Chapter Three: part one

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Max and Mari were singing and dancing in El's room as the latter flipped through magazines. Mari noticed a certain person on one of the pages.

"El, Ralph Macchio is the best choice to have a celebrity crush on." she said, sitting on the bed.


"Yeah, he's the Karate Kid." she explained.

"Hia-ya!" Max shouted. El jumped as Max did a hand chopping motion.

"He's so hot right? I bet he's a great kisser too." Mari said dreamily.

"Is Mike a good kisser?" Max asked.

"I don't know," El shrugged, "He's my first boyfriend."


El looked down sadly but Max and Mari put their hand on her shoulders.

"Don't worry about it. Soon enough, they'll be coming back, crawling for forgiveness. I guarantee you, him and Lucas are wallowing in self-pity and misery right now."

"They're like, 'oh, I hope they take us back!'" Mari impersonated.

They all giggled.

"God, what I would give to see their stupid faces." Max said.

Eleven gave Max a knowing look and Mari scrunched her eyebrows, "What does that look mean?"

Max and El quickly turned the music off and turned it to static. El pulled a blindfold out of her drawer and put it over her eyes.

"Is she about to use her powers?" Max whispered as they quietly sat down on the bed.

Max nodded, "I'll explain how it works later."

"Holy shit, this is insane." Mari said.

"Mari." El scolded.

"Quiet. Sorry."

El focused for a few seconds, "I see them."

"The guys?" Mari questioned as she sat down on the floor next to her. Eleven nodded and continued doing what she was doing.

"What are they doing?" Max asked.


Mari scoffed, "Typical."

"They say we are a species. Emotion, not logic."

"What?!" Max and Mari exclaimed. El suddenly ripped the blindfold off and started to laugh.

"What happened?" Max asked. El fell to the ground laughing as they joined her. They sat up when a car pulled in outside. They quickly got some magazines and laid on their stomachs together.

Mari heard hollering right before the door was open and saw the Chief.


Mari assumed that she wasn't supposed to know about El so she thought he would yell at her. But his expression actually softened when he saw Max and Mari.

"Do you knock? Jeez!" Max complained.

"Yeah. Jeez!" El copied.

"Oh, hey. I'm sorry. I thought that-"

"Mike's not here."

"Max and Mari wanted to have..a sleepover. Is that okay?" El asked.

"Yeah. Yeah. Do your parents know about it?"

They both nodded.

"That's cool. That's really cool."

Max noticed that he was slurring his words and holding a bottle of alcohol under his jacket.

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