Chapter16: ice creme? (And killmare!)

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Dream POV:
"Hey Dream?"
Nightmare called
"I'm gonna go to my crew k?"
"Hmm hm,... mind if I come?"
"Uhhhh ok? Why?"
"Well I've never really met your crew! I mean without fighting,..."
"Oh ummm sure,..."
Since we were already in Dreamtale, Nightmare grabbed my hand and led me to a huge dark purple mansion.
"Omg!? This is where you live!?"
Nightmare then slammed the door open
"UGHHHH! I'm already here..."
I looked in front of us and saw a skeleton, face on the hard, dark purple marble floor.
His clothing was very similar to sans's, but it was dulled and splattered with blood.
"Oh I'm sorr- well, errr stop being a drama king! It couldn't have been that bad!"
I immediately caught on to what was happening, due to my power and my brother's stuttering.
My brother never stutters.
Soon enough the rest of the crew came around.
"What is Killer doing on the ground?"
"Pshhh Nightmare slammed the door on him!I'm guessing he had his back facing the door,since he landed on his face"
"*siiiiiigh* so is Dream why were here?"
"Indeed he is, now introduce yourselves."
"Well I'm sure you know, but I'm Killer, you can call me Kills tho"
"I'm Er-"
"I know you you're Ink's boy!"
"Yeah he kinda declared you as his at the base, it was supposed to be for fighting, but I think he meant it the other way too."
The group, minus my bro Kills and Glitchy, as ink nicknamed him, started snickering, instead, Error was looking away, clearly embarrassed, with a yellow hue on his cheeks.
"Eeeyyyyyyyyy I WAS RIGHT! Anyone ship people?"
I monochrome skeleton with lots of 'X's on his clothing raised his hand
"Nice bro we gotta do something! You ship it too right?"
"My number 2 OTP"
"Whometh is your numero 1?"
"Oh totally Geno x Reaper"
"I know right Afterdeath is sooooooo perfect!"
"And Geno being a tsundere totally fits it!"
I got closer to the skeleton and got on my tippy toes, to whisper in his nonexistent ear
"Right on."
He whispered back
"3 OTP"
I got more excited, and decided to test him
"Scifell?" (I personally don't mind scifell but I don't ship it)
"What!? No way!"
"Thank god! That was a test! I much prefer Astronomy"
"Sci x outer?"
The skelly's eyes lit up as he stared to giggle rather loudly, then he screeched
"! How did I not think about that!?"
At this point everyone was staring at us in a rather curious manner
"How did you not think about what?"
Error asked
We said in sync
"And What ship is that?"
Cross then gasped over dramatically
"Sci x outer!"
"Ohhhh,..... OHHHHH!!!"

Cross POV
After me, Dream and eventually Error were done fan boying over ships I decided to introduce myself
"Well I'm Cross btw!"
"That makes sense"
'Ughhhhh stop fangirling!'
I heard Chara wine
'We already did! I love how he ships his brother with someone!"
'Would you ship him with someone?"
"What!? No way! Why would I do that!?"
I didn't realize I said that out loud until I noticed everyone stare at me like I was crazy
"What's so wrong with that!? You ship almost your hole crew! Like Nightmare with Kills,-"
My eyes widened when I heard the voice in the real world, I started stearin at the ghost who had materialized beside me.
"Dustbin (I stole that nickname from Sip_Da_Tea check em out!) with sugar hyper Blueberry,-"
I saw Dusts eye lights disappearing, before realizing the nickname given and them re appearing full of rage.
"Error with- i mean Dreamy said it all, with the artist,-"
Error crashed whilst Dream giggled
"You ship the masochist with the sadist- I mean that's an awesome ship, good job!"
Everyone nodded and hummed in agreement
"*sigh* Chara-"
"And you ship the nerd with the star dude, very weird but-"
Everyone stared at me including Chara.
"*sigh* Chara you're aware you just appeared in front of everyone and spoke out loud,....right?"
Chara looked down at himself then made an 'in this moment he knew he f**ked up' face then nervously looked at me before saying
"Heh,....he...he well I guess the ships are revealed?"
"I guess they are,..."

Words; 765
Ok ok! So I love this! And I know there isn't to much killmare because I was focusing more on cream, but I adore how everyone loves Afterdeath! XD it's hilarious 😆!
Also CC was introduced! Or rather Cross Chara, I just call her Chara here tho.
Also also I HAD to make this, as sorry for not having a pic for the actual chapter:

Anyway expect more delays cuz I got school! (Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

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Anyway expect more delays cuz I got school! (Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...)

Goodbye mon Cherie (my darling)
Sorry I had French, :3
Bye my chillens!

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