Chapter20: torture

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The votes too! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Osjsjdnqksihcgqnlsojwysbnx!ehem, back to the story! Also!

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The votes too! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Osjsjdnqksihcgqnlsojwysbnx!
ehem, back to the story! Also!

⚠️ Trigger warning! You have been warned ⚠️

Error POV:
I grumpily walked outside of the mall looking for the cheerful artist they was most likely going to rub his victory in my face, but I instantly froze when I saw the road covered in splotches of rainbow ink and pieces of glass. I knew those were Ink's vials so I was gonna go get them when, in corner of my eye socket, I saw a familiar scarf getting dragged away in an alleyway (oooooohhhhhh it rimes :3) .
I ran there instead and was greeted by a hooded figure, dragging away an unconscious Ink with a 2 inch needle stabbed in his neck. The hooded figure was a skeleton, but not Reaper as their hood was white and Reaper Hates- no despises that color
The mystery skele-boi looked at me- or at least I think he did, his eyes were covered, and said:
"With Ink gone, you'll be mine soon enough senpai~"
Then they vanished.
Oh shit,... Ink is in trouble! (No s**t Sherlock)

Ink POV:
I woke up in a dark room, I didn't feel anything, I hated it.
My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a cold breeze on my bones.
I was not wearing my normal clothes, instead, I was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts, monochrome, just like a familiar Oreo friend. I sighed when I noticed all my horrible tattoos and scares were showing.
I would have been panicking, key word being could. I couldn't feel anything.
I recalled my vials being thrown on the road, so that wasn't new, but what I was trying to understand was why I was here. Like the gods heard my thoughts, the heavy metal door creaked open reviling a hooded figure.
"I'm glad to see your awake hun~"
They said. Judging by their voice I would say they are male, and if they aren't? I don't give a s**t
"Oh great. I've been kidnaped. The joy. What do you want?"
I said coldly. I hate my voice. It's so void of emotions. It would make me sick.
"Oh! I want you dead! But I can't just do that, your a god, meaning your immortal."
"Get to the point."
"Your emotionless right now, meaning the only way to regain them you would, 1, need your vials back, or 2, feel one of the 2 strongest emotions, those being love and fear. I'm not here to give you love though, so I'm going to make you fear me so much, you'll go crazy and kill yourself. That might sound over dramatic, but those vials were only a fifth of what real emotions feel like. Plus, it's no fun to torture someone who doesn't feel emotions~"
The skeleton said.
"And how will you achieve that?"
"By threatening the ones you love."
He can't hurt them! They did nothing wrong!
"Oh yes! I'll bring your 'best friends' here and show you as I break every one of their bones, recording their screams so I can play them over and over in this room! I'll even leave Blues dust and Dreams shaking body right in front of you  as a reminder that your helpless and useless and no one would even notice if you suddenly disappeared!"
He said starting to laugh psychotically.
He can't do that, right?
I looked at him, fearing for my friends lives, he seemed to notice that. Oh boi.
"Give me a moment artist b***h! I have a surprise for you~!"
He said, skipping to the door and opening it again, despairing from my sight.
"Did he just- aghhhhhhh whatever."
I waited for 5 minuets before the door opened again reviling the same mystery guy from before, holding a chest half his size this time.
He chirped excitedly heading towards me.
"Oooohhhhhh a big chest filled with probably torture weapons! The joy, once again."
I said as he set the chest a few meters in front of me. Definitely out of my reach
"Right you are, "friend"!"
He said, opening the chest and grabbed several tiny daggers.
"Scream as loud as you want! No one will hear you anyway~"
He said, digging the knives in my wrists and ankles making me whimper in pain.
Did I mention I was chained to a wall? Well now I did.
He took out a chainsaw next, as soon as he turned it on I cringed at the loud sound wanting to block my ears but not being able to due to them being CHAINED TO THE DAMN WALL- ehem.
He then proceeded to saw four of my ribs off making me screech and whimper trying my best not to show weakness.
Needless to say, it wasn't working.
He brought out a sledgehammer next-... HOW THE HECK DID THE FIT IN THE CHEST!?
I was about to question that when he hit my chest with it. A sickening crack was heard. He hit again and again every time making me scream and flinch in pain as I felt my bones chip and crack away at the force of the hammer.
I thought he was done when he went away, when suddenly, he came back wearing gloves and a bucket.
It let out a chemical stench. I wanted to gag but then he poured the bucket on my arms and legs.
The liquid was acid. I screamed bloody murder as the acid burned and deformed my bones leaving an extremely thin layer before the marrow. I was sobbing uncontrollably now. He still wasn't done.
He brought a lot of needles, the sewing kind. One by one he stuck the needles in my shoulder blades making me flinch each and every time.  He brought an axe next, smashing it on top of my skull, causing a huge crack going down till my right eye.
"I'm almost done, don't worry!"
He said sounding innocent. But I knew he was the opposite of that.
He brought out scissors a sewing needle and thread.
He forced my mouth open and cut my tough of causing my ugly sobbing to intensify, he then sewed my mouth and left eye shut, causing me to lose consciousness, but before that I heard:
"There! I'm done,........... for now~"

Error POV:
After I saw Ink teleport away with the mystery psycho, I tried to track him down for hours to no use. I was about to give up when suddenly I heard a warping sound and a loud thud. I turned around to see a terribly disfigured skeleton... wait....

Words: 1111Omg, this was fun to write! My first torture scene ever so sorry if it's bad, but I messed Ink up so bad in the drawing he doesn't even look like Ink anymore! Jesus!I hope you like this chapter, it's pretty long! Bye my chillens! :3

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Words: 1111
Omg, this was fun to write! My first torture scene ever so sorry if it's bad, but I messed Ink up so bad in the drawing he doesn't even look like Ink anymore! Jesus!
I hope you like this chapter, it's pretty long! Bye my chillens! :3

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