Chapter14: ...

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(WAIT! I want all of you to throw logic out of the window for this one ok? Skeletons need oxygen)

Error POV
After I told Ink to never do that again he fainted, and I told everyone to go home, that I would take care of him.
It was hard to convince Blue and Dream though,.. I did! I am proud of myself :3
I picked Ink up of his couch, I had put him there before, and started going up the stairs, I brought him to his bedroom and laid him down on his bed, covering him in his sheets.
I getting up to leave, when I felt a strong tug on my sleeve, causing me to fall and hit my nonexistent butt on the ground.
A pair of arms started to wrap around my chest pulling me on the bed.
Jfc ( Jesus f**king Crist) Ink is strong in his sleep!
I let him pull me on the bed, then I went under the sheets and cuddled with him, slowly falling asleep.

Ink POV. (What a surprise!)

I woke up I felt really hot, like I was sweating (skeletons can also sweat ok?)
I looked up to see a sleeping Error holding me.
"HOLY S**T!"
I screeched falling off my bed
"*yawn* morning! Am I that surprising?"
"Shut it edge lord!"
"Edge lord? Since when am I edgy? Fell or edgy mc my chemical romance is!"
Error wined
"F**k you,...."
"What did I dooooooooooooo!"
"You slept with me! Oh,...... waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit that sounds so wrong lemme re-fraise That! You slept in my bed! Aaaahhhh much better!"
Error looked at me weirdly before saying
"Sooooo you're not aware that you literally pulled me on your bed?"
"I did what!?"
"Yup and you didn't let go so I cuddled you and fell asleep!"
I said nervously looking away
"Hey Ink!"
"Guess What time it issss!"
"I dunno time for you to get the f**k out of my room?"
"No silly!"
"Huh! Well I guess it's not my lucky day!"
"Shuuuuuuuuuush! It's time to clean your wounds!"
"!!! Nooooooo you'll never catch me alive!"
I said making a run for it
I know my house better that anyone else of course, so I knew exactly where to hide!
It was in the kitchen, under the sink, behind the trash, there was a little space for me to sit.
He's never gonna find me! He can't use his strings ether cuz I got no soul! Yaaaaassssss!

Le one hour temmie skip!

Ughhhhh I'm so hungry! I didn't even bring my brush so I can't escape trough a portal! Uuuuuughhhhhhhh
Do I really have to get out? I mean it has been an hour, sooooo I think I'm safe!
I got out of my hiding place and climbed the stovetop,
Why do I keep the cookies here again? Ahh yes so Blue doesn't get them! I opened the cabinet and grabbed the cookie jar re-closing the cabinet.
Without thinking I jumped of the stovetop.
There was a loud 'thud' and I heard footsteps approach me
I muttered as Error appeared in front of the door way.
"There you are Ink!"
He chirped summoning his strings and grabbing me
"Whyyyyyyyyyyyy I knew I shouldn't have left!"
I wined as Error walked up the stairs, in the bathroom.
"Here we are!"
"Oml (oh my lord) please save me!"
"Nu uh! You cut yourself now I gotta disinfect you!"
He said in a childish tone as he rolled down my sleeves
"Come on! They don't need disinfectant!"
I complained as Error un wrapped my bandages
"Jeeeeez how many are there!"
He asked looking up and down my arms
"A lot! Also stop starting!"

Le time skip cus I don't know how to make someone disinfecting another's arm interesting

"Ok you're done, go home!"
"Nu hu! No buts! Actually speaking of butts,.... get yours outa here!"
"That was so childish..."
"Look who's talking!"
"NO! Get out!"
Error literally dragged his body out of my house
"You can teleport you know!?"
I shouted at him, he groaned in response.
I giggled and closed the door. Finally I'm alone, now my plans!
I walked up to my room and closed the door, with Broomy I created a long TTTTTTHICK
(sorry I couldn't help it,...)
Rope and made a noose with it, I then hanged it from the ceiling.
I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing:

'Dear person that found this,
I'm sorry, so,so, sorry!
I just,... don't have the will to live anymore!
I shouldn't be able to die technically, but I think,.... no I hope! this will work,...
I'm so sorry for making you sad, just try to forget about me ok?
I'm sure this will make you stronger! You'll forget about me soon enough,...

Sincerely, Ink~<3'

I put the note in my pocket and grabbed a chair, putting it under the noose.
I looked outside the window before climbing the chair and putting the noose around my neck
"Goodbye you cruel cruel world"
I kicked the chair and expected to black out immediately,.... but I did it wrong.
Instead of breaking my neck it was chocking me.
I started clawing at the rope gasping and wheezing, trying to breath, trying to let some air in, my boney fingers started to bleed
But I kept clawing at it hoping that it would somehow loosen.

I started clawing at the rope gasping and wheezing, trying to breath, trying to let some air in, my boney fingers started to bleed But I kept clawing at it hoping that it would somehow loosen

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I was sobbing and trying to catch my breath.
Saliva was pouring out of my mouth as I had no time to swallow it
I was choking, I wanted to breath.


I don't wanna die anymore

Words: 939
Well another long one this is going down hill faaaaaast!

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