Chapter 10: pickup line battle

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Error POV
After Dream turned everyone back to normal Kills spoke up
"Yo, I know we're done but I kinda wanna do something"
"Sure why not!"
I said, yeah why not?
"K! Error Truth or Dare?"
"Well I said Truth before, so Dare!"
"YES! I mean, ummm oh! I dare you to have a pickup line battle with ink!
"Umm a bit weird but,...... sure!"
"Yea sure!"
"Ink there's 20 letters in the alphabet right?"
"Ptshhhh no there's 26!"
"Oh sorry I think I'm missing U R A Q T!
I watched as Ink's face slowly turned rainbow
"Nooooo! That's awful plus you're missing one!"
"Oh I know I was gonna give you the D later~!"
"*unholy screeching*"
"Hahahahahahahaha omg you're face-ah!"
Ink hit me in the face super hard with a pillow
Then he stuffed my mouth with it (the pillow)
"NO ERROR it doesn't work on me"
He said still holding the pillow on my mouth
"But,.... if I were to re-arrange the the alphabet I would put U and I together~~"
He said, this time it was my turn to scream and get flustered
"Oh! And are you a Banana cuz I find you very a-peeling"
He said in a very immature voice
Jeez what am I gonna do with you,....
"Do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte~"
Omg That was horrible...
"You're so handsome you made me forget my pickup line~"
Thank Irene
"Are you a parking ticket cuz you got FINE written aaaaalllllllllllll over you~"
Jeez how many pickup lines does he have?
"Did you sit on sugar? Cuz you got one sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet aaaa**sssssssss!"
Oh sheeeeet
"Stop strange shaming me I got no shame!"
"*sigh* here we go again,....."
"Are you wi-fi? Because I think we have great connection!"
One more and I swear-
"Even without gravity I would fall for-"
"Nooooooooo you're horrible pickup lines won't work on me!"
"Oh really? Ehhhh,.... you're still my sunshine!"
Was that a joke?
I could see everyone giggling at me
And I could definitely see Blueberry and Dream fan-girling
I then saw ink come closer and touch my face
"Do you do anything in life other than being sexy~~~~?"
"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh nuuuuuuu iiiiinky.......?"
"Sup Rur- uhhh........ I mean Error"
"The ceiling, but that's not the pooooiiiint! Wait Rur? Whaaaaaaa?"
"You heard nothing."
Oh I have one!
"Hey did it hurt?"
I said pushing him away a little
"Huh? Did what hurt?
"When you fell from heaven!"
(How did I fall for that) uhhh nah..."
I heard him whisper, Yea I thought it wouldn't have worked on him to be honest...
"Cuz I arose from hell"

"Hohoho s**t! That was good!""Awww shucks! You're making me blush!""Oh I'm not done making you blush~""Shush you!"He said pushing me away from him more "Ink you know,

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"Hohoho s**t! That was good!"
"Awww shucks! You're making me blush!"
"Oh I'm not done making you blush~"
"Shush you!"
He said pushing me away from him more
"Ink you know,.... if I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA Helicase so I could unzip your genes"
DNA helicases are essential during DNA replication because they separate double-stranded DNA into single strands allowing each strand to be copied. I love this one cuz it's so nerdy! XD
(I totally did not copy that from Google)
"Nooooo! Hah heh Ruru that was-....... ohhhhhh I mean Error not Ruru ERROR!"
"Hey! You used to call me that when we were lil' do you remember Kiki!?"
"Of course I remember Ruru..."
"Whaaaaat? How long have you two known each other?
"Since the dawn of day!"
"Oooooh really!? I wanna know tell us the story!"
"Oh sure!!!"
Me and Kiki said at the same time.
"Well who of us will tell the story?"
"Me! It's been so long! I wanna do it!"
"Sure Kiki"
"Ok! It all started the day I found a way out of my terrible WHITE AU, —tale,..."
Words: 655
Nice! Also...

Omg! You guys are great I never expected anyone to read this!I posted this on my other book to! Be sure to check that out!Byeeee <3

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Omg! You guys are great I never expected anyone to read this!
I posted this on my other book to! Be sure to check that out!
Byeeee <3

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