bed, beside my brother, whom I just noticed.
He (Reaper) then came back with a paper.
"Ink's pocket, it's his suicide note."
He answered coldly then started reading out loud:

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