Ink is depressed and try's his best to hide it from Blueberry and Dream by dancing and singing and acting like he normally did, like nothing ever happened. It works fine until.....
!!! Warning!!!
This book contains self harm and depression, if you h...
Thx to the wonderful Sip_Da_Tea! For role playing with me to help my writers block!
??? POV: Ha! That disgusting vessel won't be disturbing me for a while! What he doesn't know is that one of those needles wasn't exactly normal......Now,... I just need the art of seduction!~
Error POV: I rushed over to Ink's mangled body and picked it up. His arms and legs were unnaturally thin, and not the thin you'd get from starving, what was left of the bones was so thin, it looked like if I blew on 'em, they'd break. "Ink! Can you hear me?" I asked, begging for an answer. He groaned in pain. I noticed how his eye and mouth were stitched and his other eye was cracked. He was temporarily blind. His cracked eye will heal in a week or two, the stitched one? I Dunno,... I know his eye light is still there he just can't open his eye,... and his mouth! He's also temporarily mute,... how the hell will he communicate!? Oh, paper and pen... makes sense! I need someone tho,.... GENO! He can help! He's good at healing!
Geno POV: I've been staying with Reaper, I don't know how long too! It's so much fun, but I think I'm forgetting something,.. WAIT! "Reaper, how long have I been here for?" "Ehhh, about 2 weeks-" "WHAT!?" "Huh-" "I NEED A PORTAL TO THE SAVE SCREEN! ASAP!" Reaper quickly did as I said with a confused look on his face. I quickly rushed inside it. "FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISK!?" (I changed Geno's font, so what wanna fight about it!?)
Frisk POV: "FRIISK" My name echoed in my ears as it repetitively got louder. I recognized the voice right away and whipped my head around to find a very worried Geno and well, Reaper. "Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiskkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I'm so sorry!" Geno said, tackling me to the ground. He then proceeded to squeeze the heck out of me. "Why don't you hug me like thaaaaaaaaat?" I heard Reaper whine behind Geno. "Well you haven't been all alone for 2 weeks thinking the only person that kept you company died and plus, your,..... YOU" He answered, squeezing me tighter. "Kinda killing me there Geno, but why are you apologizing??? You did nothing wrong...." I was honestly very confused,... Geno stopped hugging me and looked me straight in the eyes. "Your not mad I left you all alone in a completely black place for 2 weeks?" I giggled "Geno! You can be so silly! I know you'll always come back so I stay here, patiently waiting for you!" I beamed at him, hugging him quickly before letting go. He looked quite shocked, but whatever he was thinking about was interrupted when Reaper, who had sat behind him, hugged Geno from behind, causing my good friend's face to become a cherry. "REAPER. I SWEAR TO GOD." "What's wrong sweetheart~" "NOPETNAMES!" I chuckled. They look so good together! "Your relationship is quite unique, huh Geno?" I said teasingly. Reaper looked really smug while at his contrary, Geno looked like he wanted to shrivel up and die. "FRISK DONT BETRAY ME LIKE THIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" He screamed, totally not embarrassed. Reaper then picked Geno up and held him like he was giving him a piggyback ride. "Chop chop! We have to get home! If you're worried, Frisk's code makes it so she can't die, so FOWARD MY CREW!"
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Reaper said childishly. Geno snorted and rolled his eyes as Reaper opened a portal and hopped in, beckoning for me to follow. I skipped behind them happily, watching intently as Reaper flirted with Geno and the latter wanted to murder emotion at that point. It was fun! Suddenly, a glitchy voice was heard. "GENO! THANK GOD!" I looked at the skeleton that called Geno in disbelief. It was Error. I was about to panic, but calmed down when I remembered Geno telling me that Error and Fresh were his brothers. I saw Error was kneeling down in front of what seemed to be a skeleton. They were horribly injured. "ERROR! WHO'S THAT!?" "ITS INK! A GUY KIDNAPPED HIM AND 4 HOURS LATER HE APPEARED IN THE ANTI-VOID!" I gasped at the sight of Ink like this. I could hear him groaning in pain. I had so many questions "What happened? Where are his vials? Who did this!?" I was PANICKING. Error started to cry as he looked at Inks frail body. "WE NEED A HOSPITAL, NOW! if I find who did this I swear-" After Reaper put Geno Down, Reaper floated over to Error and grabbed his arm. "Health wise, Ink's fine so we don't need to go to the hospital." "Reaper, OMG! Health is one of many, MANY, things! We still need to bring him to the hospital!" Geno told him causing Reaper to let Error go.
Geno POV: "REAPER! PORTAL. NOW" He, again, did as i said, but this time, I almost YEETed him in the portal. Frisk stumbled in after Reaper and I, Followed by my crying brother holding his wifeu- *cough cough* Ink. "SCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!"