Ink is depressed and try's his best to hide it from Blueberry and Dream by dancing and singing and acting like he normally did, like nothing ever happened. It works fine until.....
!!! Warning!!!
This book contains self harm and depression, if you h...
Error POV After Dream turned everyone back to normal Kills spoke up "Yo, I know we're done but I kinda wanna do something" "Sure why not!" I said, yeah why not? "K! Error Truth or Dare?" "Well I said Truth before, so Dare!" "YES! I mean, ummm oh! I dare you to have a pickup line battle with ink! "Umm a bit weird but,...... sure!" "Yea sure!" "Ink there's 20 letters in the alphabet right?" "Ptshhhh no there's 26!" "Oh sorry I think I'm missing U R A Q T! I watched as Ink's face slowly turned rainbow "Nooooo! That's awful plus you're missing one!" "Oh I know I was gonna give you the D later~!" "*unholy screeching*" "Hahahahahahahaha omg you're face-ah!" Ink hit me in the face super hard with a pillow "In-mufff!" Then he stuffed my mouth with it (the pillow) "NO ERROR it doesn't work on me" He said still holding the pillow on my mouth "But,.... if I were to re-arrange the the alphabet I would put U and I together~~" He said, this time it was my turn to scream and get flustered "Oh! And are you a Banana cuz I find you very a-peeling" "Staaaahhhhp!" "NEVER!" He said in a very immature voice Jeez what am I gonna do with you,.... "Do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte~" Omg That was horrible... "You're so handsome you made me forget my pickup line~" Thank Irene "Are you a parking ticket cuz you got FINE written aaaaalllllllllllll over you~" Jeez how many pickup lines does he have? "Did you sit on sugar? Cuz you got one sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet aaaa**sssssssss!" Oh sheeeeet "DO YOU HAVE ANY SHAME? "Stop strange shaming me I got no shame!" "*sigh* here we go again,....." "Are you wi-fi? Because I think we have great connection!" One more and I swear- "Even without gravity I would fall for-" "Nooooooooo you're horrible pickup lines won't work on me!" "Oh really? Ehhhh,.... you're still my sunshine!" "Wah..........?" Was that a joke? I could see everyone giggling at me And I could definitely see Blueberry and Dream fan-girling I then saw ink come closer and touch my face "Do you do anything in life other than being sexy~~~~?" NOPE! F**K THIS S**T IM OUT! "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh nuuuuuuu iiiiinky.......?" "Sup Rur- uhhh........ I mean Error" "The ceiling, but that's not the pooooiiiint! Wait Rur? Whaaaaaaa?" "You heard nothing." Oh I have one! "Hey did it hurt?" I said pushing him away a little "Huh? Did what hurt? "When you fell from heaven!" (How did I fall for that) uhhh nah..." I heard him whisper, Yea I thought it wouldn't have worked on him to be honest... "What?" "Cuz I arose from hell"
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"Hohoho s**t! That was good!" "Awww shucks! You're making me blush!" "Oh I'm not done making you blush~" "Shush you!" He said pushing me away from him more "Ink you know,.... if I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA Helicase so I could unzip your genes" DNA helicases are essential during DNA replication because they separate double-stranded DNA into single strands allowing each strand to be copied. I love this one cuz it's so nerdy! XD (I totally did not copy that from Google) "Nooooo! Hah heh Ruru that was-....... ohhhhhh I mean Error not Ruru ERROR!" Ruru? "Hey! You used to call me that when we were lil' do you remember Kiki!?" "Of course I remember Ruru..." "Whaaaaat? How long have you two known each other? "Since the dawn of day!" "Oooooh really!? I wanna know tell us the story!" "Oh sure!!!" Me and Kiki said at the same time. "Well who of us will tell the story?" "Me! It's been so long! I wanna do it!" "Sure Kiki" "Ok! It all started the day I found a way out of my terrible WHITE AU, —tale,..." Words: 655 Nice! Also...
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Omg! You guys are great I never expected anyone to read this! I posted this on my other book to! Be sure to check that out! Byeeee <3